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ESPON 2013 Programme: Regional Offices Meeting in Brussels

This meeting discusses the structure and intervention of the ESPON Programme, including its mission, budget, and program priorities. It also highlights the use of ESPON results by regions and its role in the Structural Funds.

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ESPON 2013 Programme: Regional Offices Meeting in Brussels

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  1. Meeting Regional Offices, DG Regio 18 November 2009 in Bruxelles The ESPON Programme Peter Mehlbye

  2. Structure of Intervention ESPON current 2013 Programme: • Mission and budget • Programme priorities and progress Selective examples of ESPON results: • Major challenges with territorial dimension • Concentration, connectivity and cooperation Concluding reflections • Regions of Europe in a larger territorial context • Use of ESPON results by regions

  3. The ESPON 2013 Programme Role in Structural Funds 2007-2013: • Support policy development with evidence on European territorial structures, trends, perspectives and policy impacts Mission: • Provide comparable information on territorial dynamics that can reveal territorial capital and potentials Budget 2007-13: • 47 mill Euro, • 34 mill. Euro from the European Commission • 13 mill. Euro from 31 countries participating (EU 27 plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) Programme structure: • 5 Programme priorities

  4. P 1 - Applied Research: First 6 Themes • Cities and Urban Agglomerations/Functionality and development opportunities for European competitiveness and cohesion (FOCI) • Development Opportunities in different types of Rural Areas (EDORA) • Demography and Migratory Flows affecting European regions and cities (DEMIFER) • Effects of Rising Energy Prices on Regional Competitiveness (RERISK) • Territorial Impact Assessment of Policies (TIP TAP) • Climate Change and Territorial Effects on regions and local economies (CLIMATE)

  5. P1 - Applied Research: 11 new Themes • Attractiveness of European regions and cities for residents and visitors • European patterns of land use • Territorial cooperation in transnational areas and across internal/external borders • Accessibility at regional/local scale and patterns in Europe • Secondary growth poles in territorial development • European perspective on specific types of territories • Territorial dimension of innovation and knowledge economy • Continental territorial structures and flows (globalisation) • Services of General Interest • European Seas in Territorial Development • Territorial and Regional sensitivity of EU Directives

  6. P 2 – Targeted Analyses: Use of ESPON results • The Case for Agglomeration Economies in Europe/CAEE (Manchester, Barcelona, Dublin and Lyon) • The Development of the Islands – European Islands and Cohesion Policy/EUROISLANDS (Ministry of Economy and Finance, GR plus 9 stakeholders) • Cross-Border Polycentric Metropolitan Regions/MetroBorder (Ministries in CH, LU, BE, DE and FR) • Success for Convergence Regions’ Economies/SURE (Campania Region plus regions in PO, ES and GR) • Spatial Scenarios: New Tools for Local-Regional Territories/SS-LR (Regions of Barcelona, Torino and Herault) • Territorial Diversity/TeDi(Ministries in NO, FI, CH, CY, MT, RO and SE)

  7. P 2 - Targeted Analysis : Next projects • Potential of Rural Regions/PURR (Notodden municipality, Cesis District, North Yorkshire county and Wales) • Transnational Support Method for European Cooperation/ TranSMEC (North West Europe programme) • 10 new projects based on ideas from stakeholders (More than 25 ideas presented, after selection, open call for expertise in September 2010)

  8. P 3 - Scientific Platform Projects ongoing or underway: • ESPON 2013 Database • Typology Compilation • ESPON Hyperatlas (update) • ESPON DataNavigator (update) • ESPON Mapmaker • ESPON Map Finder • Territorial trend analyses based on updates of existing data and maps • Territorial Indicators/Indices (new project)

  9. P 4 - Capitalisation • ESPON Website (including Map of the Month) • Territorial Observations • First Synthesis Report in November 2010 • First Scientific Report in September 2010 • ESPON Stakeholder Conference on Targeted Analyses in Bruxelles, September/October 2010 • Open ESPON Seminar in Alcala, Spain on 2-3 June 2010 • Transnational Networking Activities by the ESPON Contact Point Network (up to 7 project for decision in December 2009)

  10. Progress envisaged by late spring 2010 • 17 Applied Research projects ongoing • 8 Targeted Analysis ongoing • 10 Stakeholder Ideas ready as Project Specifications for open call for proposals in September 2010 • 2 (of 3) major Scientific Platform projects running • 5 Scientific Tools under development • 5 Territorial trend analyses (map updates) ready • (Up to) 7 Transnational Networking Activities (ECP) • 2nd screening among Stakeholders on themes for further Applied Research projects ongoing

  11. Examples of results of ESPON results: • Major challenges with territorial dimension • Concentration, connection and cooperation

  12. Territorial imbalances in 2000

  13. Economic development and current recession: Recovery and social impact, accelerating globalisation and new markets, technological innovation, regional diversity Climate change: Mitigation and adaptation, CO2 reduction, new hazard patterns and new territorial opportunities Demographic changes: Ageing of the population and migration pressure Energy challenge: Security of supply, alternative energy sources, development of energy prices Transport increase: Accessibility, saturation of EU-corridors, more environmentally friendly solutions Geographic integration: Further EU enlargements and integration of new territories, their regions and cities Major challenges with territorial impact

  14. Demographic scenario: Population ageing 2030

  15. Europe and its neighbourhood towards 2030

  16. Main places driving the European territory • Concentration (Pentagon) • Signs of de-concentration • Urban places drivers of economy • Functionality the key for success

  17. Economic Lisbon indicators • Regional diversity of potential contribution • 7 out of 14 Lisbon indicators: • (1) GDP/capita, • (2) GDP/employed person, • (3) Employment rate, • (4) Employment rate of older workers, • (5) Gross domestic expenditure on R&D • (6) Dispersion of regional (un)employment rates • (7) Long-term unemployment rate.

  18. Potential Multimodal Accessibility 2006 Index (EU27=100)

  19. Potential Road Accessibility 2006 Index (EU27=100)

  20. Potential Rail Accessibility 2006 Index (EU27=100)

  21. Potential Air Accessibility 2006 Index (EU27=100)

  22. Potential Air Accessibility 2001-2006 EU27 = 7.8% Relative change (in %)

  23. Aggregated natural and technological hazards

  24. Natural Hazards Winter & tropical storms • Southern Europe: Forest fires and drought hazards • Western and Northern Europe: Winter storms, storm surges and floods • Climate change: Affects frequency, intensity and coverage Flood recurrence Precipitation deficit Forest fires

  25. Share of World population by state (1950-2000)

  26. Share of World GDP pps by state (1950-2000)

  27. Concluding reflections: • Regions of Europe in a larger territorial context • Regions use of ESPON results in regional policy/strategy/implementing SF Programmes

  28. More information Thank you for your attention! www.espon.eu

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