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My Mobility Project: Real or Dreamed" Student Essay & Photo Competition

Student competition showcasing experiences of mobility projects, capturing the essence of travel and personal growth. Explore intercultural dialogues and aspirations through captivating essays and photographs. Join now!

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My Mobility Project: Real or Dreamed" Student Essay & Photo Competition

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  1. “My Mobility Project. Real … or Dreamed” STUDENTS ESSAY AND PHOTO COMPETITION Tania Todorova, PhD Assist. Prof. Project Coordinator

  2. “Моят проект по мобилност. Преживян... или мечтан” СТУДЕНТСКИ ФОТОКОНКУРС И КОНКУРС ЗА ЕСЕ “My Mobility Project. Real … or Dreamed” STUDENTS ESSAY AND PHOTO COMPETITION COMPETITION JURY: Assoc. prof. Ivanka Yankova PhD. – President of Association of university libraries, Lecturer in State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies Ms Irena Sleglova – Director of Central Library of Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czesh Republic Prof. Dr. Habil. Stoyan Denchev – Rector of State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies Prof. Dr. Habil. Alexander Fedotoff – Director of CELC, Director of Korean Studies Center at Sofia University

  3. “How is happened Erazmus?: Knowledge, good planning and tracks from our dreams…”“Как се случва Еразъм?: Знания, добро планиране и следи от мечтитени...”Tzvetan Georgiev, Burgas Free University

  4. “Road, wisdom and hope”“Път, мъдрост и надежда”Yulii Barzov (Burgas Free University)

  5. “Programes for interuniversity exchange are invaluable possibility for every young, ambitious and searching person”“Програмите за междууниверситетски обмен са безценна възможност за всеки млад, амбициозен и търсещ преживявания човек”Yanka Georgieva(UNWE, Bulgaria, Now: Economic University, Vienna, Austria)

  6. “The Erasmus time was the best time of my life !”Author: Barbora Vícenová Comenius University,Bratislava, Slovakia

  7. I made all this photos in Thessaloniki, Greece, when I was for one semester like Erasmus student.I just wanted to picture the greek atmosphere and my feelings of happiness.The Erasmus time was the best time of my life !

  8. “Student in England!”Marieta Stefanova(University of National and World Economy)

  9. “Netherlands, Vageningen and the University”Radostina Kazakova (Agrarian University, Plovdiv)

  10. “The most beautiful river in France – Erdre!” (My mobility project in Nant)Svetlina Aleksandrova(Trakia University, Stara Zagora)

  11. “Students without barriers”Iva Georgieva(State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia)

  12. “The Spirit of ERAZMUS”Svetlana Stankova(Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”)

  13. “No matter how different we are in our origin and culture,we take in similar way the beauty and possibility to delight it”

  14. Междукултурният диалог е обречен на успех, така както емоциите и настроенията от тези снимки са присъщи за всички хора по земята и ние всички живеем с тях...“Intercultural dialogue is doomed to success”Evelin Dobrev(Burgas Free University) Всеки е искал и мечтал  да намери своя собствен път и когато го намери, да не го изпуска.... Everyone has wanted and dreamed to find his own way and when find it, not to miss it… Правилният път за успех е самият път, по който всеки ден вървим.... The right way to success is the way which we everyday walk on…

  15. Успехът те чака, трябва само да се появиш на сцената му...The success wait for you, you have only to appear on his stage… Човек има нужда понякога прожекторите и хорското внимание да са насочени към него, защото имаме какво да кажем на другите... Person sometimes need the searchlights and people`s attention because we have what to say to the others…

  16. И все пак, то се върти...And still it is turning… Снимката се посвещава на Джордано Бруно, един от първите европейци разбрал, че Земята и Слънцето се въртят... Колкото и земни да са нашите желания и премеждия, на тях винаги има кой да е свидетел - Слънцето. The picture is devoted to Giordano Bruno, one of first Eurpoeans who has understood that the Earth and Sun turns… As much earth are our desires and misadventures always is somebody who see them – this is the Sun.

  17. I lived the unforgettableAuthor: Anna Goral Institute of Information and Library Science Faculty of Management and Social Communication Jagiellonian University Cracow, Poland There are some days that we think that the world is smiling to us without any reason, that we don’t need any plans because nothing better can happen to us. And all our anticipations are being left in a distance… That is how I felt at 25th January 2008 when I was leaving a small town in middle Wales – Aberystwyth where I have spent un unforgettable eight months of my life during the exchange programmes I did. That feeling was connected also with the other one, the great sadness that the adventure is finished and it is time to come back to the reality and to leave that little world of Aberystwyth only in memories… I realize that my mobility never finish…..

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