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Unit 1 Level F. coalition. Noun Definition: a combination, union, or merger for some specific purpose. Synonyms: alliance, league, federation, combine Antonym: splinter group
coalition • Noun • Definition: a combination, union, or merger for some specific purpose. • Synonyms: alliance, league, federation, combine • Antonym: splinter group • Sentence: The various community organizations formed a coalition to lobby against parking laws; this alliance helped to keep the new laws from passing.
decadence Noun Definition: decline, decay or deterioration; a condition or period of decline or decay; excessive self-indulgence Synonyms: degeneration, corruption Antonyms: rise, growth, maturation Sentence: Some viewed her love of chocolate as decadence because she ate two candy bars a day; however, this self-indulgence never caused her to gain weight.
Elicit • Verb • Definition: to draw forth, bring out from some source • Synonyms: evoke, extract, educe • Antonyms: repress, quash, squelch, stifle • My attempt to elicit information over the phone was met with a barrage of irrelevant recordings; I had to wait for ten minutes to extract the information from a real person.
hiatus • Noun • Definition: a gap, opening, break (in the sense of having an element missing) • Synonyms: pause • Antonyms: continuity, continuation • She will be on hiatus until October 13th; this vacation was unscheduled, but she does deserve it.
innuendo • Noun • Definition: a hint, indirect suggestion, or reference (often in a derogatory sense) • Synonyms: insinuation, intimation • Antonyms: direct statement • She was carefully spreading innuendos about her opponent’s lack of education: she hoped these hints would help her win the election.
intercede Verb Definition: to plead on behalf of someone else; to serve as a third party or go-between in a disagreement Synonyms: intervene, mediate The referee had to intercede in the dispute between the two players, and soon the game was proceeding again as if he had not acted as a go-between.
jaded • Adjective • Definition: wearied, worn-out, dulled (in the sense of being satiated by excessive indulgence) • Synonyms: sated, apathetic, bored • Antonyms: unspoiled, fresh • She became jaded to the luxuries in life after so many years of living with money; she was wearied by the years of indulgence she had lived.
meritorious • Adjective • Definition: worthy, deserving recognition and praise • Synonyms: praiseworthy, laudable, commendable • Antonyms: dishonorable, unworthy, discreditable • She was repeatedly honored for her meritorious work with the victims of the disaster, but she never thought of the work as praiseworthy but simply as her duty as a member of society.
provincial • Adjective • Definition: pertaining to an outlying area; local; narrow in mind or outlook, countrified; backward; of a simple plain design that originated in the countryside • Noun • A person with a narrow point of view; a person from an outlying area; a soldier from a province or colony • Synonyms: (adj) narrow-minded, naïve • Antonyms: (adj) cosmopolitan, broad-minded • The banjo, once thought to be a provincial product of the Southern hills, actually came here from Africa; it is a misconception that it is thought of as countrified.
simulate • Verb • Definition: to make a pretense of, imitate; to show the outer signs of • Synonyms: feign, pretend, affect • Military training exercises are used to simulate actual warfare; these imitations are for the purpose of readying the unseasoned soldiers for warfare.
Transcend • Verb • Definition: to rise above or beyond; exceed • Synonyms: surpass, upstage, outclass • A great work of art may be said to transcend time, and it is remembered beyond the life of the artist and for decades or even centuries. Vincent Van Gogh “Self-Protrait” 1888