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Break & Activity

Break & Activity. Connecting with Boys Chapter 6. Connecting with Boys. Learn about THEIR Culture Then ask - How can I change my methods to connect: Culturally? Personally?. Connecting with Boys. QLC: Question-Learn-Change How can our ministry change to connect corporately?.

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Break & Activity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Break&Activity

  2. ConnectingwithBoysChapter 6

  3. Connecting with Boys Learn about THEIR Culture Then ask - How can I change my methods to connect: Culturally? Personally?

  4. Connecting with Boys QLC: Question-Learn-Change How can our ministry change to connect corporately?

  5. Connecting with Boys Understand the Age Group Find the Age Group Chart Locate age group Mark top 3 characteristics that affect your meetings You have 3 minutes GO!

  6. Connecting with Boys How can you use the boys’ characteristics to your ADVANTAGE? How does understanding boys’ characteristics help avoid problems?

  7. Connecting with Boys • Seven Components of an Effective Discipline System • Dealing with Problem Behavior

  8. AFightingChance(Play)

  9. A Fighting Chance • What is the main point? • How did the teacher connect?

  10. Connecting with Boys • Specific Guidelines • Case Study Review & Report • Gather into small groups • Review your case study & • complete the worksheet • You have 3 minutes • GO!

  11. Connecting with Boys Outpost Discipline Policy • Know & FOLLOW Policy • No Policy? Help Create one • Involve your Chain of Command • Refer to “Preventing … Abuse” • RR National Office does not condone • the use of corporal punishment in • the context of Royal Rangers

  12. Connecting with Boys Closing Thoughts • Growing Boys by Shaping Lives • Discipline is part of Mentoring • Too much - Lose Relationship • Too little - Lose Authority & Credibility

  13. ConnectingwithBoysQ&A / Discussion

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