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Termite Project

Termite Project. Mrs. Lang Biology – 6 th period. Background Research. Look at your list of observations and questions you wrote Friday Research with the goal to answer some of your questions, start with the “big” ones Go to langscience.com for links

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Termite Project

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  1. Termite Project Mrs. Lang Biology – 6th period

  2. Background Research • Look at your list of observations and questions you wrote Friday • Research with the goal to answer some of your questions, start with the “big” ones • Go to langscience.com for links • Skim through several sites…pick 3 that seem the most helpful, not necessarily the first 3

  3. Annotated Bibliography (3) • Read the information on the site you chose • For each write (in a google doc): • Citation (use easybib or noodletools to generate) • Summarize the information you learned. Your own words. Don’t cut and paste. Write a good solid paragraph or more. • Share the google doc with Mrs. Lang by class time on Wed. (make sure to name your file “termite background your last name”

  4. Annotated Bibliography Example Lamott, Anne. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. New York: Anchor Books, 1995. Print. Lamott'sbook offers honest advice on the nature of a writing life, complete with its insecurities and failures. Taking a humorous approach to the realities of being a writer, the chapters in Lamott's book are wry and anecdotal and offer advice on everything from plot development to jealousy, from perfectionism to struggling with one's own internal critic. In the process, Lamott includes writing exercises designed to be both productive and fun. Lamott offers sane advice for those struggling with the anxieties of writing, but her main project seems to be offering the reader a reality check regarding writing, publishing, and struggling with one's own imperfect humanity in the process. Rather than a practical handbook to producing and/or publishing, this text is indispensable because of its honest perspective, its down-to-earth humor, and its encouraging approach

  5. Next parts…. • Needs to help answer question • Variables: What changes • Want to limit # (keep rest constant) • independent- • dependent- • Control group • Data: • Quantitative – • Qualitative -

  6. Practice… Sponge Bob notices that his pal Gary is suffering from slimotosis, which occurs when the shell develops a nasty slime and gives off a terrible odor. His friend Patrick tells him that rubbing seaweed on the shell is the perfect cure, while Sandy says that drinking Dr. Kelp will be a better cure. Sponge Bob decides to test this cure by rubbing Gary’s shell with seaweed for 1 week and having him drink Dr. Kelp. After a week of treatment, the slime is gone and Gary smells better. What is the initial observation? What is the independent variable? Dependent? What should Sponge Bob conclude?

  7. Another one… Mr. Krabbs wants to make Bikini Bottom a nicer place to live. He has created a new sauce that he thinks will reduce the production of body gas associated with eating crabby patties from the KrustyKrab. He recruits 100 customers with a history of gas problems. He has 50 of them (Group A) eat crabby patties with the new sauce. The other 50 (Group B) eat crabby patties with sauce that looks just like new sauce but is really just mixture of mayonnaise and food coloring. Both groups were told that they were getting the sauce that would reduce gas production. Two hours after eating the crabby patties, 30 customers in group A reported having fewer gas problems and 8 customers in group B reported having fewer gas problems. Which people are in the control group? What is the independent variable? Dependent? What should Mr. Krab’s conclude? Why do you think 8 people in group B reported feeling better?

  8. One more… Homer notices that his shower is covered in a strange green slime. His friend Barney tells him that coconut juice will get rid of the green slime. Homer decides to check this out by spraying half of the shower with coconut juice. He sprays the other half of the shower with water. After 3 days of "treatment" there is no change in the appearance of the green slime on either side of the shower. What was the initial observation? Control Group? Independent Variable Dependent Variable What should Homer's conclusion be?

  9. Hypothesis • Use your background research • Ties your question and experiment together • Should involve your independent variable • If , then, (what you are changing) (what will happen) because. (why)

  10. Today… • Develop your experiment • Remember this can change while you are doing the experiment, it is not written in stone • Think about what kind of data you can/will collect • Write out all the items in the design the experiment section of the tip sheet – one per group • Rewrite your question if necessary • Make sure your experiment is meant to answer the question • Write your hypothesis • Create your data table

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