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TR in Latin America. TR proclaims U.S. has a right to intervene in Latin America by using “international police power”. “international police power”: U.S. could force Latin Americans to pay their debts to foreign nations & would keep those nations from meddling in Latin American affairs
TR in Latin America • TR proclaims U.S. has a right to intervene in Latin America by using “international police power” • “international police power”: U.S. could force Latin Americans to pay their debts to foreign nations & would keep those nations from meddling in Latin American affairs • - To preserve law & order • - Presidents continued to use this Roosevelt Corollaryto intervene in Latin America
Dollar Diplomacy • Taft follows TR & also supported a large U.S. role in Latin America • “Substitute dollars for bullets” – he urged U.S. bankers to invest in Latin America • Dollar diplomacy: building strong economic ties to Latin America to gain control & input • U.S. investors responded eagerly
Dollar Diplomacy • Pros • Built roads, R&R’s, harbors • = increased trade for U.S. & local countries • Cons • U.S. companies meddled in the political affairs of host counties • U.S. used military force to keep order (the bully?) • 1912 – revolution erupts in Nicaragua & the U.S. sent in marines to protect U.S. investments before the people
Moral Diplomacy • Wilson follows Taft but DID NOT support a large U.S. role in Latin America • “The force of America is the force of moral principle”
Moral Diplomacy: The responsibility to condemn imperialism, spread democracy & promote peace • What do you think TR would say to this!? • Ironically, Wilson orders military intervention in LA more than any prior president • Marines to Haiti & Dominican Republic to “enforce peace” until the 1930s!
Revolution in Mexico • Constant turnover of leaders who would promise democratic reform & then dictate their people • Constant civil war • Newest dictator was Victoriano Huerta
Revolution in Mexico • Wilson tried to stay neutral & hoped Mexico would develop a democratic government without U.S. interference • Do you think this was a legitimate theory? • Do you think he was afraid? • Stigma against the Mexican people? • ”Government of butchers” • Except things got worse & more brutal
Finally…U.S. Intervenes • 1914 Mexican troops arrest several U.S. sailors for getting involved in a local Mexican dispute • Wilson orders the U.S. Navy to occupy the Mexican port of Veracruz • Since we are against Huerta, we are in effect in support of his rival; Venustiano Carranza • Problem: he’s also an intense dictator! • We had lost sight of protection of the people & were hungry for control
War General Francisco “Pancho” Villa wanted to intervene & take out Carranza to protect the Mexican people • Problem: we support Carranza • Spring 1916 – Villa’s soldiers removed 17 U.S. citizens from a train in Mexico & shot them • Summer 1916 – Villa raids a town in New Mexico & killed 18 Americans
The Reaction • Wilson sends General John J. Pershing with an army of several thousands of soldiers into Mexico to capture Villa • 11 months went by without capture & Wilson ordered Pershing to withdraw but our relationship with Mexico was HEAVILY strained
The Result • U.S. troops & civilians start to realize that America’s role in world affairs had dramatically changed over the years • 1.) U.S. now had stations, troops & ships in Asia & Latin America • 2.) Business interests spanned the globe Now it was off to attempt to conquer more territory in Europe