1. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 1
2. Main Point 1 First, we introduced the driven LCR circuit by adding a generator which serves to eliminate the resistive damping by sustaining voltage and current oscillations at the driving frequency of the generator. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 2
3. Main Point 2 Second, we introduced phasors, a graphical representation of the voltages and phases in the circuit that allows us to efficiently solve for the maximum current and the phase between the driving voltage and the current in the one loop circuit. In particular, we represent the maximum voltage across each element as a vector that rotates counterclockwise at the driving frequency with fixed relative phases as shown. Both the phase between the driving voltage and the current, f, and the maximum value of the current, Im, can then be obtained from the impedance triangle as shown. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 3
4. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 4 Resistors
5. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 5 Capacitors
6. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 6
7. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 7 Inductors
8. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 8
9. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 9 RL ACT
10. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 10
11. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 11
12. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 12
13. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 13
14. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 14
15. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 15
16. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 16
17. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 17
18. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 18
19. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 19
20. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 20
21. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 21
22. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 22
23. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 23
24. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 24
25. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 25 Calculation The purpose of this Check is to jog the students minds back to when they studied work and potential energy in their intro mechanics class.The purpose of this Check is to jog the students minds back to when they studied work and potential energy in their intro mechanics class.
26. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 26
27. Physics 212 Lecture 20, Slide 27