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What Candidates for Confirmation must know

What Candidates for Confirmation must know. Review of Part Five: The Holy Spirit and Confirmation. Part Five: The Holy Spirit and Confirmation. Get your Bible and read the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 2. Click your mouse for the answers.

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What Candidates for Confirmation must know

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  1. What Candidates for Confirmation must know Review of Part Five: The Holy Spirit and Confirmation

  2. Part Five: The Holy Spirit and Confirmation Get your Bible and read the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 2. Click your mouse for the answers • What did the Apostles start doing after the Pentecost Event? • Why was the gift of the Holy Spirit given to them? • How is what happened to the Apostles at Pentecost related to what happens to us through the Sacrament of Confirmation? • List the four (4) effects of the Sacrament of Confirmation? They began preaching to others that Jesus is the Son of God and Savior of the world. So they would have courage to give WITNESS to their faith in Christ. The Holy Spirit comes to us so that we will have the courage to give witness to our faith in Christ by what we say and do. • We receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit • We are bound more closely to the Church • We are given the courage to give witness to our faith in Christ • The Holy Spirit comes to us in a special way

  3. Part Five: The Holy Spirit and Confirmation Click your mouse for the answer • List the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. • What are the three (3) conditions a Catholic must meet in order to be Confirmed? • Piety: The desire to be holy. • Understanding: The ability to grasp our purpose in life, which is to know, love, and serve God. • Fortitude: The courage to live by the Gospel despite difficulties • Fear of the Lord: Show God the reverence that is due Him • Counsel: Divine guidance, the help of God in forming judgments • Wisdom: The knowledge of divine things • Knowledge: The information we need for judging human affairs • One must study the Catholic Faith • Be prepared to give WITNESS FOR CHRIST • Be in a state of grace

  4. Part Five: The Holy Spirit and Confirmation Click your mouse for the answer • When a person is Confirmed what are the two gestures that the bishop or priest makes to confer the sacrament? • What two phrases are said to the person being Confirmed? • The bishop/priest extends his hands over the candidate and • prays that they receive the Holy Spirit • He then anoints the candidate’s head with the oil of chrism • “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit” • “Peace be with you.”

  5. Part Five: The Holy Spirit and ConfirmationHow Did You Do? • “I got all of them correct!” • “I got 7 out of 8 of the questions correct!” • “I got 6 out of 8 of the questions correct!” • If you answered 5 or less correctly… Congratulations! You are ready to move on to Part Six: The Seven Sacraments. Very good! Review the answers to the questions you missed and then to move on to Part Six: The Seven Sacraments. Good. Study the answers to the questions you missed closely and then move on to Part Six: The Seven Sacraments. Study and try again!

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