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PARTIALLY SUPERVISED CLASSIFICATION OF TEXT DOCUMENTS. authors: B. Liu, W.S. Lee, P.S. Yu, X. Li presented by Rafal Ladysz. WHAT IT IS ABOUT. the paper shows: document classification one class of positively labeled documents accompanied by a set of unlabeled, mixed documents
PARTIALLY SUPERVISED CLASSIFICATION OF TEXT DOCUMENTS authors: B. Liu, W.S. Lee, P.S. Yu, X. Li presented by Rafal Ladysz
WHAT IT IS ABOUT • the paper shows: • document classification • one class of positively labeled documents • accompanied by a set of unlabeled, mixed documents • the above enables to build accurate classifiers • using EM algorithm based on NB classification • strengthening the EM by so called “spy documents” • experimental results for illustration • we will browse through the paper and • emphasize/refresh some of its theoretical aspects • try to understand the methods described • look at results obtained and interpret them
AGENDA (informally) • problem described • document classification • PSC - general assumptions • PSC - some theory • Bayes basics • EM in general • I- EM algorithm • introducing spies • I-S-EM algorithm • selecting classifier • experimental data • results and conclusions • references
KEY PROBLEM – a big picture • no labeled negative training data (text documents) • only a (small) set of relevant (positive) documents • necessity to classify unlabeled text documents • importance: • finding relevant text on the web • or digital libraries
DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION – some techniques used • kNN (Nearest Neighbors) • Linear Least Squares Fit • SVM • Naive Bayes: utilized here
PARTIALLY SUPERVISED CLASSIFICATION (PSC) – theoretical foundations fixed distributionD over space X x Y, where Y = {0, 1} X, Y: sets of possible documents, classes (positive and negative), respectively ”example” is a labeled document two sets of documents: labeled as positiveP of size n1 drawn from DX|Y=1 unlabeledM of size n2 drawn indep. from X for DX remark: there might be some relevant documents in M(but we don’t know about their existence!)
PSC cont. • PrD[A]: A X x Y chosen randomlyaccordingto D • T: a finite sample being a subset of our dataset • PrT[A]: A T X x Y chosen randomly • learning algorithm: deals with F, a class of functions and selects a function f from F: F: X {0, 1}to be used by classifier • probability oferror: Pr[f(X) Y] = Pr[(f(X) = 1) (Y = 0)] + Pr[(f(X) = 0) (Y = 1)] • sum of “false positive” and “false negative” cases
PSC: approximations (1) • after transforming expression for probability of error: Pr[f(X) Y] = =Pr[f(X) = 1] -Pr[Y = 1] + 2Pr[f(X) = 0|Y = 1]Pr[Y = 1] • notice: Pr[Y = 1] = const (no changes of criteria) • approximation 1: keepingPr[f(X) = 0|Y = 1]small: learning errorPr[f(X) = 1]-Pr[Y = 1] = = Pr[f(X) = 1] – const minimizingPr[f(X) = 1]
PSC: approximations (2) • error: Pr[f(X) Y] = =Pr[f(X) = 1] -Pr[Y = 1] + 2Pr[f(X) = 0|Y = 1]Pr[Y = 1] • approximation 2: keeping Pr[f(X) = 0|Y = 1]small ANDminimizingPr[f(X) = 1 minimizingPrM[f(X) = 1]) (assumption: most irrelevant) ANDkeepingPrP(ositive)[f(X) = 1]) r where r is a recall: (relevant retrieved) / (all relevant) for large enoughsets P(positive) and M (unlabeled)
CONSTRAINT OPTIMIZATION • simply summarizing what has just been said: a good learning results are achievable if: • the learning algorithm minimizes the number of unlabeled examples labeled as positive • the constrain that fraction of errors on the positive examples 1 – recall (declared upfront) is satisfied
COMPLEXITY FUNCTION (CF) • VC-dim: complexity measure of F (class of f.) • meaning: cardinality of the largest sample set T T X such that |F|T| = 2|T| thus the larger T, the more functions F (class of f.); conversely, the higher VC-dim, the more f. in F • Naive Bayes: VC-dim 2m + 1 where m is the cardinalityclassifier’sof vocabulary
CF – two cases • no noise: ftF (X, Y)D: Y = ft(X)(“perfect” f.) it can be shown that selecting f^ F which minimizes i= 1n2f(Xi)|M AND with total recall on set of positives (P) results in a function with small expected error • noise: Y may or may not equal ft(X) • F may or may not contain the target function f • labels are noisy • specifying target expected recall required
CF in noise – modus operandi • learning algorithm tries to output f^ F such that: • E[recall(f^)] r (that’s why recall is required) • E[precision(f^)] best available for fF recall(f) r • how the algorithm achieves that • selecting a set of positives examples from DX|Y=1 and unlabeled examples from D|X • searches a function f which minimizes i=1n2 f(Zi) operating on unlabeled examples • under constrain: errors fraction on positives 1 - r
PROBABILITY vs. LIKELIHOOD • in the Webster dictionary: apparently synonims • from probabilistic point of view: • {si}: some collectively exclusive states of nature • assuming the prior probabilities P(si) are known • observing experimental outcomes {oj}: more info • suppose that oj si: P(oj|si) is known • it is the likelihood of the outcome oj given state si • Bayes theor. combines prior probab. with likelihood • and determines posterior probability for each si • likelihood: probability of observed experimental outcome
NAIVE BAYES in general • formally, Bayes’ theorem can be formulated P(Si|Oj) = P(Oj|Si)P(Si) / (k=1n P(Oj|Sk)P(Sk)) and is called Inverse Probability Law • NB model assumptions • words randomly selected from lexicon, with replacement • words’ independence (words as components of a feature vector) • even though simplistic works pretty well • NB together with EM will be emplloyed here
NB-basedtext classification - formalism • D: training set of • documents as ordered list of words wt • V = <w1, w2, ..., w|V|>: vocabulary used • wd i,k is a word V in position k of doc. di • C = {c1, c2, ...,c|C|}: predif. classes, here: c1, c2 • Pr[cj|di]: posterior probab needed • total p.: Pr[cj] = iPr[cj|di] / |D| (indeed: Pr[di]1/|D|) • in NB model:class with the highest Pr[cj|di] is assigned to the document
ITERATIVE EXPECTATION-MAXIMIZATION ALGORITHM (I-EM): a concept • a general method of estimating max. likelihood • of an underlying distribution’s parameters • when the data is incomplete • two main applications of the EM algorithm: • when the data has missing values due to problems with the observation process • when optimizing the likelihood function is: • analytically hard • but the likelihood function can be simplified by assuming values for additional, hidden parameters
I-EM -mathematically • (i+1) =argmax zP(Z=z|x,(i))L(x,Z=z|) where: x is an observable, Z represents all hidden (unknown, missing) data, stands for all (sought after) parameters • problem: determine parameter on the base of observations y only, • i.e. without knowledge of complete data set x • solution: exploit y and determine iteratively x,
I-EM properties • simple but computationally demanding • convergence behavior • no guarantee for global optimum • initial point (0) determines if global optimum is reachable (or algorithm gets stuck in local optimum) • stable: likelihood function increases in every iteration until (local if not global) optimum reached • M(aximum) L(ikelihood) are fixed points in EM
I-EM ALGORITHM – why and how • for the classification (main objective) posterior probabilityPr[cj|di] needed • probabilities will converge during iterations • EM: iterative algorithm for max. likelihood estimation for incomplete data (interpolates) • two steps: 1. expectation: filling in missing data 2. maximization: parameters estimating next iteration launched
I-EM: symbols used • symbols used: • D: training set of documents • each documant: ordered list of words • wdi,k: kth word in ith document • each wdi,k V = {w1, w2, ..., w|V|} (vocabulary) • vocabulary: all words to be classified • C = {c1, c2}: predefine dclasses (only 2)
I-EM - application • initial labeling: di P c1, i.e. Pr[c1|di] = 1, Pr[c2di] = 0 dj M c2, i.e. Pr[c1|dj] = 0, Pr[c2dj] = 1 (vice versa) • NB-C created, then applied to dataset M: • computing posterior probab. Pr[c1|dj] in M (eq. 5) • assigning computed new probabilistic label to dj • Pr[c1|di] = 1 (not affected) during the process • in each iteration: • Pr[c1|dj] is revised, then • new NB-C built based on new Pr[c1|dj]for M and P • iterating continues till convergence occurs
I-EM pseudocode I-EM(M, P) 1. build initial NB classifier NB-C using M and P sets 2. loop while NB-C parameters keep changing (i.e. as long as convergence is taking place) 3. for each document djM 4. compute Pr[c1|dj] using current NB-C (eq. 5) //Pr[c2|dj] = 1 - Pr[c1|dj]: c1 and c2 are collectively excl. //ifPr[c1|dj] > Pr[c2|djthen di is classified as c1 5. update Pr[wt|c1] and Pr[c1](eq. 3, 4) //given probabilistically assigned classes for // dj(Pr[c1|dj]) and setP, // a new NB-Cbuilt during processing
I-EM – benefits and limitations • EM A. helps assign probabilistic class labels to each dj in mixed set of documents: Pr[c1|dj] and Pr[c2|dj} • all the above probabilities converge (iterations) • the final result is sensitive to initial conditions assumed • conclusion: • good handling of “easy” data (+/- separable easily) • a niche for improvement for “hard” data • source of the limitation: initialization strongly biased towards positive data (documents) • solution: • balanced initialization (+/-) • find reliable negativedocuments for initialization c2 in EM
I-EM: extension • I-EM helps identify (most likely) negatives in M • issue: how to get as reliable as possible data (documents) to do so • idea: using “spy“ documents from P in M • approach: • select s 10% of documents from P; denoted S • add S-set to M-set • S behave as unknown positive documents do in M • enabling inference within M • I-EM still in use • but instead of M it operates on M S
SPIES – determining threshold • set of spy documents S = {s1, s2, ..., sk} • Pr[c1|si] si: probab. label assigned to each spy • in noiseless case: t = min{Pr[c1|si]}, i = 1, 2, ..., k • equivalent to retrieving all spy documents • in more realistic scenario: noise and outliers exist • minimum probability might be unreliable, because e.g.: for outlier si in S: posterior Pr[c1|si] might be << Pr[c1|dj] M • setting t: • sort si in S according to Pr[c1|si] • set noise level l (e.g. 15%) so that l% of docs have probability < t • thus, Step-1 objective is: • identifying a set of reliable negative documents from the unlabeled set • unlabeled set to be treated as negative data (docs)
SPY DOCUMENTS and Step-1 algorithm • threshold t used for decision making: • if Pr[c1|dj] < t: denoted as N(egative) • if for dj P Pr[c1|dj] > t: denoted as U(nlabeled) • algorithm Step-1 for identifying most likely negativesN from unlabeled U set
STEP-1 effect positives negatives BEFOREAFTER LN (likely negative) M (un-labeled) c2 U un-labeled c2 positive spies some spies positive c1 P (positive) c1 help of spies: most positives in M get into unlabeled set, while most negatives get into LN; purity of LN higher than that of M initial situation: M = P N no clue which are P and N spies from P added to M
STEP-2: building and selecting final classifier • EM still in use, but now with P, LN and U • algorithm proceeds as follows: • put all spies S back to P (where they were before) • diP: c1 (i.e. Pr[c1|di] = 1); (fixed thru iterations) • djLN: c2 (i.e. Pr[c2|dj] = 1); (changing thru EM) • dkU: initially assigned no label (will be after EM(1)) • run EM using P, LN and U until it converges • final classifier is produced when EM stops • all these constitutes S-EM (spy EM)
STEP-2: comments • probabilities of sets U and LN are allowed to change • set U participates in EM since EM(2) on with its documents assigned probab. labels Pr[c1|dk] • experimenting with a = 5%, 10% or 20% gave similar results; why? • for the parameter a (% used for creating LN): when within a range of approximately 5%-20%: if too many positives in LN, then EM corrects it slowly adding them to positives
STEP-1 AND STEP-2 SUMMARY • Step 1: Identifying a set of reliable negative documents from the unlabeled set. The unlabeled set is treated as negative data. • Step 2: Building and selecting a classifier, consists of two sub-steps: • building a set of classifiers by iteratively applying a classification algorithm; the EM algorithm is used again. b) selecting a good classifier from the set of classifiers constructed above; this sub-step may be called "catching a good classifier".
SELECTING CLASSIFIER • as said, EM is prone to local maxima trap • if a local maximum separates the two classes well: no problem (or problem solved) • otherwise (i.e. positives and negatives consist of many clusters each) the data may be not separable • remedy: stop iterating of EM at some point • what point?
SELECTING CLASSIFIER continued • eq. (2) can be helpful: error probability Pr[f(X) Y] = Pr[f(X) = 1] -Pr[Y = 1] + 2Pr[f(X) = 0|Y = 1]Pr[Y = 1] • it can be shown that knowing the component PrM[Y = c1]allows us to estimate the error • method: estimating the change of the probability error between iterations i and i+1 • i = can becomputed (formula in 4.5 of the paper) • if i > 0 for the first time, then i-th classifier produced is the last to add (no need to proceed beyond i)
EXPERIMENTAL DATA described • two large document corpora • 30 datasets created • e.g. 20 newsgroups subdivided into 4 groups • all headers removed • e.g. WebKB (CS depts.) subdivided into 7 categories • objective: • recovering positive documents placed into mixed sets • no need to separate test set (from training set) • unlabeled mixed set serves as the test set
DATA description cont. • for each experiment: • dividing full positive set into two subsets: P and R • P: positive set used in the algorithm with a% of the full positive set • R: set of remaining documents with b% have been put into negative set M (not all in R put to M) • belief: in reality M is large and has a small proportion of positive documents • parameters a and b have been varied to cover different scenarios
EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS • techniques used NB-C: applied directly to P (c1) and M(c2) to built classifier to be applied to classify data in set M I-EM: applies EM-A to P and M as long as converges (no spy yet); final classifier to be applied to M to identify its positives S-EM: spies used to re-initialize I-EM to build the final classifier; threshold t used
RESULTS cont. • Table 1: 30 results for diferent parametrs a, b • Table 2: summary of averages for other a, b settings • precisionF = 2pr/(p+r), where p, r are and recall, respectively • S-EM outperforms NB and I-EM in F dramatically • accuracy (of a classifier) A = c/(c+1) , where c, i are numbers of correct and incorrect decisions, respectively • S-EM outperforms NB and I-EM in A as well • comment: datasets skewed (positives are only a small fraction), thus A is not a reliable measure of classifier’s performance
RESULTS cont. • Table 3: F-score and accuracy A • results in this table show great effect of reinitialization with spies: S-EM outperforms I-EMbest • reinitialization is not, however, the only factor of improvement: S-EM outperforms S-EM4 • conclusions: both Step-1 (reinitializing) and Step-2 (selecting the best model) are needed!
REFERENCES other than in the paper http://www.cs.uic.edu/~liub/LPU/LPU-download.html http://www.ant.uni-bremen.de/teaching/sem/ws02_03/slides/em_mud.pdf http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/~vignaux/docs/Adams_NLJ.html http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/bayes-theorem/ http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~hildebr/361/cargoat1sol.pdf http://jimvb.home.mindspring.com/monthall.htm http://www2.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/mhall.htm http://www.aei-potsdam.mpg.de/~mpoessel/Mathe/3door.html