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Improving Reading Comprehension, Motivation, and Enjoyment Using Think-Aloud Strategies Mary Reger Mary Anne Jusko. Question?. Why, after a semester of teaching reading strategies, are some students still not progressing in the areas of reading enjoyment and reading comprehension?

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  1. Improving Reading Comprehension, Motivation, and Enjoyment Using Think-Aloud StrategiesMary RegerMary Anne Jusko

  2. Question? • Why, after a semester of teaching reading strategies, are some students still not progressing in the areas of reading enjoyment and reading comprehension? • How can we continue our action research from first semester with the goal of improving our fourth and fifth grade students’ reading comprehension, motivation, and enjoyment? • What new strategy can we implement this semester to boost our students to the next level of reading comprehension and enjoyment?

  3. Rationale • We decided we wanted to try a new strategy to improve selected students’ reading comprehension and enjoyment. These students were not responding to strategies that had been regularly used in our classrooms. • After reading the article The ABC’s of performing highly effective think-alouds (Cathy Collins Block and Susan E. Israel, Oct., 2004) The Reading Teacher, Vol. 58, No. 2., we chose the 12 think-aloud strategies to see if they would have an impact on our students’ comprehension abilities.

  4. 12 Before, During, and After Think-Aloud Strategies

  5. Explanation of BEFOREReading Strategies 1-Overview the Text • Step 1- how to select a good book • Step 2- how to begin thinking about a book’s topic • When you begin to read fiction books, read the first few paragraphs carefully to understand the setting, plot, and characters. • When you begin to read non-fiction books, read the first few paragraphs. Which sentences were main idea sentences and which were details?

  6. 1-Look for Important Information • The author gives clues to help you find the most important information. • look for repeated words, restated ideas, words like: for example, to illustrate. • Identify where an author places the main ideas in paragraphs

  7. 1-Connect to an Author’s Big Idea • Relate pages, sections, and chapters to the main topic and main ideas. See how the main ideas are connected to the big idea. • Keep the title of the book in mind

  8. 1-Activate Relevant Knowledge • After reading the first few pages, continue reading and thinking about experiences you have had that are very similar to the experiences in the book. • Think about other books you’ve read and activities you’ve done that relate to this information

  9. 1-Put Myself in the Book • pretend that you are the main character • put yourself in the environment of the non-fiction topic

  10. Explanation of DURING Reading Strategies 2-Revise Prior Knowledge and Predict • expert readers revise their understanding and predict as they read in a continuous process throughout the entire reading piece

  11. 2-Recognize an Author’s Writing Style • Step 1- recognize the depth of vocabulary that an author uses (dense, moderate, or low level of new vocabulary words introduced) • Step 2 - recognize the complexity of sentences that an author uses (complex, compound, or simple) • Step 3- recognize the length of paragraphs that an author uses. Skim the book to find the average length of the paragraphs, and see if that meets your needs as a reader. • Step 4 - recognize the frequency with which big ideas are introduced. Is it every paragraph, every 2 or 3 paragraphs, or every 5 paragraphs? • Step 5 - recognize how sentences and paragraphs are connected. Does the author use summary paragraphs after each big idea, or transition words to signal relationships between paragraphs. Look at subheadings and signal words.

  12. 2-Determine Word Meanings Decode Using: • structural analysis and context clues • phonics • sight words • words that gain meaning from syntax or semantic relationships (context clues) • words that are long and do not frequently occur unless the content relates directly to a specific theme (context-specific words) • unusual words (detecting accent marks and foreign derivational clues) • words when none of the above decoding processes unlock their meanings (e.g. how you know it’s time to ask a friend or teacher or to look the word up in a dictionary)

  13. 2-Ask Questions • expert readers ask themselves questions while they read

  14. Explanation of AFTER Reading Strategies 3-Notice Novelty in Text • Expert readers reflect on an author’s ideas and how they are enhanced by a writer’s choice of words, genre, and individual flairs in writing style • notice and use differences in genres’ formats to comprehend subtleties of meaning • identify subtleties in word choices • contrast how the textual features in a genre communicate meaning • pretend you are telling the author the individual features in his or her writing style that you most appreciate as a reader • go back to reread and develop a more complete understanding

  15. 3-Relate the Book to My Life • how to apply morals, themes, and subject content to your life

  16. 3-Anticipate Use of Knowledge • anticipate when knowledge gained from one text can be used to comprehend a new book

  17. Procedures • Choose students reading at or near grade level that were either unmotivated to read or displayed consistent weak comprehension skills. • Send home parent consent letter • Administer pre-survey to students • Meet with reading groups for a three week period • Teach, model, and practice the 12 before, during, and after reading, think a-loud strategies • Keep anecdotal records during each 40 minute reading session • Administer post-survey

  18. Materials Used • We used a variety of high interest non-fiction and fiction reading materials that would be appropriate for guided reading groups. • The reading levels were at the students’ DRA instructional level or above.

  19. Teaching, modeling, and practicing the 12 before, during, and after reading, think a-loud strategies • Students were each given a set of think al-loud strategy flash cards and bookmarks • Ms. Jusko and Mrs. Reger then took three reading periods to teach and model the before, during, and after think a-loud strategies using the flash cards and bookmarks.

  20. Ms. JuskoProcess and Observations • The students I chose were just below grade level in reading comprehension, and were not progressing as expected within the regular reading classroom. 4 of the 5 students indicated they did not like reading, and few actually used think-aloud strategies or benefited from discussion with peers about their reading for various reasons including confidence, self-esteem, or behavior issues. • The first three classes were devoted to teaching each strategy, modeling them, and then practicing with the teacher and with each other. After each practice session with teacher-chosen non-fiction articles and books, the students used their cards to review and practice the strategies. They were then sent to a quiet place on the carpet to read their choice of a literature short story silently. They were to think about their story before reading it, using their 1- (Before) cards.

  21. The next day, in group, the students shared how they used their before strategies. Then they chose a partner and used their think-aloud cards to discuss the 2- (During) and 3 - (After) strategies as they re-read the story together. They each took turns picking a card and sharing their thoughts with each other. As they finished, we met as a group to share our thoughts about the story. During this time, I worked with the 5th student, and we practiced our think-aloud strategies using the cards. We enjoyed the story together. This allowed me a way to assess individual progress and re-teach or clarify as necessary. • We continued reading student-chosen articles and short stories until their think-aloud strategies were easily used by each student during the reading process. We worked for a total of 3 weeks on this project. This anticipation guide is a sample of one of before reading strategies that our group used to activate prior knowledge about Ben Franklin and his inventions. As they were reading and after they read How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightning they continued to complete the guide.

  22. Each of the students made gains in several areas. Two more students now state they like reading, and all 5 students demonstrated ability to participate in a discussion about their reading with more confidence. The cards helped them guide their thinking and gave them a scaffolding that they needed to participate with more assurance. • As each day passed and the students’ discussion points progressed to higher levels of thinking and understanding, we all noticed that reading was suddenly fun! The teacher as well as the students looked forward to the next day’s session, and we also poured over our reading material with a renewed sense of interest and purpose. • Beginning first thing next fall, I will be giving each student a set of these 12 think-aloud strategy cards. The goal will be for each student to become well-versed in think-aloud strategies, and the cards will gradually be set aside as each student internalizes the process and naturally thinks, talks, and questions before, during, and after reading.

  23. Mrs. RegerProcess and Observations • In our guided reading group we had one teacher and six students, two boys and four girls. We were studying historical fiction and chose the book Meet Kit to read and practice our read a-loud strategies. • We read chapter 1 out loud together and stopped after a few pages to learn the before reading strategies. We discussed and practiced each strategy. We continued reading chapter 1 the second day, stopping several times throughout the chapter to learn the during reading strategies. The students really enjoyed putting themselves into the book. The third day, after we were done reading chapter 1, we learned the after reading strategies. With a little scaffolding the students all came up with a good connection to their lives. • I observed that the students had the most difficulty activating prior knowledge and understanding the big idea. I really had to scaffold to get them to understand that they did have prior knowledge to situations in the book. They knew only a little about the Great Depression, but they did know about families, friends, and helping people. Only one student was even close on understanding the big idea. This was one of my students who doesn’t like to read!

  24. For chapter 2, I decided that I would have them read the chapter silently. After the first two pages we stopped to practice the before reading strategies. They didn’t seem to understand the big idea again, so we spent quite a bit of time on understanding what the big idea was. • We continued to read chapter 2 silently. I would listen to individual students read and would ask them questions. I realized that none of them were really comprehending the story. They seemed to be remembering the last detail they read and not able to see the big picture as they went. • I decided to have them read this chapter aloud and use the read aloud strategies as we went to help their comprehension. With a lot of scaffolding and modeling they were able to able to improve their comprehension. • The students really like making connections. There is a scene in the second chapter where Kit opens the door to Sterling’s bedroom and hits Sterling’s mom with the door, causing a tea cup to fall on the floor, breaking into many pieces.

  25. All six of the students were able to make a connection to this particular scene in the story. One boy told how he had gone up the stairs in his house and opened the door to the foyer, the door hit his sister who was carrying his dad’s favorite glass, knocking it out of her hand, spilling Coke all over, and breaking the glass. His dad got mad and yelled at him. He then ran off to his bedroom, slammed the door, and pouted. • After we were finished with chapter 2, and seeing much improvement in comprehension, I assigned them to read chapter 3 silently. I was actually gone the two days they had to read chapter 3. I had left detailed instructions of what they should do. I had them work with a partner to talk about each of the strategies so they would be prepared to talk aloud as a group when I returned. They were to write a summary that included the big picture and a prediction for the next chapter. For every chapter they also wrote vocabulary words they did not understand, including the page it was on in the chapter. • Upon my return we met as a group and I checked their summaries and predictions. Five out of six got the big picture! They had followed the directions and improved!

  26. When we got together as a group we went through the strategies. The modeling and intense practice from chapter 2 had really helped them to understand the big idea and comprehend the important parts of the story. When we were done practicing the strategies we played a game where we would put the 12 strategy cards on the table and each student would pick one and use the strategy that was on the card. One girl picked the card that says, “Look for important information.” She was able to say that one important part was that Charlie told Kit that their dad had closed his car dealership because no one was buying cars because of the lack of money during the Depression. • The one area they continued to have trouble with is noticing novelty • in the text and recognizing the author’s writing style. I plan to find short examples of different types of text to demonstrate both novelty in the text and author’s writing style. • They seemed to make the most improvement in recognizing the author’s big idea and asking questions.

  27. These strategies proved to be useful in improving the comprehension of my students. I plan to continue using them next year also. Even though two of my students still say they don’t like to read they did admit that discussing what they read with peers and the teacher is more enjoyable. It has great advantages for the teacher too because she knows exactly what they students are thinking and how they are comprehending what they read. The small guided reading groups are excellent for these strategies because the students can talk more and most feel less intimidated in a small group. These are strategies that I will definitely make a part of my guided reading instruction.

  28. Survey

  29. Do You Like to Read?

  30. When You Read, Do You Understand What You Are Reading?

  31. When You Read, Do You Understand What You Are Reading?

  32. What Do You Do When You’re Reading and You Don’t Know Something?

  33. What Do You Do When You’re Reading and You Don’t Know Something?

  34. Do You Use Think-Aloud Strategies Before, During, and After Reading?

  35. Which Think-Aloud Strategies Do You Use to Help You Understand When You Read?

  36. Which Think-Aloud Strategies Do You Use to Help You Understand When You Read?

  37. What Do You Need to Do to Become a Better Reader?

  38. What Do You Need to Do to Become a Better Reader?

  39. Results • Two more students now like to read • Most of students felt they understood what they were reading most of the time. However, after using the strategies they realized they were lacking in understanding what they read and unable to defend their thoughts. • Most of the students, when asked what do you do when you come to something you don’t know, continued to use re-reading, sounding out, and asking strategies

  40. Results, con’t. • Three more students used think a-loud strategies after learning these think a-loud strategies by name and function. • The largest increase in usage of strategy occurred in connect to the author’s big idea and activate relevant knowledge. • To become better readers, six more students wanted to learn more strategies • Genres most preferred were: magazines, mysteries, Internet articles, realistic fiction, science literature, and animal stories.

  41. Conclusions • We will begin the school year with teaching a few of the strategies at a time. All of the strategies are important, but time is needed to teach, model and practice each one discreetly. • We will build our classroom libraries with more non-fiction choices and subscriptions to science magazines. • We will have Internet articles and sites bookmarked on our classroom computers available for frequent student use. • Comprehension and enjoyment both improved with the use of the 12 think-aloud strategies. • All students shared that they enjoyed discussing what they read with peers and their teacher. One student even said, “I changed my whole opinion about reading.” She now likes to read, and has the strategies to help her succeed.

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