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Joining Up: Virtual Learning Environments Digital Libraries and Interoperability Issues Santy Chumbe. Commercial, e.g. Blackboard Open Source, e.g. Moodle. Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). content pages, discussion forums, chat, quizzes and exercises, etc. students.
Joining Up: Virtual Learning Environments Digital Libraries andInteroperability Issues Santy Chumbe
Commercial, e.g. Blackboard Open Source, e.g. Moodle Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) • content pages, • discussion forums, • chat, • quizzes and exercises, • etc. students Internet Web server teacher * Perhaps “A Virtual Environment of Learning” ?
Digital Library (DL)”scientific academic scholar“ The digital library vision: "Universal Access to Human Knowledge" A digital library (DL) is a unified, coherent, organized collection of learning and teaching resources, usually accessible via the Internet. Wait a minute!
Digital Library (DL) • Is there really such a Digital Library (DL)? • Have you used one before? No and Yes (Hybrid DLs) • Unified (a single point access) • Coherent (always valid metadata) • Organized (e-journals, books, theses, etc.) • Internet
Digital Library (DL) • Is DL just about search ("can I find it?") and access ("can I get it?“)? That is basic and important, but DL is also about: • Long term preservation • Institutional Repositories • Interoperability (VLEs) • Community (knowledgeexchange ) "googlization" of digital libraries ?
VLE – DL Integration Scenario : a lecturer wants to provide some background reading for her students by making a list of some relevant reading resources VLE without embedded DL (the ‘traditional’ way?) File Upload Catalogue Library
VLE – DL Integration Scenario : a lecturer wants to provide some background reading for her students by making a list of some relevant reading resources VLE with embedded DL • DL • OPAC • Google • Scirus • e-Jurnals • etc DL middleware VLE system VLE
What are the big challenges for effective VLE-DL integration? • VLEs are still monolithic and closed enterprise-level-applications, making difficult the integration of their native functionality with external services such as a DL • We do need open and effective DL implementations (“first operability, then interoperability”)
MG XPower SV “Rigid computer systems played a big part in the decline of the British motor industry and the eventual collapse of Rovers” Normandy Fort, France, which was an almost immediate white elephant when it was built, because the Napoleonic wars ended before it was completed. Prof. Matthias Holweg, author of “Who Killed MG Rover?”
How integration is possible in life? Standards and Norms Plug and Play !
VLE – DL Integration are both partners ready for marriage? • VLE : Content created using standard e-Learning Objects (EEE LOM, SCORM, IMS CP) • DL : Software developed using DL reference models (5Ss) • DL : Content created using metadata standards for harvesting, retrieving and searching (OAI, Z39.50, SRU) • Ideally both, VLE and DL, are SOA-compliant.
VLE – DL Integration are both partners ready for marriage? • DL : e-Publishing identification and retrieving (DOI, openURL, crossRef) • VLE : Full (client) Web Services support (SOAP / REST (XML, HTTP)) • DL : Full (server) Web Services support (SOAP / REST (XML, HTTP)) • Middleware : SOA compliant with full XML support.
VLE – DL Integration SRU server SOA middleware SRU client Java/Tomcat PHP/Apache PerX and Blackboard VLE Integration Diagram
VLE-DL integration using WS and SOA is a "future-proof“ solution. Technical joined up-ness? • Availability of standards, models and specifications for DLs and VLEs • Availability of standards, models and specifications for DLs and VLEs • VLE-DL integration using WS and SOA is a "future-proof“ solution. • Proprietary solutions are now beginning to appear (Building Blocks (Blackboard), PowerLinks (WebCT)) • Proprietary solutions are now beginning to appear (Building Blocks (Blackboard), PowerLinks (WebCT)) • Search and access e-learning objects directly from and within VLE’s modules • Search and access e-learning objects directly from and within VLE’s modules • See the library status of items on reading lists without going into the library catalogue • See the library status of items on reading lists without going into the library catalogue • Read around in the ‘research’ literature (inter-linking) • Read around in the ‘research’ literature (inter-linking) • Connect to third-party databases and full-text services without inputting my ID and password • Connect to third-party databases and full-text services without inputting my ID and password
References A little bit "old" but still a good book to understand the principles of DL http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=863700 DL study at Master and Phd Levels: http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1141787 An early experience of VLE-DL integration in the UK: http://library.ulster.ac.uk/4i/deliverables/outputs/Uhomoibhi%20Informatica.pdf Practical experiences: Creating VLE content with standards http://www.reload.ac.uk/interop.html
Metadata standards Digital objects: EEE LOM, SCORM, IMS CP Interoperability: OAI-PMH, Z39,50, SRU SOA (Service-oriented architecture) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service-oriented_architecture Web Services (SOAP, REST (SRU/SRW)) http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=991449 http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue40/morgan/ Standards and Specifications
Thank yousantiago@macs.hw.ac.uk • Please tell us what you think of VLE-DL integration • http://www.techxtra.ac.uk/index.html?action=feedback (http://business.scotsman.com/ebusiness.cfm?id=207612007 ) • These slides are available at: • http://www.icbl.hw.ac.uk/~santiago/vle-dl/ • A pilot for VLE-DL integration at HWU, is here: • http://vleap2.hw.ac.uk