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ASEMWaterNet : 1 st workshop / kick-off meeting Integrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN. Hanoi, 29 th May - 1 st June, 2006. Work plan activities Workpackage 1. Promote river-basin approaches (BASIN)
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Work plan activities Workpackage 1. Promote river-basin approaches (BASIN) Experience shows that water basin management cannot viably be undertaken by focusing on one aspect only. The formal integration of economic and biophysical disciplines should allow an accurate assessment of the economic and amenity values of water resources in their temporal and spatial dimensions. Transparency and seeking equitable and sustainable benefits are the most essential guiding principles, both in national and international river basins. Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 • Given growing demand on land and water resources the following directions need particular attention: • Policy research and management strategies integrating knowledge about the physical/environmental, economic, social, institutional and regulatory aspects to explore cost-effective options towards water management at basin scale; • Simulation and modelling can allow exploring options in complex situations and can be useful policy support if communicated in understandable form to different stakeholders; • Action research and other forms of participation of affected citizens and their organisations enable to increase the range of options that may be available to policy development and management and one way to ensure transparency. Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 These perspectives must also be considered within the future climate evolution. In order to integrate, strengthen, and promote cooperation and research activities among ASEM countries focusing on the above scientific priorities, the following tasks were defined: Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 • STEP 1 (t0 – t0+12) – Consolidation • This first step is dedicated to the preparation and scheduling of the sub-network activities. It includes the kick-off meeting (t2) and it ends with the first ASEMWaterNet workshop (t0+12). • Task 1.1 Validation of the three sub-priorities as defined among the scientific objectives of the sub-network and for each of them. • Task 1.2 Listing of the past and on-going research projects involving Asian and European teams and related to water governance. • Task 1.3 Redaction of a synthesis focusing on the main results but also the scientific locks and the need for complementary research. The similarity and potential cooperation between projects should also be highlighted. Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 • Task 1.4 Identification and listing of existing formations and training sessions together with the definition of needs (themes, potential students…). • Task 1.5 Listing of the relevant international conferences, symposiums and meeting in order to inform all partners via the facilitating secretariat. • The activities of this first step will be initiated by the facilitators and conducted by the sub-network leader with the help of other partners involved in this workpackage. Following the kick-off meeting, a question form should be designed and sent to the relevant researchers and stakeholders in order to support the tasks 1 to 5. Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 • STEP 2 (t0+12 – t0+36) – Solution • This second step includes all activities of animation of the sub-network. It is the central and main part of the project, which begins at the first ASEMWaterNet workshop and ends with the third annual meeting (t0+36). It includes two milestones: the 2nd ASEMWaterNet workshop (t0+24) and the 3nd annual meeting (restricted to facilitators and sub-network leaders) • Task 2.1 Supporting contact between projects and facilitating sharing and exchanges of: • Knowledge and experience in order to encourage communication and scientific discussions about approaches, methodology and tools used within each projects; Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 • Data and study areas to allow tests, benchmarking and validation of methodology and tools which were initially developed, applied and customised for a specific case study. • Task 2.2 Promoting and supporting personal exchanges: • Identification of welcoming institutions, definition of the motivation of personal exchange and of the added competence useful to improve the quality of projects, announcement of the potential vacancies and diffusion on the ASEMWaterNet web site. • Guidance to find financial support and mobility grants for personal exchange (Marie-Curie scholarship, various national grants…) aiming to cover travel costs and subsidence allowance. Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 • Task 2.3 Organising a workshop dedicated to the specific topic of the sub-network. This one could be a virtual workshop. • Task 2.4 Initiating new projects and proposals to be submitted to national or international calls for tenders. • Task 2.5 Insuring top-down (from the facilitating secretariat toward the sub-network community) and bottom-up diffusion of information. • Task 2.6 Defining a framework to compare and assess the various methodologies, approaches and tools that are or were performed to address issues related to the three sub-priorities defined previously. Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 • Task 2.7 Using the previous comparison work to build assessment criteria both for ecological and economical sustainability of the proposed solutions. Test of these indicators on a few cases and projects. • Task 2.8 Identification of innovation, dissemination (via the ASEMWaterNet website), evaluation of potentialities and support of technological transfer toward SME or industry. Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 • STEP 3 (t0+36 – t0+48) – Integration • This last step is dedicated to the evaluation of the sub-network activities and is centred around the major event: the Final International Conference. It ends with the project closure (associated to the final report) and it includes the major milestone (Final International Conference). • Task 3.1 Redaction of a final activity report • Task 3.2 Contribution to the final Conference Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 • Work done so far: • Review of past similar projects and conferences held at or by LNEC (TASK FORCE ENVIRONMENT AND WATER 1997, "S&T Co-operation with Asia in the Area of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources. A Co-ordination Meeting, China 1998", ASEM Water Management Workshop, Changsha 2002) and other similar projects and conferences worldwide via the Internet. • Discussion of ASEMWATERnet topics in several scientific conference, e.g. “Making the passage through the 21st Century: Water as a Catalyst for Change” held at LNEC, Portugal, Jan. 2005. • Discussions held during assessments similar to those to be developed by the ASEMWATERnet CA, e.g. the meeting held in Brazil Feb. 2006 by CT-Hidro, FINEP and ANA on the goals and achievements of 1000 financed water research projects and the assessment of research trends, gaps and strategies for future water research in Brazil. • Meetings and phone calls with relevant experts on Integrated Water Management issues, e.g. participants of the World Water Forum, held in 2006 in Mexico City (e.g. APRH Directorate and IAH participants). • Review of questionnaires regarding on-going projects and research programme characteristics, e.g. ERA and Eureau. Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
Development of Methodologies for the Assessment and Management of Groundwater Resources and Risks in Coastal Zones GIAS • The research aimed the minimisation of environmental • risks due to rapid economical growth of the Pearl River • Delta region (Macau-Guangzhou-Hong-Kong region) and • the Dalian Peninsula region, in P. R. China. • The main natural resource researched in this Project was groundwater. The tasks developed in the Project were divided in several Work Packages. • The first, i.e. WP1, was dedicated to the development of appropriated management mathematical models and practices towards the optimisation of the existing groundwater resources. • The second Work Package, i.e. WP2, was dedicated to the research of the intrinsic groundwater vulnerability to pollution, aiming the minimisation of environmental risks to groundwater. • The third Work Package, i.e. WP3, was based on the partners experience related to the research of an integrated approach on sustainable development policies for water supply, wastewater and solid waste sectors, towards the protection of natural groundwater resources. • The fourth Work Package, i.e. WP4, was dedicated to the know-how transfer, not only from the EU towards China, but also, and we underline the relevance of this task, from China towards the EU.
FINAL COASTIN MEETING Goa, 25 – 27 Dec. 2002 COASTIN MEASURING, MONITORING AND MANAGING SUSTAINABILITY: The coastal dimension 4th Framework Programme EU DG RESEARCH INCO-DEV Contract IC 18-CT98-0296 Partners: TERI (India), Univ. Nova Lisboa (Portugal), LNEC (Portugal), ICC (Spain), Univ. Trieste (Italy), NIO (India), Goa University (India) Held in Goa International Centre, Taleigao Plateau, Goa, India organized by Teri and Partners
MEASURING, MONITORING AND MANAGING SUSTAINABILITY: The coastal dimension GIAS • The project ‘Measuring, monitoring, and managing sustainability: the coastal • dimension’ is supported by the Commission of European Communities (DG XII) • under Research and Technological Development (RTD) activities. Adopting a • multi-disciplinary approach, the project involves investigations on how societal • driving forces – demographic, commercial and market, cultural, and technological • – interact with natural systems and impact on coastal resources of India. From • these investigations it proposes to design a system to measure, monitor, and • manage coastal area development with a view to promote sustainable economic • development. More specifically, the project aims at studying selected locations to • identify: • the key variables affecting coastal resources and ecosystems, • the policy choices faced by decision makers, and • the information requirements and decision-making instruments necessary for effective management.
Results of ModFlow: equipotential head, flow direction End of the rainy season End of the summer season COASTIN:“Measuring, Monitoring and Managing Sustainability: The Coastal Dimension"
Location of observation wells in Goa case-study area COASTIN:“Measuring, Monitoring and Managing Sustainability: The Coastal Dimension"
Coincidence of the measured and calculated head in the observation well No.43 after the calibration. Measured heads Calculated heads COASTIN:“Measuring, Monitoring and Managing Sustainability: The Coastal Dimension"
Concepts and restrictions regarding groundwater management and optimisation in coastal aquifers COASTIN:“Measuring, Monitoring and Managing Sustainability: The Coastal Dimension"
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
Groundwater Recharge: Evaluation Methods • A Ph.D Thesis concluded at the • Univ. Lisboa / FCUL (Dec. 2004) • by • Manuel Mendes Oliveiramoliveira@lnec.pt • Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) • Hydraulics and Environment Department (DHA), Groundwater Division (NAS) • Av. do Brasil, 101, 1700-066 Lisboa, Portugal • Internet: http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
Application 5 km Ponte Velha Capitão Sequential daily water balance model – the BALSEQ model (Lobo Ferreira, 1981) Carta Geológica de Portugal Escala 1:5000 000 (IGM, 1992) NC = 80 AGUT = 100 mm hi = 0 mm 9 years Avg P = 715 mm/yr
Artificial groundwater rechargeassessment techniques A Ph.D Thesis under development at LNEC and the Univ. Lisboa / FCUL by Catarina Diamantinocdiamantino@lnec.pt Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) Hydraulics and Environment Department (DHA), Groundwater Division (NAS) Av. do Brasil, 101, 1700-066 Lisboa, PORTUGAL Internet: http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
EXAMPLES OF ARTIFICIAL GROUNDWATER RECHARGE Surface water infiltration dams Adapted from Gale et al. (2002) “The effectiveness of Artificial Recharge of groundwater: a review (AGRAR)” - ÍNDIA
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 • Work done so far: • Review of past similar projects and conferences held at or by LNEC (TASK FORCE ENVIRONMENT AND WATER 1997, "S&T Co-operation with Asia in the Area of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources. A Co-ordination Meeting, China 1998", ASEM Water Management Workshop, Changsha 2002) and other similar projects and conferences worldwide via the Internet. • Discussion of ASEMWATERnet topics in several scientific conference, e.g. “Making the passage through the 21st Century: Water as a Catalyst for Change” held at LNEC, Portugal, Jan. 2005. • Discussions held during assessments similar to those to be developed by the ASEMWATERnet CA, e.g. the meeting held in Brazil Feb. 2006 by CT-Hidro, FINEP and ANA on the goals and achievements of 1000 financed water research projects and the assessment of research trends, gaps and strategies for future water research in Brazil. • Meetings and phone calls with relevant experts on Integrated Water Management issues, e.g. participants of the World Water Forum, held in 2006 in Mexico City (e.g. APRH Directorate and IAH participants). • Review of questionnaires regarding on-going projects and research programme characteristics, e.g. ERA and Eureau. Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
Making the Passage Through the 21st CenturyWater As a Catalyst for Change Water for the Changing Future and the Changing Future of Water: Challenges for International Science and Policy András Szöllösi-Nagy International Hydrological Programme UNESCO Lisbon, Portugal, January 18-20, 2006
Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) InternationalHydrological Programme (IHP) • The cycle is changing? • More disasters ? • Less water for people? • Crisis is looming?
CENTRAL TENET • Humans are changing the global water system in a globally-significant way • without….. • adequate knowledge of the system and thus its response to change
The challenge we all have How to put water in the mindsof people?
ROUND TABLE 1 "CLIMATE VARIABILITY ASSESSMENT ANDRELEVANCE“ • On methodologies for the assessment of • climate change impacts on groundwater resources • João Paulo Lobo Ferreiralferreira@lnec.pt • Maria Emília Novooisinhelios@yahoo.com • Manuel Mendes Oliveira moliveira@lnec.pt • Catarina Diamantinocdiamantino@lnec.pt
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 International Workshop in cooperation with Institute for Environmental Governance and the Global Water System Systems Research, Institutions, actors, scales of water governance University of Osnabrück facing the challenges of global change and support June 20-23, 2006, Bonn, Germany from Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN • Tuesday, June 20th, 2006 - • Opening session - The Global Challenge to Water Governance • Governance and the Global Water System • Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Joyeeta Gupta, Felino Lansigan and Daniel Petry • Towards a global freshwater regime – from crisis to integration • Falk Schmidt & Andreas Rechkemmer • What is the relevance and role of international water law in the “governance and the global water system” debate? A call for innovative thinking and new approaches • Patricia Wouters • Rethinking governance and global water systems: facing the challenges of • “Water, water everywhere but nothing to drink”. A view from the south • John W. Forje • Conflict, Cooperation and Good Governance in International River Basins • Marit Brochmann & Nils Petter Gleditsch • Towards cooperative management of international rivers under global climate change: the case of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river systems in South Asia Ahsan Uddin Ahmed Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 • Work done so far: • Review of past similar projects and conferences held at or by LNEC (TASK FORCE ENVIRONMENT AND WATER 1997, "S&T Co-operation with Asia in the Area of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources. A Co-ordination Meeting, China 1998", ASEM Water Management Workshop, Changsha 2002) and other similar projects and conferences worldwide via the Internet. • Discussion of ASEMWATERnet topics in several scientific conference, e.g. “Making the passage through the 21st Century: Water as a Catalyst for Change” held at LNEC, Portugal, Jan. 2005. • Discussions held during assessments similar to those to be developed by the ASEMWATERnet CA, e.g. the meeting held in Brazil Feb. 2006 by CT-Hidro, FINEP and ANA on the goals and achievements of 1000 financed water research projects and the assessment of research trends, gaps and strategies for future water research in Brazil. • Meetings and phone calls with relevant experts on Integrated Water Management issues, e.g. participants of the World Water Forum, held in 2006 in Mexico City (e.g. APRH Directorate and IAH participants). • Review of questionnaires regarding on-going projects and research programme characteristics, e.g. ERA and Eureau. Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 • Work done so far: • Review of past similar projects and conferences held at or by LNEC (TASK FORCE ENVIRONMENT AND WATER 1997, "S&T Co-operation with Asia in the Area of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources. A Co-ordination Meeting, China 1998", ASEM Water Management Workshop, Changsha 2002) and other similar projects and conferences worldwide via the Internet. • Discussion of ASEMWATERnet topics in several scientific conference, e.g. “Making the passage through the 21st Century: Water as a Catalyst for Change” held at LNEC, Portugal, Jan. 2005. • Discussions held during assessments similar to those to be developed by the ASEMWATERnet CA, e.g. the meeting held in Brazil Feb. 2006 by CT-Hidro, FINEP and ANA on the goals and achievements of 1000 financed water research projects and the assessment of research trends, gaps and strategies for future water research in Brazil. • Meetings and phone calls with relevant experts on Integrated Water Management issues, e.g. participants of the World Water Forum, held in 2006 in Mexico City (e.g. APRH Directorate and IAH participants). • Review of questionnaires regarding on-going projects and research programme characteristics, e.g. ERA and Eureau. Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/
ASEMWaterNet:1st workshop / kick-off meetingIntegrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources - BASIN Hanoi, 29th May - 1st June, 2006 Groundwater Division (NAS) http://www.dha.lnec.pt/nas/