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Architectural Studies

Explore essential architectural terms from ancient Roman baths to modern building features. Enhance your knowledge with definitions and explanations of architectural elements.

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Architectural Studies

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  1. Architectural Studies Tyler Wells, 2011 C-D

  2. Caldarium • A room with a hot plunge bath, used in a Roman bath complex. Heated by an under-floor heating system. Hottest room in the sequence of bathing rooms. Architectural Studies C-D

  3. Cantilever • A beam or other rigid structural member extending beyond a fulcrum and supported by a balancing member or a downward force. Architectural Studies C-D

  4. Canton • A pilaster or similar feature projecting from a corner of a building. Architectural Studies C-D

  5. Caryatid • A sculpted female figure used as a column. Also called a canephora. Architectural Studies C-D

  6. Casemate • A vault or chamber in a rampart, having embrasures for artillery. Architectural Studies C-D

  7. Cathedral • The principal church of a diocese, containing the bishop’s throne, called the cathedra. Architectural Studies C-D

  8. Cella • The principal chamber or enclosed part of a classical temple, where the cult image was kept. Also called the naos. Architectural Studies C-D

  9. Citadel • A fortress in a commanding position in or near a city, used in the control of the inhabitants and in defense during attack or siege. Architectural Studies C-D

  10. Coffered ceiling • One of a number of recessed, usually square or octagonal panels in a ceiling, soffit, or vault. Architectural Studies C-D

  11. Colonnade • A series of regularly spaced columns supporting an entablature and usually one side of a roof structure. Architectural Studies C-D

  12. Composite order • One of the five classical orders, popular esp. since the beginning of the Renaissance but invented by the ancient Romans, in which the Corinthian order is modified by superimposing four diagonally set Ionic volutes on a bell of Corinthian acanthus leaves. Architectural Studies C-D

  13. Composite Order Architectural Studies C-D

  14. Corbelled dome • A dome built using corbelled courses of stone masonry, resulting in a stepped surface. Architectural Studies C-D

  15. Corbelled vault • A vault constructed by corbeling courses of stone masonry. The resulting stepped surface can be smoothed or curved, but no arch action is incurred. Architectural Studies C-D

  16. Corinthian order • The most ornate of the 5 classical orders, developed by the Greeks in the 4th century B.C. but used more extensively in Roman architecture, similar in most respects to the Ionic but usually of slenderer proportions and characterized esp. by a deep bell-shaped capital decorated with acanthus leaves and an abacus with concave sides. Architectural Studies C-D

  17. Corinthian order Architectural Studies C-D

  18. Cornice • The uppermost member of a classical entablature, consisting typically of a cymatium, corona, and bed molding. Architectural Studies C-D

  19. Cove ceiling • A ceiling having a cove (concave surface forming part of a ceiling at its edge so as to eliminate the usual interior angle between the wall and ceiling. Architectural Studies C-D

  20. Crenel • Any of the open spaces alternating with the merlons of a battlement. Architectural Studies C-D

  21. Crypt • An underground chamber or vault used as a burial place, especially one beneath the main floor of a church. Architectural Studies C-D

  22. Cyclopean • Formed with large, irregular blocks of stones fitted closely together without the use of mortar. Architectural Studies C-D

  23. Dentil • Any of a series of closely spaced, small, rectangular blocks forming a molding or projecting beneath the coronas of Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite cornices. Architectural Studies C-D

  24. Domus • Latin term for home or house. • Structures occupied by the wealthy or middle class freedmen during the Republican /Imperial eras of Ancient Rome Architectural Studies C-D

  25. Door casing • The finished, often decorative framework around a door or window opening, especially the portion parallel to the surrounding surface and at right angles to the jambs. Architectural Studies C-D

  26. Doorjamb • Either of the two sidepieces of a doorway. Doorjamb Doorjamb Architectural Studies C-D

  27. Doric order • The oldest and simplest of the five classical orders, developed in Greece in the 7th century B.C. and later imitated by the Romans, characterized by a fluted column having no base and a plain cushion-shaped capital. Plain architrave also. Architectural Studies C-D

  28. Doric order Architectural Studies C-D

  29. Dromos • A long, deep passageway into an ancient subterranean tomb. Architectural Studies C-D

  30. Drop ceiling • A secondary ceiling formed to provide space for piping or ductwork, or to alter the proportions of a room. Architectural Studies C-D

  31. Dutch door • A door divided horizontally so that the upper or lower part can be opened or closed separately. Architectural Studies C-D

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