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This project aims to provide comprehensive e-mentoring and support sessions for mature students enrolled in Access to Nursing, Health and Social Care programs in order to support their progression to Higher Education. The project focuses on establishing a strong link between Universities and Further Education Colleges, as well as providing personalized guidance and resources for Access students. The project has achieved positive outcomes, including increased self-belief and confidence among students, improved understanding of University study and culture, and a higher progression rate to HE.
Access Support Combined E-Mentoring and Support Sessions Middlesex University and Bright Journals
Project Scope Aims and Objectives Project Life and Delivery Outcomes and Achievements Recommendations
Target Group 21 years and over (particular interest given to mature students who have not taken part in formal education or training for at least five years) enrolled on either the Access to Nursing, Health and Social Care programmes actively pursuing admission to HE. Project Goals and Objectives To establish a more comprehensive link between Universities and Further Education Colleges in London, Serve mature students in Further Education with a well structured and meaningful framework of guidance in order to raise their understanding of University study and culture, To contribute to an increase in the progression rate of Access to HE, Support Access Students’ through the UCAS application process, Provide mature students with meaningful and informative relationships with a full time undergraduate student attending university, Develop flexible and supportive e-mentoring platform suitable for this particular type of student, Develop a range of on-line materials tailored for Access Students to support them with Progression to HE. Drivers and Project Scope
Project Overview • Timeframe Planning and Preparation: May - September 2008 Delivery: September 2008 - June 2009 • Partners Middlesex University - Outreach Team Brightside Trust - Bright Journals Project Manager Barnet College - Aimhigher Coordinator / Access Course Tutors • Budget About £12,200 £4,000 - Middlesex University: - Coordination of the project: communication and programme content development, - Recruitment of Mentors and Mentees: scanning and matching, - Delivery of information sessions and information materials, - Support for Mentees and Mentors, £8,000 - Brightside Trust: - Provision of the e-mentoring platform, - Technical Support, - Training and uploading of Mentees and Mentors, - Monitoring, - Content development of support materials for mature students, - Coordination support.
Sept - Oct 08 - Recruitment and Selection of Mentors, Mentees and Matching Process Oct - Nov 08 - Mentors and Mentees Trainings Oct 08 - May 09 - Information Sessions Development of On-line Resources for Access Students (BrightSide Trust) Nov 08 - May 09 -E-mentoring communications between Mentees and Mentors May - June 09 - Focus Groups and Evaluation Activities Project Stages and Tasks
E-mentoring Platform • Use of Bright Journals E-mentoring platform: - specifically for medical and healthcare students. • Tailored content: - Development of specific content for access students. - Top access article received 377 visits. • Analysis of E-mentoring conversations showed main concerns centered around the following topics: - Study Skills - Finance - Progression (UCAS and HEI choices) - University life and childcare
Key Issues Mentors: Selection and Matching to meet Mentees needs Mentees: Trainings and Involvement Mentees: Limited internet access at home College: Information Sessions - Room booking and communication - dependency on a third party Mentees and Mentors Meeting and Trainings:Logistical Problems Barriers: Mentors and Mentees: full time students with extra commitments (mature College students and University Social Work Students doing their placements) Logistical Problems: a lot of time spent in the College delivering the Information Sessions - Strong Buy-in and support from the College needed College Students: Involvement in E-mentoring; Support from College tutors needed, highlighting benefits, Information Sessions: Dependency on College Key Issues and Barriers
Outcomes - Access students demonstrate increase in their self-belief and confidence, in particular through their engagement with the UCAS admissions process as well as preparation for interview and HE engagement. - Greater awareness of the link between their Access qualification and the experience of studying at undergraduate level - Greater insight into University Admissions procedures and clear understanding of expectations - Extensive On-line Section for Mature Students developed by Bright Side Trust Achievements - Out of 18 Access Course Students - 7 have used E-mentoring Platform 100% of mentees who took part on the scheme applied for university. 100% of students felt confident about applying through the UCAS system. 100% of the students reported that they were well advised and well aware of UCAS application deadlines. 88% agreed that they received advice on various universities that offered the course they were interested in. 75% of students agreed that the pilot has given them more insight into the broad range of choices available to them through university. - All 18 Students participated actively in Information Sessions - 12 out of 18 Access Students Progresses onto their chosen HE course - All 12 felt prepared for the HE environment and experience - All participating Access Course Students felt this project has equipped them with the necessary knowledge and confidence to apply to University and start HE level education. Outcomes and Achievements
Information Sessions - Good starting point for Mentees Buy-in and cooperation from College Less demanding groups - Social Work? Other Access Courses? Younger groups? Realistic about E-mentoring and Internet access Very Successful overall to improve progression rates Future Work / Recommendations