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Evaluation of the EQF - 2013. 7 November 2 01 3. EQF Level 8. Q. NQF/ NQS. EQF Level 7. NQF/ NQS. Q. EQF Level 6. Q. NQF/ NQS. EQF Level 5. NQF/ NQS. Q. NQF/ NQS. EQF Level 4. Q. EQF Level 3. Q. NQF/ NQS. Q. NQF/ NQS. EQF Level 2. EQF Level 1. Country A. Country B.
Evaluation of the EQF - 2013 7 November 2013 Lifelong learning programme
EQF Level 8 Q NQF/NQS EQF Level 7 NQF/ NQS Q EQF Level 6 Q NQF/NQS EQF Level 5 NQF/ NQS Q NQF/NQS EQF Level 4 Q EQF Level 3 Q NQF/NQS Q NQF/ NQS EQF Level 2 EQF Level 1 Country A Country B
Commissionreporttothe EP and theCouncil Reflectingvarioussources: externalevaluationstudy EP reportonthestate of play of the EQF Cedefopstudies inputsfrom EQF AG and NCPs Lifelong learning programme
Conclusions: The EQF is relevantto ET2020 and EU2020 is wellacceptedas a referencetool inspiresthedevelopment and implementation of qualificationsframeworks and thelearningoutcomesapproachin Europe and beyond plays a keyrolein linking varioustransparencytools together But: delaysinimplementation. the crisisurgesthe EU toenablecitizenstomaketheirskills more visible/tomakethe EQF fullyoperationalas a comparisontoolacrosseducation and trainingsystems. Lifelong learning programme
Recommendations Speedupreferencingprocesses and NQF development Strengtheningtherole and impact of comprehensiveNQFsbasedonlearningoutcomes Developingarrangementsforthefollow-up of referencingreports Better linking qualityassurancewithqualificationsframeworks Betterreachthecitizenand stakeholders Usingbetter EQF inLLL and mobilitypolicies Clarifytherole of EQF regardinginternationalqualifications Betteradapting EQF tocurrentdevelopments (eg. OER) Lifelong learning programme