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Liladhar Pasoo has been the leading logistics and supply chain management provider for industries belonging to various sectors such as chemical, energy, fashion, paints, agro, food and engineering goods, etc. The company was established in 1919 and has since then grown to provide 360-degree logistics solutions. And to provide the best end to end services across the globe, it becomes essential to incorporate a system for smooth functioning. This is when key performance indicators and analytics come into play.
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS FOR INDIA’S MOST EXPERIENCED INTEGRATED LOGISTICSSOLUTION PROVIDER LiladharPasoohasbeentheleadinglogisticsandsupplychainmanagementproviderfor industries belonging to various sectors such as chemical, energy, fashion, paints, agro, food and engineeringgoods,etc.Thecompanywasestablishedin1919andhassincethengrowntoprovide 360-degree logistics solutions. And to provide the best end to end services across the globe, it becomesessentialtoincorporateasystemforsmoothfunctioning.Thisiswhenkeyperformance indicatorsandanalyticscomeintoplay. Thekeyperformanceindicatorsandmetricsdemonstratetheperformanceoflogisticsandsupply chain management systems. This makes it possible for our company to improvise the processes, thushelping us providecustomised solutions toour clients. Thekeyperformancefactorsessentialforgaugingourperformanceareasfollows- 1.InventoryTurnover Inventoryturnoverisameasureofthenumberoftimesacompanysellsitsstocksandgoodsovera particular period. It helps us gain a better understanding of the supply chain efficiency and buying practices of the company. An efficient inventory turnover not only reduces storage cost but also enablesus tosell productsat a premiumcost. Our company’s expertise isto offerinventory management solutions, 3PLservices and ValueAddedServices(VAS) that boost a business’s brand authorityand bottom line. 2.DeliveryandShipmentinFreightForwarding These are two key performance indicators essential to meet customer satisfaction, both in B2B and B2C industries. In freight forwarding, it becomes essential to understand the variation in industry requirements.Our company’sFreightForwardingServicesthroughitsmultimodalsolutionsprovides dedicatedlogistics assistance to customers.
3.Freight BillAccuracy Billingaccuracyinshippingandfreightingisvitalforsuccessinlogistics.Tomeettheobjectivesof profitabilityandcustomersatisfaction,trackingthefreightbillwillhelppreventdetrimentaltrends leadingtoan efficient shipmentofgoods.Thushelpingyourbusinessgrow. 4.Cash-to-CashCycleTime Thecash-to-cashcycleistheperiodfromthetimewhenabusinesspayscashtoitssuppliersfor inventoryandreceivescashfromitscustomers.Inshort,thecash-to-cashcycletimemeasuresthe amount of time operating capital is tied up. This metric helps us to increase the efficiency of the supply chain. The entire process can be improved with the ability to track the average cash to cash cycle,thus freeing up resourcesfor other uses. 5.CustomerOrderCycleTime. TheCustomerOrderCashCyclemeasureshowlongittakestodeliveraCustomerOrderafterthe Purchase Order(PO) is made. It helps us evaluate the run-times for various parameters within the “deliverservices and products” service. 6.PerfectOrderRate This is one of the most vital KPIs for businesses operating in a multitude of sectors. The perfect order rate helps us measure the success of our ability to deliver orders incident-free which will help avoiddamages,delaysandinventorylosses.Thehigher,theperfectorderrate,thebetteritisasthe KPIhas a directimpact on customer retentionand loyalty. Fromtrackingshipmentstomonitoringinventorylevels,eachpracticehasitsownobjectivesand fulfillmentofeachoftheseisessentialtoachieveandclimbtheladderofsuccess.LiladharPasoo strongly believes that it is the personal attention, care, real time solutions and customisation that makes the difference and is the only way to be one of the top logistics and supply chain companiesin India.