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Do you want to look fashionable with minimal effort? Are you looking for timeless outfit ideas? Or, are you trying to improve your personal style? Well, the best way to achieve these style goals is by building a capsule wardrobe.<br>
TipstoCreateaCapsule Wardrobe withJockey Do you want to look fashionable with minimal effort? Are you looking for timeless outfit ideas? Or, areyoutryingtoimproveyourpersonalstyle? Well, thebestwaytoachievethesestylegoalsisby buildinga capsule wardrobe. Creatingacapsulewardrobeisoneofthebestwaystoapproachstylesensiblyandsustainablytoo. It allows you to experiment with fewer selections of clothing pieces, which not only makes your life simplerbutalsoletsyoubecreative.Itencouragesyoutobemoredisciplinedaboutyourpurchase andconsciously choose. Tips tofollowwhencreatingacapsulewardrobewithJockey– · Sortthroughyourcloset Beforepurchasinganythingnew,makesuretosortthroughyourexistingcollectionandkeepthose piecesyoureachoutforregularlywhilediscardinganythingyouhaven’tworninthelast6months. Piccourtesy:Google Duringthisperiod,youshouldalsomakealistofeverythingyourwardrobeismissing.Thiswillgive youdirection and allow youto become a mindful shopper.
· Prioritisequalityoverquantity Shop from brands like Jockey that offer products worth every penny. From t-shirts to bottomwear formen,Jockeycurateseachproductwithhigh-qualityfabriclikeSUPIMACotton,micro modal,andsuchlike,thatarealsoengineeredwithinnovativetechnologyandtailoredto perfection. Plus, these pieces stand the test of time and allow you to build different outfits from one single item. So, if you have a high-quality tee or bottom wear such as leggings, shorts or pants, you can style themupordownbasedontheoccasion.Allyouhavetodoisaddsomegreataccessories,maybea baseball cap, a great belt, and some great shoes to look perfectly out together. However, if you want to keep it casual, just add some sunglasses, a cap, great loafers and a crossbody bag for women, to getthat cool street-style look. · Selectclassiccolours Whilebrightcoloursaregreat,nodoubt,butthebestwaytobuildacapsulewardrobeisbyselecting neutral shades that work easily with other pieces. A white round-neck t-shirtor striped polo-neck t-shirtare much better options to pick from, as the styling opportunities with them are limitless. For example, you can simply style a round-neck t-shirt with shorts or leggings to chill at home, run errandsorhangoutwithfriends,orwearthemsameteebylayingitwithablazerandteamingitwith formalpants to attenda meeting. Honestly,the options are endless. Picktimelesspieces
Saywhatyouwant,butthebestwaytobuildanevergreenwardrobeisbypickingtimelessandchicSaywhatyouwant,butthebestwaytobuildanevergreenwardrobeisbypickingtimelessandchic pieces. You can add Jockey’s leisure jeans for menor All Day Pants, and slim-fit jeggings for womento your capsule collection as these pieces guarantee to stay solid with you, unlike fad clothes that go out of style in a few years. Both these items for men and women are versatile, comfortableandeasytostyle,soyoucancountonthemtomakeyoulooktrendyforyearstocome, plus, you can team them with literally anything, a tee, tank top or blazer and go out looking like a styleicon. Skiptrends,notyourtaste
Averyimportantthingtorememberwhencreatingacapsulewardrobeistofillitwithpiecesthatsuit your lifestyle, your body type, and your personal style. So, do not defeat the purpose of this whole experimentbyincludinghyped, trendypieces.Rather, takeawhileto reflectonyour styleand includeoutfitsthatreflectyour personality. Onceyouhavebuiltyourdreamcapsule,you’llbeabletorealiseyourownstyleandmakechanges, ifnecessary, butmost importantly,you’ll beable tosee yourselffor whoyou are– A unique individualwith a veryaesthetic and distinct style.