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Difference Between Deen and Religion and its impacts on human life. In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. Outline Deen Madhab or religion. Difference between DEEN & Madhab. Its impacts on Human life.
Difference Between Deen and Religion and its impacts on human life
In the Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. Outline • Deen • Madhab or religion. • Difference between DEEN & Madhab. • Its impacts on Human life.
DEEN and Religion is clarified but prior to this a deliberation over the meaning and interpretation of both the words should be opted for only to facilitate a better understanding of the subsequent matter. Allah says in the holy Quran Verily the Deen in the sight of Allah is only Islam “Inn-ud-dina ind Allah hil Islam.”
According to • “Religion is a set of doctrine, Rituals and ethics”. (Lord North Burning) • “There is no living religion without something like a doctrine. On the other hand , a doctrine , however elaborate, does not constitute a religion” (C.P.Tsele) • A monastic or religious order subject to a regulated mode of life; the religious state ; as, to enter religion. (Chaucer)
Deen • “Deen “ means absolute sovereignty (of Allah). • “Deen” means absolute submission (of man to the absolute soverign). • “Deen” indicate reward and accountability. • “Deen” expresses a way of life or a code of conduct.
It was exigently just that the believers of Islam should have accepted and introduced Deen i.e., Deen-e-Islam as the Islamic law and way of life but that was not done. On the contrary, a self invented word, Mazhab was opted for against 'Deen', the proof of which is there in neither the Holy Qur’an nor any Prophetic tradition.
It was exigently just that the believers of Islam should have accepted and introduced Deen i.e., Deen-e-Islam as the Islamic law . On the contrary, a self invented word, Mazhab was opted for against 'Deen', the proof of which is there in neither the Holy Qur’an nor any Prophetic tradition. • On the other hand, the sense in which the word has been used in the Prophetic tradition if that is to be used for indicating religion, that would be an insult to Islam. Even now the word Mazhab has become so common that Islam is being identified as 'Mazhab' instead of Deen and this all is the work of religious monopolists.
DeenDeen is an Islaamic word and it is proved by the Holy Qur’an and Ahadees. • The Deen in the sight of Allah (SWT) is only Islaam "The Deen before Allah (accepted by Allah) is Islam" (Aal-Imran 3:19) Deen has been approved of and favoured by Allah "Today, I have completed your Deen, and have completed my bliss upon you and accepted for you Islam as a Deen." (Al-Mai’da 5:3) • Deen is complete "Today, I have completed your Deen..” (Al-Mai’da 5:3) Deen is Pure “Unquestionably, for Allah is the pure religion. (Az-Zumar 39:3) MazhabMazhab is a non-Islaamic word and it has not been used in the Holy Qur’an or Ahadees in this context. Mazaahib is a Self-made thing and Allah (SWT) never likes Self-made things in Islaam. Mazaahib are incomplete. There are self-made statements and proclamations in Mazaahib and this would continue till the time of Qayamah if they don’t repent and get back Islaam. Hence, the whole way of life in Mazaahib is self-made law which is against Islaam. Mazaahib are not pure; indeed they are adulterated and have the combination of Statements, Proclamations, advices and suggestions which are self-made and are contradictory to Islaamic concepts.
Deen Deen has been chosen by Allah (SWT). “Indeed Allah has chosen for you this Deen…” (Al-Baqara 2:132) . • Only Deen will be accepted And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers. (Aal-Imran 3:85). • (Al-Anfal 8:39) Mazhab Mazaahib are Self-made and are made with human-intervention. Since Mazaahib are self-made and against Islaam undoubtedly it will not be accepted.
Deen A messenger or Prophet of Allah will only bring Deen with him. "It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it.” (At-Tawba 9:33). • Fiqh (deep understanding) in Deen is a favour “To whomever Allah Wants to favour HE grants him Fiqh in Deen (full understanding of Deen-e-Islaam).” (SahihBuqari & Sahih Muslim) Mazhab . • There is no relation of Mazaahib with the Messengers or rather these sects are associated with some other Personalities. • The Present day situation is an illustration of the same. “Indeed, those who have divided their religion and become sects - you, [O Muhammad], are not [associated] with them in anything. Their affair is only [left] to Allah; then He will inform them about what they used to do.” • (Al-‘An’am 6:159) Muqallid (the one who is committed to uncritical and unqualified acceptance and emulation of traditional orthodoxy or an authoritarian code of a particular religious teacher).
Mazhab is an un-Islamic law and self created means of establishing relation with Allah. • Mazhab has self-invented methods of prayers, apart from an intrusion and impulse of one's baser self whereas ,Deen is known as code of living in accordance with that of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and striving to achieve the will of Allah.
Mazhab • Zahab: go, pass by, walk. • Mazhab: Method, belief or faith , manner. • As per grammar, Mazhab is an adverbial Noun that shows the place or time of an action. (Tasheel,ul-adab, Filisaanula-arb ). • There are so called five popular Mazahib • Hanafi • Shafaye • Hamabli • Malaki • AhleHadees
The fundamental difference between the two terms must be understood. Madhab, or religion, is a term used for a set of beliefs and rituals of worship. On the other hand, Deen refers to an entire way of life that pervades all aspects of life. In other words, as compared to Madhab, Deen is a far more comprehensive, all-encompassing reality. With this backdrop, it will perhaps not be entirely correct to say that Islam is not a Madhab (religion), because all of the elements of a Madhab are certainly part and parcel of Islam - it includes the articles of belief, spirituality, and the etiquettes of worship (Salah, Saum, Zakah and Hajj). Hence, it would be more accurate to say that Islam is not merely a Madhab, but an entire code of life (Deen). It not only offers whatever constitutes religion, but is endowed with the elements of a complete way of life. Hence, Islam is, essentially,
Mazhab Deen Deen is an Islaamic word and it is proved by the Holy Qur’an and Ahadees. The Deen in the sight of Allah (SWT) is only Islaam "The Deen before Allah (accepted by Allah) is Islam" (Aal-Imran 3:19) Deen has been approved of and favoured by Allah "Today, I have completed your Deen, and have completed my bliss upon you and accepted for you Islam as a Deen." (Al-Mai’da 5:3) Deen is complete "Today, I have completed your Deen..” (Al-Mai’da 5:3) Deen is Pure “Unquestionably, for Allah is the pure religion. (Az-Zumar 39:3) • Mazhab is a non-Islaamic word and it has not been used in the Holy Qur’an or Ahadees in this context. • There is no such proof in Mazhab rather Mazhab is Sectarianism. • There is no scope or rather an instance of Sectarianism or Mazaahib in Islaam. Hence, Mazaahib is a Self-made thing and Allah (SWT) never likes Self-made things in Islaam. • Mazaahib are incomplete. There are self-made statements and proclamations in Mazaahib and this would continue till the time of Qayamah if they don’t repent and get back Islaam. Hence, the whole way of life in Mazaahib is self-made law which is against Islaam. • Mazaahib are not pure; indeed they are adulterated and have the combination of Statements, Proclamations, advices and suggestions which are self-made and are contradictory to Islaamic concepts.
Mazhab Deen Deen has been chosen by Allah (SWT). “Indeed Allah has chosen for you this Deen…” (Al-Baqara 2:132) Only Deen will be accepted And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers. (Aal-Imran 3:85) The purpose of Jihad in Deen is to establish the Deen of Allah completely. “And fight them until there is no fitnah and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah. And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.”(Al-Anfal 8:39) • Mazaahib are Self-made and are made with human-intervention. • Since Mazaahib are self-made and against Islaam undoubtedly it will not be accepted. • The purpose of Jihad (which cannot be called as Jihad, anyways) in Mazaahib is to continue the sect based on some Personality, Individuality, Community or Region.
Some other Difference • Deen is a broader and deeper concept where religion is only a set of dogmas and rituals. • Deen is in contrast to religion . It is a declaration of war against secularism, because the word religion is used in a narrow sense and its scope is limited to the set of dogmas and a number of social customs to celebrate important life events. • Deen on the other hand is a system of life in which human beings consciously surrenders themselves to sovereignty of higher authority .
Impact of Deen or Religion • Every Human being from Hazrat Adam to an an ideal Muslim of today, who has actually accepted the “Deen” of Allah, is follwing a universal code of conduct which is Islam. • From Hazrat Adam to Hazrat Muhammad(P.B.U.H) all preached the same “Deen”. • In other religion there is a bifurcation between religions that religion is only sort of subjective belief which creates a sort of private relationship between God and man. Therefore , they believe that religion is one’s personal matter which has not influence on life in this world. • They consider that the laws of the worldly life should be should on logic and reason and the religion is only to get connected with God. • Hence , Other religions bifurcate life into spiritual and material realms. • The followers of those religions also believe that their salvation in the next world depends on renouncing this material world.
Various aspects of religion on human life • Religion leads man of an inner , most intitude experience to the acceptance of unitary explanation of life. • It is only faith in the existence of an Eternal Being, who knows man equally from within and without and who has full control over him, that cultivates these virtues within man and impels him to automatic righteousness and adherence to duty, and if need be, to make sacrifices for the sake of others. • The well-known philosopher-cum-historian, Will Durant says in his book, 'Pleasures of Philosophy' that, without the backing of religion, morality is nothing more than arithmomancy, as without it, the sense of obligation disappears.
Power to Endure Adversities of Life • Religion provides power for facing adversities and serves as a bulwark against undesirable reactions of despair and hopelessness. • A religious man, with firm belief in Allah, and of His munificence, does not find himself in utter desperation even in the worst moments of his life, because he knows well that he is under the protection of a Being who is Almighty. With faith in the fact that every problem can be solved and every deadlock can be resolved with His help, he can overcome every disappointment and hopelessness
Holy Quran says: • "Surely those who are close to Allah, have no fear nor shall they grieve." (Surah Younus, 10:62 • According to Dr. Durant, behavior of a man who is not blessed with reliance on religion suffers from special epicurean confusion, and the life which has not the comforting support of religion, is an unbearable burden.
Encounter with Ideological Vacuum • Man cannot live in an ideological vacuum for long and as such his tendency towards a wrong ideology and false values becomes definite. His intellectual life is not filled with sound beliefs and healthy teachings. A superstitious and even destructive ideas may find way into his spiritual firmament and may for ever pollute his brain. • All this originates from spiritual vacuum. It is religion which can fill the ideological and intellectual vacuum with sound teachings and can save one from a tendency towards absurdities and irrationalities. • Hence, true understanding of religion can play an important role in combating superstitions, though it is true that even religion itself, if not understood correctly, may promote superstitions.
An Aid to the Progress of Science and Knowledge • Religion with its firm and sound teachings can be an effective factor in scientific progress, because its foundation has been laid on the solid bed-rock of "freedom of will" and on the fact that everybody is accountable for his own deeds. • The Holy Quran says : "Everyone is entangled in the outcome of his deeds." (Surah al-Muddath-thir 74:38) • Faith in religion teaches that limitless knowledge is the source of this cosmos, which is like a very grand book penned by an erudite scholar. Every page of it, every line and every word of it, contains a glaring truth which stimulates us to further study and contemplation.
Fight Against Discrimination • Religion strongly opposes every discrimination based on color, race or class, because it regards all human beings as God's creatures and every country as God's country. According to it, all enjoy God's love and kindness equally and as such, all are equal. • According to the teachings of Islam, no man can be superior to another man on the basis of his color, race, descent, language or class. • Islam recognizes only piety and knowledge as the touch-stones of superiority .Allah says: • "Man, we have created you from a male and a female, and we have divided you into nations and tribes, so that you may get to know one another. Surely the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is he who is most pious."(Surah al- Hujurat, 49 :13) • Thus the role of religion in a world that has not yet been able even to solve the color problem, the question of class apart, is quite clear.
Roots of Religious Sense • Man has been familiar with religion for such a long time that it covers the entire recorded history of human life and goes back into the depths of pre-historic times. • The Holy Quran has described religion as man's innate nature and Allah's established order. It says : • Islam is in harmony with nature which Allah has designed for man. ( Surah al -Rum,30 : 30) • Research carried out by sociologists and historians shows that places of worship, either in their simple or elaborate and complex form, have always had an influence on human life, and religion in its various shapes has been interwoven with its history .
Religion and Individual Freedom • religion restricts • individual freedom and disallows the fulfillment of some desires, whereas, in fact, the aim of religious teaching is not at all to put an end to logical freedom. Its aim is only to stop wastage of human energies and assets and to prevent their flow into improper and worthless channels.
Conclusion • Deen is the way of living and includes all codes and conducts of life. Religion is just a fraction and did not engulf all the thoughts , duties and responsibilities of human life.