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RAYNHAM SLOTS CASINO:. To: BOARD OF SELECTMEN: IMPACT REVIEW & RECOMMENDATIONS May 21, 2013. Scope of Services. General Scope of Services Review the Raynham Park proposal for a slot parlor
Scope of Services • General Scope of Services • Review the Raynham Park proposal for a slot parlor • Prepare an “impact mitigation study” of the proposed slot parlor at Raynham Park for the Town of Raynham as required by statute • Review of Raynham Park’s proposal for basic planning concerns, including: • Traffic, signage, parking, site circulation • Storm water management • Landscaping • Lighting • Interviews w/ Town Staff • Review of historical data • Interviews with regional officials and other towns • Reviewing other facilities such as Twin Rivers • Work with the Selectmen to identify necessary mitigation measures as they work toward a signed agreement • Present findings of study at a public forum prior to referendum to help voters make informed decision
Research accomplished • Identify increased municipal costs • Interview Department Leadership in potentially effected areas • Review existing operational budgets • Assess agreements in other jurisdictions • Assess potential benefits to be derived for the town in: • increased revenues, • vendor contracts, • jobs • mitigation fees. • Meetings with the applicant and their consultants • Review their program and proposed mitigation for the Phase 2 application.
Host Community Mitigation Agreement can include (Mass. Gaming Act) • Infrastructure and Equipment Needs • Public Safety (note special requirements re: public safety arrangements) • Traffic Impacts • Housing Needs • School Impacts • Impacts on Local Businesses • Cross-Marketing (local restaurants, hotels, shops, entertainment venues, etc.) • Environmental Impacts • Process Costs (elections, town meetings for zoning changes, consultants, publication and mailings, etc.) • Local Preferences (jobs, construction contracts, etc.) • Design Considerations/Aesthetics
Review of issues for an agreement • Infrastructure and Public Safety Equipment Needs • Traffic Impacts • Housing Needs and School Impacts • Local Businesses cross marketing. • Site Development Design Considerations/Aesthetics and Environmental Impacts • Process Costs (elections, town meetings for zoning changes, consultants, publication and mailings, etc.) • jobs,
Department Interviews. • Dennis Machado, Building Official, Zoning • Present structures are in compliance with code • A slots Casino will be considered in conformance with the pre-existing gaming use going back to the 1930’s dog track • David Flaherty, Director of Health and Emergency Preparedness • Additional food service licenses, inspections and periodic sanitizing of slots needed • James Donovan, Chief of Police (also Cpt Rich Pacheco & Det Dave Bonaparte) • Needs on site presence 24/7,, transport vehicles, communications. • Now responds to 15000 calls, without new Walmart. Additional cursers • New staff needed, for 24/7 • New detention cell, use of Taunton station no longer available. • James Janis, Fire Chief (Also Admin Sally Gordon, Cpt Lacicita) • Former track had on site duty detail, needs additional 2 staff 24/7 • Need new fully equipped ambulance on duty at site, treatment room, & backup • Needs trained EMT’s on site, prefers RSC pay overtime for town staff • Needs third party inspectors for construction of facility, no present inspector staff
Department Interviews. • Maureen Monahan, Tax Assessor • Property Tax benefit annual decline at Dog Track • Current Tax rate is $20 per 1000 of assessed value, or about 2% . • As Tax rate results from the amount of the Town budget compared to the total town valuation, the $150,000,000 expected cost of Phases 1 & 2 will lower the overall tax rate. • Arthur Bendinelle, Superintendent of North Raynham Water District. • On site meter pits restrict flow, need replace and create water supply loop • Chris Gallagher, Director of Raynham Sewer District.(under Sewer Authority) • Plans submitted to SA provide inconsistent data, need final flows • At issue are two pump stations downstream, and total discharge leading to consuming total allowed discharge to Taunton (1.3 million gallons day) • Current cost of a PS = $600k - $750k Until final plan review needs to retain escrow funds for potential sewer modifications.
Department Interviews. • Deb McClory, Housing Authority • Only senior housing, • Raynham does not meet 10% for 40B housing, only 6 Sec 8 Vouchers • Jacqueline B Forbes, Superintendent of Schools, Raynham-Bridgewater Schools • Current enrollment projects forecast declining student population K-8 of 152 • 400-600 new employees may add 100-200 new studentsspread throughout the several local school districts. • Space is available, will increase student to teacher ratio. • Cultural programs are lacking, only one at high school level. • Bill Smith, Chairman of Conservation Commission • Project needs NOI to proceed. • Present site has no storm drainage collection system, needs to comply
Dept. Interviews. • Roger Stolte: Superintendent of Highways and Public Works. • Pedestrian access from adjoining residential area a priority (Robinson st) • Traffic light Elm st • Consider “Complete Roads” design ( pedestrian & bike lanes) • Waste Management at Raynham Transfer station. Capacity limitations. • Albert Ronaldi, Planner in Lincoln RI: host community for Twin Rivers • Lincoln receives 1% of States 60% or 0.6% of gross revenues • TR reimburses town for Police /Fire expenses • Screening & Buffering of parking important. • Has Infrastructure reserve Account . • Pick up the windblown trash
SPREDD Meeting 4/29/13Mr. Steve Smith, Director • SPREDD providing advisory services to “surrounding communities” • Scoping meeting with four parties: MEPA, Gaming Commission, Applicant and Town. • Inter-municipal agreement between Taunton and Raynham limits discharge to 1.3 MGD. • Housing meets 10%, 40B requirement • No specific template for a mitigation agreement. • EIR likely to be required. • Supports, South Coast Rail and TOD development at site.
John Ziemba, comments • There is no official template for a Host Community agreement. • Collins Center at UMASS continues to work on recommendations. • License will be for 5 years • State agency input is available. • All applications will be reviewed after submission deadline equally. • Town permitting requirements: • “A statement from each host community’s zoning officer, town counsel or city solicitor that, notwithstanding a site plan approval, the proposed category 1 or category 2 gaming establishment is either: • 1. Permitted at its proposed location as of right pursuant to the host community’s zoning ordinances or bylaws; or • 2. Permitted at its proposed location pursuant to all of the host community’s zoning ordinances or bylaws subject only to the applicant’s obtaining some or all of the permits and approvals identified in the application pursuant to 205 CMR 120.01(1)(a)”
Rsc INFORMATION, SO FAR • Use existing club house building for initial slot Casino • Immediately begin to construct new building & move slots w/ 2438 Parking spaces • Site redevelopment with drainage & gravel treatment detention areas • Greening of site • Investment of $150,000,000 • Create 600 new jobs • Four Phases of Construction Phases 1 & 2 completed in 18 months. Later Phases to include: • New Restaurants and offices • New Event Ballroom • Retail and station for MTA
Traffic Analysis • Review of Nitsch Report • Study area along Route 138 from I-495 north to Route 106 in Easton • Projection of Site Generated Traffic • Analysis of pre and post development traffic for morning and afternoon peaks • Proposed Improvements across site frontage on Route 138 • Overall LOS C or better at signalized intersections within the Town of Raynham
Background traffic volumes Automated counts on Route 138 at the site February 2013 Counts covered a 48 hour period (Wed / Thursday) Manual turning movement counts I-495 counts from MassDOT – November 2012 Elm Street and Site Driveways – February/March 2013 Morning and afternoon hours were determined to be critical, not Saturday Growth Rate 1% growth rate to a design year of 2023 No Seasonal Adjustment utilized Opinion: Background data is appropriate, Saturday volumes should have been used but likely results would not be different
Site generated traffic Trip generation based on ITE rates, existing counts and assumed rates 15% shared use credit for p.m. peak hour 25% pass by credit for restaurant and retail 5% pass by for casino uses Trip generation summarized in next slides Distribution 50% to/From North 20% to/from I-495 South 15% to/from I-495 North 15% to local roadways
Trip generation table AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use Daily Volumes Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Casino 1,945 73 24 97 366 287 653 Special Events 1,210 48 32 81 145 97 242 Simulcast 632 9 5 14 7 31 38 Restaurant 3,058 21 7 28 171 84 255 Office Space 829 114 14 128 19 105 124 Hotel 969 47 33 80 46 43 90 Retail 3,102 104 35 140 84 106 190 Commuter Rail Station. 1,054 360 90 449 302 219 521 Bowling Alley 733 41 28 69 60 39 99 Septage Hauling 90 5 5 10 4 10 14 Total Generation 13,623 822 273 1,095 1,204 1,021 2,225
Trip generation table continued AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use Daily Volumes Enter Exit Total Enter Exit Total Total Generation 13,623 822 273 1,095 1,204 1,021 2,225 Shared Use Credit - 3,158 - - - -185 -161 -346 Pass By Credit - 1,084 - 23 - 23 - 47 - 45 - 45 - 90 Total Off Site Traffic 9,381 798 249 1,048 974 815 1,789 Existing Site Traffic -1,725 - 67 - 28 - 95 - 41 - 119 - 160 New Traffic 7,656 731 221 953 933 696 1,629
Trip Generation Comparison Daily Rate AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Raynham Casino 7.53 trips/gp .52 trips/gp 1.09 trips/gp Foxwoods Casino* 3.1 trips /gp .25 trips/gp .315 trips/gp Mohegan Sun/ Twin Rivers 4.4 trips/gp N/A .44 trips/gp Opinion: Nitsch Engineering report presents a very conservative estimate of site generated traffic . Actual volumes should be much less. * Calculated for May 1997 based on 11,230 gaming positions plus .1 trip/gp for employees
Off-site mitigation Proposed Off-Site Improvements Widen Route 138 across site frontage to provide Two northbound and two southbound through lanes Northbound left turn lane into southerly and central site driveway Southbound right turn lane into all three site driveways double left turn lane and one right turn lane exiting the central site driveway Proposed Traffic Signal at central site driveway Southerly site driveway - stop sign control, exiting left turns prohibited Northerly site driveway – stop sign control, right in right out only Minor timing changes at Route 138 and Route 106 in Town of Easton
Capacity analysis summary Route 138 at Route 106 (Town of Easton) A.M. Peak Hour and P.M. Peak Hour – Overall LOS E Route 138 at Elm Street East / Elm Street West A.M. Peak Hour and P.M. Peak Hour – Overall LOS C Route 138 at I-495 Northbound Ramps A.M. Peak Hour and P.M. Peak Hour – Overall LOS C / B I-495 WB Left turn – LOS F (P.M. Peak Hour) Route 138 at I-495 Southbound Ramps A.M. Peak Hour and P.M. Peak Hour – Overall LOS C I-495 EB Left turn – LOS F (A.M. Peak Hour) Route 138 SB Left Turn – LOS F (A.M. & P.M. Peak Hours) Route 138 at Raynham Park Signalized Driveway A.M. Peak Hour and P.M. Peak Hour – Overall LOS B / C Route 138 at Raynham Park Southerly Drive / Robinson Street Robinson Street approach - A.M. Peak Hour and P.M. Peak Hour –LOS F
Staff / Community concerns • Emergency response times for fire / police • Existing response time is 10 minutes • Added traffic will increase response times • Site generated traffic • Traffic has increased over the years • Addition of slots will exacerbate the problem • Elm Street impacts • Potential for increased traffic on Elm Street to Casino • Pleasant Street / Elm Street intersection • Existing control is confusing
recommendations • Applicant should install permanent traffic counters in all site driveways to monitor daily and hourly trip generation of the facility • Applicant should install emergency pre-emption on all traffic signals between the police/fire station complex and the proposed Casino. • If site generated traffic volumes are as high as applicant reports and if congestion occurs on the I-495 southbound off ramp, the applicant should widen the ramp to provide a double left turn lane on the ramp and modify the signal accordingly. If site generated traffic is less than reported the improvement may not be necessary. • Applicant should install and maintain Tourist Attraction Logo Signage, trail blazers and billboards directing traffic to Route 138 and Route 106 in Easton. Printed pamphlets, radio and t.v. advertising should direct patrons to these routes. • Applicant should conduct a detailed engineering study to determine the appropriate traffic control for the intersection of Pleasant Street and Elm Street East.
Mitigation impact fund • Community Mitigation Plan : • Annual Community impact Fee payment to the Town of Raynham of paid in monthly payments commencing on the day of opening of the Phase 1 slot casino. This annual payment shall increase at a rate of 3% per year. • { A comparison with other jurisdictions will show that the 1% is about, or more than what many other localities receive, except for special purpose funds defined in the Everett/ Wynn and Springfield/MGM proposed agreements. • In addition, B&S proposes the agreement includes special purpose funds to hold the Town harmless from hidden expenses to provide emergency and other public services to the site, Including: Emergency services; Infrastructure,; Community Support, and Business Development. • Applicant to pay (reimburse) Process Costs (elections, town meetings for zoning changes, consultants, publication and mailings, etc.)
Infrastructure • Public Infrastructure Fund: Purpose to fund present or future improvements to the Highways (Rt138), Water service to the facility (however owned), to the waste water collection system. • Studies of proposed demands by each phase and year of construction, will be submitted by RSC to the Town of Raynham Selectmen, North Raynham Water Authority and to the Raynham Sewer Dept. for review and comment on traffic demand, flows and cost estimates. An initial escrow account will be set aside for that purpose. • Road improvements maybe required at off ramps from I495 to 138 and the intersection at Plesant and Elm st.. • Sewer impacts could include two pump stations, and associated collection piping. And in the worst case Raynham's agreement to discharge into the Taunton sewers. • Water impacts could include on site circulation and present permits for supply.. • The respective departments shall determine if the fund is adequate to fund its needs and will be supplemented by RSC, if proven to be inadequate by the departments, prior to building permits for Phase 2 are issued. If the escrow amount is not used for the purpose of improving, Roads, water, or sewers to the RSC, the money will be returned.
Emergency Services • Police, Fire and emergency medical services. • Pending determination by the Gaming Commission of on site criminal jurisdiction police powers, local capacity may need to be enhanced as follows. If local forces provide police presence, payments from will be made to the Town of Raynham for the acquisition of assets: • Police: Phase 1, Purpose acquire Transport vehicle for detainees, two police cursers; additional communications and background check capacity. Phase 2. for police station addition to house holding cell detention, vehicles and appropriate communications, support equipment and other spaces. • Fire /EMS: Phase 1. : Purpose to acquire an additional ambulance and equipment to service the RSC 24/7, and to provide additional communications, and traffic light pre-emption capability for all responding vehicles. Phase 2. Emergency response (Rescue & HZMAT) vehicle. • To fund additional police and fire personnel to staff a duty station at the facility 24/7 as the Casino will be in operation continuously.
Community Support • Public Education Diversity Fund: Annual payment to fund a multi-cultural language program at the middle school level in the Raynham Bridgewater School district. To increase 2.5% per annum. The only diversity language class in the system is at the High school level. While room in the buildings exists, many of the new students are expected not to be English first language speakers. • Raynham Community Organization Fund: Annual Payment to the Town of Raynham for the purpose of supporting local youth, civic events, recreation and veterans groups. To increase 2.5% per annum. This fund shall be allocated by the Raynham Board of Selectmen upon review of proposals from appropriate local organizations.
Agreement terms should include: RSC commitments to: • A commitment by RSC to provide funding for the Building Department to retain such Third party review consultants as the Building Official determines are needed to review plans, inspect construction, issue periodic inspection certifications and a final Certificate of Occupancy. • A commitment by RSC to fund on site Police, Fire/EMS personnel required by the Chief of Police and Fire Chief at duty staffing levels they deem appropriate. • Our discussions with the chiefs indicate both need 24/7 coverage will be needed. If this is paid through Town coffers, an additional sum to cover personnel costs is due to the impact fund. • In the alternative RSC pays for the duty personnel as overtime as an operational expense, as has been the case in the past. • An additional alternative is for RSC to contract for private emergency medical services from qualified providers.
Agreement terms should include: RSC commitments to: • A commitment by RSC to include in the Phase 2 construction and plans, a duty station for onsite Police, Fire/EMS personnel that includes: An EMS Treatment room, a Communications and Booking area, a Holding Cell, a sally port (garage) for the ambulance, an appropriate number of desks and communications devises, a waiting room, and a reception area. Appropriate renovations and expansion to the existing duty station will be implemented prior to Phase 1 opening, in cooperation with the requirements of Police and Fire Chiefs. • A commitment by RSC to provide traffic channelization, landscaped planting islands, traffic signals, and security cameras for the Phase 1 opening. • A commitment by RSC to provide an open dialog with town building, zoning, planning and conservation officials during the development of plans for each phase and their construction scheduling. Statements of local permit compliance, including, zoning, building, site, health, and fire safety, must included in the Phase 2 License application.
Agreement terms should include: RSC commitments to: • Provide jobs to local residents and to report the level of hiring's to the Town of Raynham on a quarterly basis. • RSC estimates 600 new jobs • B&S estimates 411 to 500 new jobs. • Develop a Local Business program of cross marketing promotes local business and products to clientele and the general public. • Sponsor local civic and cultural programs on a planned/ scheduled annual basis.
Next Steps • Selectmen consider the recommendations and proceed to negotiate a draft agreement to RSC • Sign an agreement or not, and if sign; • Schedule an Election for the voters to decide to accept the agreement or not. If Voted favorably; • Gaming Commission to hold a local public hearing to receive comments. • Gaming Commission to receive a final “Phase 2” application • Gaming Commission to decide by the end of 2013 who receives the one license for the Slot Casino. • Competing sites are: Plainridge race track; Boxborough Holiday Inn site, and Worchester, downtown mall site.