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Unit 9 Itinerary and Schedule

Unit 9 Itinerary and Schedule. Outline of Unit 9. Dialogues Passage A Passage B Applied Wring Grammar. Dialogue A : When Does the Train Leave? Dialogue B: Are There Any Non-stops?. Dialogues. 1 . New Words and Expressions daily: a. 每天的,日常的 e.g. The machines are inspected daily.

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Unit 9 Itinerary and Schedule

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  1. Unit 9 Itinerary and Schedule

  2. Outline of Unit 9 • Dialogues • Passage A • Passage B • Applied Wring • Grammar

  3. Dialogue A :When Does the Train Leave?Dialogue B:Are There Any Non-stops?

  4. Dialogues 1. New Words and Expressions daily: a. 每天的,日常的 e.g. The machines are inspected daily. n. 日报 e.g. China Daily is one of the most important English newspapers in china.

  5. Dialogues 1.New Words and Expressions express: n. 停站较少的快车 e.g. It is the 8:00 a.m. express to Beijing. a. 特快的,快递的 e.g. The tickets of the express train are available here. v. 用(言语,表情,动作)表达(感情,见解) e.g. His actions express his love.

  6. Dialogues 1.New Words and Expressions get-together:n. 聚会 e.g. We are having a little get-together to celebrate David’s birthday. non-stop: n. 中途不停的车,直达的车 e.g. Are there any non-stops to Shanghai? a.中途不停的,直达的 e.g. It is a non-stop flight to New York.

  7. Learn to Communicate

  8. Dialogues 2. Focal Functions and Patterns When is the next train to Hangzhou? Can you tell me about trains to Hangzhou? What are the times of the trains to Hangzhou? There are trains every day / daily at 9:30 and 13:40 to Hangzhou.

  9. Dialogues 2. Focal Functions and Patterns When /What time does the 1:40 train arrive? It arrives /is duo to arrive at 17:46. How long will the journey take? Only about one hour. It is a fast / express train. There are a lot of stops along the way. Is it a non-stop train? Back

  10. Passage A Holidays Abroad

  11. Passage A • Word Usage resort: n. 度假胜地 e.g. He will go to the resort to spend his summer holidays. opportunity: n. 时机,机会 e.g. Don’t miss this opportunity. --take the opportunity to do sth/ of doing sth 把握时机,抓住机会

  12. Passage A • Word Usage Opportunity & Chance & Occasion Opportunity:常指有利的,符合人们目的和愿望的机会,好运,机遇 Chance:表示幸运或偶然的机会,含侥幸的意味 Occasion:指特殊的时机,场合,常指能采取行动的良机,场合

  13. Passage A • Word Usage camping n. 露营,野营 e.g. The boys went camping last year. camp: n. 营地 e.g. We hiked six miles before we made camp. v.露营 e.g. Where shall we camp tonight?

  14. Passage A • Word Usage escape: v. 逃避,逃脱(某些不愉快的事物) e.g. You cannot escape the reality. v. (从监制或管制中)逃走,逃跑 e.g. Two prisoners have escaped. Synonym-avoid v. 避开,逃避 e.g. We avoided driving in the center of town.

  15. Passage A • Word Usage either…or: (用于表达两者选一)或…或…,不是…就是… e.g. He studies either English or French. neither…nor:既不…也不… e.g. This room is neither large nor small.

  16. Holidays Abroad

  17. Passage A 2. Notes to Passage They used to spend their summer holiday at British resorts, but nowadays they prefer to go abroad. use to do sth:表示过去常常做某事 e.g. I used to live in London. be used to sth: 习惯于,适应于 e.g. I am used to hard work. be used to do sth: 过去习惯于干... e.g. I am used to working hard.

  18. Passage A 2. Notes to Passage Students have the opportunity to travel in school or student group. in: 以…形式,以…方式 in school or student group: 以学校或学生团体为单位 e.g. Let’s arrange the chairs in rows. 让我们把椅子排成排。

  19. Passage A 2. Notes to Passage It is said that it costs them more to stay in Britain and pay heating bills than to have a holiday in Spain? a. “It is said that … 据说…” It can be argued …可能有人争辩… It is well known…大家知道… It is reported…据报道…

  20. Passage A 2. Notes to Passage b. more…than..:比…更… more 表示比较, than引出被比较的对象 e.g. It usually takes more time to fly from one country to another than to travel by train.  坐飞机出国比作火车出国所花的时间多。

  21. Passage A 2. Notes to Passage Cost & Pay Cost: 指价值,花费(多少钱) Pay: 指付款,付给,偿付 e.g. The meal cost us $30. You have paid the money for this week.

  22. Passage A 3. Are the following statements true or false according to Passage A ? The British like to spend their holidays at home. Schools in Britain may organize tours to other countries. Students like to spend their holidays in France or Australia.

  23. Passage A 3. Are the following statements true or false according to Passage A ? Students can only travel abroad with their families. People like to go to Australia in winter and Italy in summer. Camping holidays are popular partly because they are the cheapest and easiest kind of holidays.

  24. Passage A 3. Are the following statements true or false according to Passage A ? Families with Children like camping holidays more than others. The British like to go to Spain in summer. British weather in winter is cold and cloudy. The British will spend more if they don’t go to Spain and stay at home during winter.

  25. Passage A The Answers: F T T F F T T F T T

  26. Passage B A Bus Driver Must Have a Strong Sense of Time

  27. Passage B Answer the following questions according to passage B . 1 Did the author start working as a driver? 2 What is a special requirement for bus drivers? 3 How long does she usually drive a day? 4 What is her basic Pay? 5 Does she have to pay when she travels by tube?

  28. Passage B Answer the following questions according to passage B . 6 How does she get along with men drivers? 7 How does she feel about driving a bus? 8 Do old ladies often complain about her driving? Back

  29. Applied Writing-Train Schedule

  30. Applied Writing-Timetable

  31. Grammar-情态动词 Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1 我们现在该怎么办? 2 谁能回答这个问题? 3 你会打篮球吗? 4 我可以加入你们一起玩游戏吗? 5你必须在八点到达。

  32. Grammar-情态动词 Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 6 你不必现在走。 7 他们应当随时随地说英语。 8 我们不可以在教室里喧哗。 9 我可以坐在这里吗? 10 她不能在这里抽烟。

  33. The EndThank You!

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