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Nature's Wonders: Bulgarian Fauna & Wildlife Legends

Explore the diverse fauna of Bulgaria through vivid descriptions of the red fox, Karakachan dog, wild goat, hare, brown bear, wolf, and lynx. Learn about these majestic creatures and their habitats in Bulgaria.

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Nature's Wonders: Bulgarian Fauna & Wildlife Legends

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  1. BULGARIAN FAUNA Vocational High School of Veterinary Medicine “Prof. d-r George Pavlov” Dobrich, Bulgaria

  2. FOX The fox has normally red colour, a white abdomen black ears and legs. In autumn and winter its fur grows up to protect the fox from cold. There are foxes in reserves, parks, mountains. The fox eats rodents, insects, fruits, eggs, mice and other little animals. They are active mainly at night and in dusk. People are the biggest foxes’ enemies. They shoot foxes because of their fur and they kill foxes because of the harms they cause.

  3. BULGARIAN SHEPHERD DOG The Karakachan Dog is one of Europe's oldest breeds, which is originated in Bulgaria. They are used as guard dogs to keep sheep and goats in Bulgaria.The name of these dogs comes from the Karakachans, nomadic shepherds of Thracian origin.The breed is also called Karakachan Shepherd or simply the Bulgarian Shepherd Dog. In terms of hair length there are two types distinguished: long-haired - length of the body fur should be over 12 cm and short-haired – length of the body fur, neck and limbs measures up to 12 cm. Males are minimum 65 cm of height, females at least 60 cm.Their weight is between 30 - 55 kg. The Karakachans have up to 8 puppies. Bulgarian sheperd dog lives on the average 14 years.

  4. WILD GOAT Wild goat is characterized by reddish-brown hair, which in winter is dark brown. Both sexes have horns. In males, they are larger and strongly curved down and in females - curved back. Wild goat climbs on rocks and can jump very well. In danger males produce whistling sound, while females and young communicate with each other by bleating. Wild goat is a mythological animal in the beliefs of many cultures. The most popular is the myth of the goat which took care of the little Zeus.The goat goes to the cave, where the boy is and all worldly goods start coming our from its horns. From this myth originate the words "Horn of Plenty“. In Bulgaria it can be seen in national parks Rila, Pirin, the Central Balkan and  game reserves in the Western Rhodopes.Today 80% of wild goats in the EU live in these places.

  5. WILD RABBIT/ HARE Hare (Lepus europaeus) is 70-75 cm long, and its weight is up to 6 kg. Its most typical feature are the ears, long 10-14 cm, which are very mobile. Wild rabbit inhabits mainly open and plain areas in which vegetation grows high enough, so it can hide in it. They can develop speed of 60km/h and instantly be away from their chaser, but then slow down and start running as a fox in a circle, doubled or interrupted track, and in some cases they lie down for a rest to recover their forces. Acute hearing, fast running, mimicry and various wiles help him to escape from enemies - foxes, wild cats, dogs roaming. The biggest dangers for these animals come from agricultural machinery, poaching and dazzling night lights!

  6. BROWN BEAR animal of the family Mechkovi.It is the biggest predator in Bulgaria. This superb animal lives in forest areas - in Rila, Pirin, the Rhodopes, Stara Planina and even Vitosha mountain. Although it seems clumsy, often can run with 45 km/h. Its weight is 150-300 kg, in rare cases even more.In the summer brown bears spend much time in eating as they need 14 kilograms of food per day. Most of the winter they spend in sleeping in their dens living from the fat accumulated during the summer. Bear eats plants, grass, fruits, nuts, insects, fish etc When food is not enough, bears can kill smaller animals. Whatever is edible, the bear eats it.

  7. The size of the bear is very important for the hierarchy among tribe in a given area. Their territorial disputes are solved without opponents even to meet. To mark his area, male faces to a tree and makes scratches high on the bark.The pretender, measures its height in the same way - if able to strike higher, becomes the new ruler of the territory. Small bears are born during the winter sleep of the bear. Female gives birth each 2-3 years to 1-3 cubs , which in the beginning are blind and naked and weigh just under 350 grams. They suck milk from their mother for three months and grow very quickly. In the spring they come out to play and learn to fight and fish. Small brown bears grow very quickly – during the first year of their life, the little increases its size almost 200 times.

  8. WOLF • Wolves are predatory animals and go hunting, organized in strict social hierarchy.During the mating season, wolves become very affectionate.Wolves can become aggressive and can bite numerous people in a single attack. Wolves are shown, unpredictable and sometimes can attack small animals and children.

  9. Lynx Information on this species in Bulgaria is very scarce. Lynx existence in Bulgaria has been registered for the first time in 1862. It is thought to be completely extinct in 1941.

  10. Tortoises • Two tortoise species are naturally spread on Bulgarian territory - the Spur-thighed Tortoise (Testudo graeca) and Hermann’s Tortoise (Testudo hermanni). According to Bulgarian legislation they are protected under Biodiversity Conservation Act and the Penal Code of Bulgarian Republic. Both species are globally threatened and listed in Red List of International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN-2004). Tortoises are protected under international conventions as well: Bern Convention, Convention on International trade with endangered wild flora and fauna species (CITES); Habitat Directive 92/43 of the European Union (1992).

  11. White stork • Storks are the symbols of upcoming spring.In Bulgaria in spring when people see the first stork take off their marteniza and hang it on a fruit tree making a wish. • The White Stork is a type of water-loving bird, and it is protected by the law. In Bulgaria there are about 10000-12000 couples.. It is a migrating species  which mates in warmer parts of Europe and spends cold winters in Africa.The White Stork is a rather big bird with height of about 1 m and the span of it’s spread wings is about 2 m.It’s weight differs between 2.3 to 4.6 kg. It is entirely white, with exception of the black feathers on its wings, and its red bill and legs.

  12. The Tengmalm`s Owl • The Tengmalm`s Owl (Aegolius funereus) in Bulgaria is protected by the Biodiversity Act (2002) and is included in the national Red Data Book (1985) as "rare species". The species is also under protection of the international legislation - it is listed in Annex 2 of the Convention for protection of the wild European flora and fauna and nature habitats (Bern Convention) and in Annex 2 of the Convention for illegal trade with endangered species (CITES); both conventions were ratified by Bulgaria in the early 1990s.

  13. Egret colonies • In spring and summer 2006 entire monitoring of all egret and cormorant colonies known on the Bulgarian territory was conducted. It was supported by Balkani Wildlife Society and WWF Danube-Carpathian programme. 24 Bulgarian colonies and 3 located on the Romanian islands in the Danube River were included. It was the first complete study in Bulgaria of all nesting egrets, cormorants, ibises and spoonbills within one breeding season.

  14. Cormorants The Pigmy Cormorant is protected species under the European and Bulgarian legislations. Devastatation of its natural habitats and hunting have lead to its extinction in several important territories. The species is extremely vulnerable not only during the nesting season but in winter as well, when thousands of cormorantsa are roosting at the same place - usually in reed beds or in isolated islands. This behavior protects the juveniles from their natural enemies but not from man. Balkani started a project in 2005-2006 sponsored by Rufford Small Grant aiming at raising public awareness and voluntary guarding of the most numerous roost. It is located in one island along the Maritza River not far from Plovdiv.

  15. SWALLOW They feed with insects, caught in the air. They destroy many pests. Swallows are very useful birds, which are loved by village people.There are about 80 species known throughout the world. On the territory of Bulgaria can be seen the following 5 types: House Martin, Red-rumped Swallow, Barn Swallow, Sand Martin, Crag Martin. White swallow, which occurs once in a hundred years, brings healing to the sick people. It is a symbol of human hope and the light of  life.On the territory of Bulgaria all species are protected by law. Locked in a cage they die.

  16. ‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

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