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Stakeholder Forum for Sustainable Development

Established in 1987, the Stakeholder Forum facilitates stakeholder engagement in intergovernmental processes relating to sustainable development. It organizes preparations for various international meetings, builds capacity for engagement in negotiations, informs people about sustainable development through outreach activities, and promotes dialogue on sustainable development through various initiatives. The forum also focuses on economic, environmental, and human security, advocates for reform of sustainable development governance, and supports the transition to a green economy.

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Stakeholder Forum for Sustainable Development

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  1. Rio+20 Felix Dodds Executive Director Stakeholder Forum

  2. Stakeholder Forum • Set up in 1987 as UNEP-UK then became UNED-UK (1993) and then Stakeholder Forum (2000) • Internation Advisory Board includes NRDC, National Wildlife Federation, WRI and World Information transfer from USA – others include: WWF Int, IUCN, Development Alternatives, ENDA WBCSD, IUSU, ICLEI, Global Unions, NRG4SD

  3. What does Stakeholder Forum do? • Help facilitate stakeholder engagement in intergovernmental processes:- Organised stakeholder preparations for: the Ad Hoc Environment Ministers (Norway 2000), Bonn Water (2001), WSSD Regional Prep Coms (2001) , Bonn Energy (2004), UNEP GPA IGR-2 (2006), Stakeholder engagement in the UN ECOSOC AMR and MDG+8 Summit (2008) • Global Public Policy Network on Water Management – working on water and climate • Sustainable Development Governance eg High Level Panel on System Wide Coherence (2006) , review of the CSD, UNEP

  4. What does Stakeholder Forum do? • Capacity Building: - to engage in intergovernmental meetings eg Negotiating and Implementing MEAs, workshops for UNEP and UNDP • Informing people about sustainable development: Outreach newsletter since 1996 and now Stakeholder radio with BBC World Service Trust and UN Radio, developing a web 2.0 platform for the Summit • Promoting dialogue on sustainable development eg through books

  5. Stakeholder Forum Books

  6. Adapted from John Elkington’s Waves and Down waves Future 2001 September 11th 1992 Earth Summit 2002 WSSD 1991 Gulf War High interest 1987 Montreal Convention 1993 Climate & Bio-div. Conventions 2001 Genoa G8 2003 Gulf War II 1985 Vienna Convention 1994 Desertification Convention Medium interest 1999 Battle of Seattle 2004 Madrid Bomb 1995 Straddling Fish Stocks, Copenhagen, Beijing 1972 - Stockholm 1973 Oil Crises Low interest Fourth Wave Environmental/ Economic and Human Security Third Wave Globalisation and Governance First Wave Limits Second Wave Regulation

  7. Albert Einstein "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Or "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."

  8. Preparations for 2012 to date 2007 September President Lula of Brazil calls for a new Earth Summit 2008 September G77 backs call for a Summit 2008 November 4th G77 tables GA resolution calling for a Summit 2008 November 12th Stakeholder Forum host workshop on Rio+20 – Donostia Declaration 2008 December GA decides to defer decision to 2009 2008 December Stakeholder Forum sets up www.earthsummit2012.org 2009 February Stakeholder Forum hosts dinner for governments on Rio+20

  9. Donostia Declaration • Economic, Environment and Human Security • A new Brundtland Commission on a Green New Deal • A review of Agenda 21 and JPoI • Reform of Sustainable Development Governance • convention on access to information, participation and justice (Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration) • Convention on Corporate Accountability

  10. February Non Paper • Newly Emerging Spirit of International Cooperation • The need for Global Governance • Recognising Common but Differentiated Responsibilities • Importance of Focus and Measurable Outcomes: • Options Facing Humanity • Not to Distract from or Delay Progress Elsewhere • New Green Deal

  11. Brazilian Submission to the UN Secretary General • Review of implementation (i). Review of the implementation of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, (ii). Review of the implementation of Agenda 21 the Program for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation. (iii). Review of the implementation of the 3 Rio Conventions: CBD, UNFCCC, UNCCD. (iv)For the UNFCCC, 2012 will mark the conclusion of the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. The 2012 Conference will provide an opportunity to contribute to the review of its implementation.

  12. International governance for sustainable development • Look at reform of UNEP – • Deal with the fragmentation of the system • Reform of the CSD • convergence for deliberation on the reform of the international institutions for sustainable development

  13. Green economy • economic and financial crises has highlighted the need to reinstate the role of the State both as regulator and driver for sustainable development • structural changes are required to sustain a true transformation. • several alternatives of reform, regulation, fiscal stimulus, capacity building and prioritization of sectors and regions should be analyzed

  14. Green Economy • Stimulating the world economy through policies that give priority to sustainable patterns of consumption and production • New investment opportunities - in fields such as energy, transport, agriculture and infrastructure - can be coupled with incentives to sustainable innovation and technology transfer. • creation of “green jobs”

  15. Water • Water is essential for socioeconomic development and for maintaining the integrity of the environment • Access to water A place setter for Environmental Security Issues?

  16. Brazilian Outcomes • A comprehensive political declaration that would indicate new areas of convergence and consolidate the international consensus on the paradigm of “green economy”; to recall and reaffirm Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation; identify gaps and propose actions for bridging them. • A plan of action for the achievement of the objectives set forth by the Conference, including with regard to the implementation of the “green economy” paradigm.

  17. Earth Summit 2012 A NEW GREEN ECONOMY New Paradigm – Human Environmental and Economic Security Earth Charter Agenda 2030 Possibly Conventions – access to information, participation and environmental justice and corporate accountability Obama approach Engage stakeholders and people

  18. Senator Robert Kennedy (1968) “A revolution is coming— a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise enough; Compassionate if we care enough; successful if we are fortunate enough. But a revolution is coming whether we will it or not. We can affect its character; we cannot alter its inevitability.” A more fundamental revolution is needed, not in 40 years time and not only in one country, but in the next ten to twenty years and across the globe..”

  19. What to do • Discuss what you think the Summit should be about • Coordinate a response to the White House and the State Department calling for a Summit in 2012 • Start a country wide conversation on how to create a green economy

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