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Exploring The Scientific Method: Key Elements and Experimental Design

Explore key elements of the scientific method, such as variables, hypothesis, control, and repeated trials. Learn about experiment design steps and vocabulary terms related to independent and dependent variables. Understand the importance of controls and constants in designing valid experiments. Discover how to analyze experiment data and draw conclusions. Enhance your knowledge of experimental design with practical examples and applications.

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Exploring The Scientific Method: Key Elements and Experimental Design

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  1. Unit: _Exp. Design____ THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD & EXPERIMENT DESIGN What are some key elements of sci. method that come to mind? 10

  2. Warm-Up 7/29/2014 Which of the following steps in the scientific method was represented by the “Easter Bunny”?

  3. Parts of a VALID experiment - Question - Hypothesis - Independent Variable - Dependent Variable - Control - Constants - Repeated Trials 12

  4. Vocabulary Terms • Variable Factors that change in an experiment. 13

  5. Vocabulary Terms • Independent Variable - The variable that the experimenter purposefully changes/manipulates. • Dependent Variable - The variable that changes as a result of the Independent Variable. (DV gets measured.) 14

  6. Vocabulary Terms • Control -The normal situation (Ind. Var.) left unchanged. Used to compare effects of the IV when changed. Constant -Every other factor in the exp. that is not a variable. 15

  7. Vocabulary Terms • Repeated Trials -The number of times the experiment is repeated. -The more the better. 16

  8. Experimental Design • Problem: The effect of the IV on the DV. -The effect of medicine dosage on blood pressure. • Hypothesis: If…then…statement. -If medicine dosage is related to blood pressureandmedicine dosage is changed, thenblood pressure will change. 17

  9. Experimental Design • IV= -dosage. • DV= -blood pressure. 18

  10. Experimental Design • Control: -placebo, no medicine given. • Constants: -type of medicine -gender, age -diet -what else? 19

  11. Experimental Design • Done after the experiment is complete: -Analyze/Infer- What did the data show? What was learned? What other questions came about? 20

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