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Historical Abstracts & America: History & Life

Historical Abstracts & America: History & Life. Historical Abstracts. An exceptional resource that covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present Includes world history, military history, women’s history, history of education, and more

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Historical Abstracts & America: History & Life

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  1. Historical Abstracts & America: History & Life

  2. Historical Abstracts • An exceptional resource that covers the history of the world(excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present • Includes world history, military history, women’s history,history of education, and more • Provides indexing of more than 1,700 academic historical journalsin over 40 languages back to 1964 • Includes relevant dissertations from Dissertations & Theses (formerly DAI) • No other history research tool matches its scholarly standards or comprehensive coverage

  3. America: History & Life • An exceptional resource that covers the United States and Canada. • Includes world history, military history, women’s history,history of education, and more. • Provides indexing of more than 2,000 academic historical journalsin over 40 languages back to 1955. • Citations to book reviews from c 140 major journals of American history. • No other history research tool matches its scholarly standards or comprehensive coverage. • Cross-searchable with HA.

  4. Historical Abstracts: A Selection of Titles • European History • French Historical Studies • Geschichte In Wissenschaft Und Unterricht • Hispania: Revista Espanola de Historia • History of European Ideas • Journal of British Studies • Studi Storici • Eastern European History • Academia Republicii Socialiste Romania. Studii: Revista de Istorie • Slavic Review: Interdisciplinary Quarterly of Russian, Eurasian, & East European Studies • Istoricheski Pregled • Zgodovinski Casopis • World History • Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales • English Historical Review • Journal of Economic History • Russian History • Morskoi Sbornik • Otechestvennaia Istoriia • Sovetskie Arkhivy

  5. America: History & Life: A Selection of Titles • America History • American Historical Review • Arkansas Historical Quarterly • Journal of American History • Ohio History • Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America • Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography

  6. Historical Abstracts: More Limiters & Index Browse Fields • EBSCOhas added the ability to search and limit by: • Historical Period • Year Published • Publication (text box) • Publication Type - new • Peer Reviewed - new • Abstract Available - new • Document Type • Language

  7. Historical Abstracts: Historical Period indexing All records are indexed with an Historical Period limiter for easier information retrieval. Searches on EBSCOhostare by the exact historical timeframe displayed in the full record.(previously the search was by decade.)

  8. Historical Abstracts: More Limiters & Index Browse Fields • EBSCOhostprovides these Indexes for browsing and searching: • Document Type – new • ISSN - new • Year of Publication - new • Author/Editor/Reviewer • Journal Name • Language • Subject Terms

  9. Historical Abstracts: More Limiters & Index Browse Fields EBSCO has added Source Type Searching This enables filtering of retrieved results by publication source

  10. Timeline • September 2007 – Historical Abstracts available via EBSCOhost • November 2007 – Searchable references available. • June 2008 – Libraries may continue to access Historical Abstracts and America: History & Life via the ABC-CLIO platform through June 2008 • July 2008 – Ehost 2.0 release will enable multiple Index searches for searching many databases at once. • 2009 • EBSCO plans to release Historical Abstracts with Full-Text, including hundreds of unique journals not found in other databases. • Publication Index • Enable journal alerts. • Browse issues more readily.

  11. Summary Historical Abstracts – America: History & Life • Created for the scholarly & intensive research community • Superior abstracting & indexing by ABC Clio. • Historical Abstracts primarily covers Renaissance period to present. • EBSCO offers more limiters and index browse fields. • Links to full text. Where possible, links to commercial full text providers (e.g. JSTOR, EJS, Swets, etc) are handled by EBSCOadmin/CustomLinks. Those links determined to be freely available (open access) have been retained in the full record.

  12. Ehost2.0

  13. Smarter Results Page

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