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YOU KNOW YOU'VE TURNED INTO A MOM WHEN ... You automatically double-knot everything you tie. You find yourself humming the Wiggles song as you do the dishes .
YOU KNOW YOU'VE TURNED INTO A MOM WHEN... • You automatically double-knot everything you tie. • You find yourself humming the Wiggles song as you do the dishes. • You hear a baby cry in the grocery store, and you start to gently sway back and forth, back and forth. However, your children are at school! • You actually start to like the smell of strained carrots mixed with applesauce.
You weep through the scene in Dumbo when his mom is taken away, not to mention what Bambi does to you. • You get soooo into crafts you contemplate writing a book called "101 Fun Crafts To Do with Dryer Lint and Eggshells.“ • You spend a half hour searching for your sunglasses only to have your teenager say, "Mom, why don't you wear the ones you pushed up on your head?“
You are out for a nice romantic meal with your husband, enjoying some real adult conversation, when suddenly you realize that you've reached over and started to cut up his steak. • today'sTHOT==========================Mothers are guinea pigs in a scientific experiment to prove that sleep is unnecessary for human existence.
Power 120 Acts Series
Tonight, we’re going deeper into the province of Galatia to Iconium, Lystra and Derbe. • They left Antioch of Pisidia where they had impacted the city but had to flee for their lives.
Acts 13:49-52 – So the Lord's message spread throughout that region [around Antioch of Pisidia]. 50 Then the Jews stirred up the influential religious women and the leaders of the city, and they incited a mob against Paul and Barnabas and ran them out of town. 51 So they shook the dust from their feet as a sign of rejection and went to the town of Iconium. 52 And the believers were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.
I titled this evening’s message: Extending God’s Kingdom, Upsets the Enemy. • Paul and Barnabas advanced the Kingdom of God into previously unchallenged territories of the devil. • The devilwas not pleased. • He would not give up without a fight. • Indeed, they had a fight on their hands. • The 3 cities (Iconium, Lystra and Derbe) we’re discussing tonight are in the province of Galatia. • When Paul later writes his letter Galatians, these are the recipients.
Acts 14:1 – The same thing happened in Iconium. Paul and Barnabas went to the Jewish synagogue and preached with such power that a great number of both Jews and Greeks became believers. • Iconium (modern day Konya) is about 80 miles southeast of Antioch of Pisidia. • As was their normal custom, they went to the synagogue 1st. • A large number of Jews and Gentile God-fearers became believers here too. • Greeks = God-fearers
There is a New Testament pattern of team ministry that is worth noting. • Paul traveled with Barnabas. • Later, he and Silas traveled together. • They always ministered as a team. Why? • Accountability – tiredness combined with loneliness are setups for a fall. • Encouragement • Combining of Gifts (Evangelist with a pastor & etc.) • Strength in numbers
2 Some of the Jews, however, spurned God's message and poisoned the minds of the Gentiles against Paul ansdBarnabas. • The pattern started in Antioch of Pisidiacontinues. • The Jewish leaders rejected their message. • And, they used their contacts with the Gentiles to stir up persecution against Paul & Barnabas. • Their words poisoned the Gentiles against Paul & Barnabas. • Our words can literally poison people’s minds.
3 But the apostles stayed there a long time, preaching boldly about the grace of the Lord. And the Lord proved their message was true by giving them power to do miraculous signs and wonders. • Their ministry in Iconium bore much fruit because they ministered in both word and deed. • The God-fearers would have welcomed their preaching about forgiveness of sins. • But, the rank and file Gentiles could have cared less about the Old Testament Law stuff. • What caught their attention were the miracles. • They clearly saw that Jesus was more powerful than the false gods they were serving.
Why were they so effective? • Not necessarily great orators – ayoung man fell asleep during Paul’s preaching (Acts 20:7-12). • Not Paul’s personal charisma • An eyewitness resident of Iconium named Onesiphorusdescribed Paul this way: A man small of stature, with a bald head and crooked legs, in a good state of body, with eyebrows meeting and nose somewhat crooked.
His effectiveness came because of his anointing. • He spoke with such power that the same Onesiphorus also wrote: Now he appeared like a man, and now he had the face of an angel. • This is another way of saying that the anointing on Paul was so powerful that his countenance seemed to change when he preached. • Miracles are God’s validation of the message.
Signs & Wonders • Sign= semeion • Sign =a miracle where God shows Himself all-powerful • Wonder = teras • Wonder =an amazing miracle that causes astonishment. • It has the Wow-Factor. • Because they ministered in both word and deed, they were very effective. • We too would have the same results.
4 But the people of the town were divided in their opinion about them. Some sided with the Jews, and some with the apostles.5 Then a mob of Gentiles and Jews, along with their leaders, decided to attack and stone them. • The fact that Luke says, a great number . . . believed, shows that a significant number of people in Iconium believed in Jesus. • The spiritual forces of wickedness were not pleased and were fighting back. • So, Paul & Barnabas had to flee to Lystra.
6 When the apostles learned of it, they fled to the region of Lycaonia—to the towns of Lystra and Derbe and the surrounding area. 7 And there they preached the Good News. • There is no evidence of a Jewish synagogue here, but we know there were Jewish people here. • This is the town where Timothy is from. • His mother Eunice and grandmother Lois were Jewish. • Because there would have been few Gentile God-fearers here, they had to change their strategy.
8 While they were at Lystra, Paul and Barnabas came upon a man with crippled feet. He had been that way from birth, so he had never walked. He was sitting 9 and listening as Paul preached. Looking straight at him, Paul realized he had faith to be healed. 10 So Paul called to him in a loud voice, "Stand up!" And the man jumped to his feet and started walking. • The God-fearers responded to their preaching. • But, the rest of the Gentile population had no concept of the Old Testament Law. • They responded to miracles; this is where Paul started in Lystra. • The deeds came first and then the word.
Notice this healing is very similar to the one Peter did for the lame man by the Gate Beautiful. • Both men had been lame since birth. • And, the prayers were similar. • They were command prayers for healing and not petitionary prayers. • If you will notice in Scripture, every time someone prays for the sick, it is always a command prayer. • There is never a prayer about if this is God’s will or begging God to do this or that. • It is always a direct command: 10a So Paul called to him in a loud voice, "Stand up!"
Why is this so? • Jesus paid for our healing on the cross. • Healing is in the atonement. • He has now given us His authority to go forth and do what He did. What was that? • Preach the Kingdom, heal the sick &cast out demons. • When I pray for the sick, I usually say something like: In the Name of Jesus, knees be healed!
Here’s another point: Paul saw that the lame manhad faith to be healed. • There is always a connection between faith and healing in the Scriptures. • It will be present in one or both parties praying. • Here it was with both Paul and the lame man. • At the Gate Beautiful, it was with Peter and not the lame man. How many times did Jesus say something like, “Go, your faith has made you whole” or “Be it done according to your faith”?
Probably the most fertile field in the world right now is in mainland China. • Over 30,000 people are responding daily there. • Read recently: Wherever we go, signs and wonders follow our sisters and brothers. • There was even a story where no one wanted to hear the Gospel. • Then they prayed for a man who had been lame for 70 years, and he was healed. • Then the people listened. • It’s still happening today!
11 When the crowd saw what Paul had done, they shouted in their local dialect, "These men are gods in human form!" 12 They decided that Barnabas was the Greek god Zeus and that Paul was Hermes, since he was the chief speaker. 13 Now the temple of Zeus was located just outside the town. So the priest of the temple and the crowd brought bulls and wreaths of flowers to the town gates, and they prepared to offer sacrifices to the apostles.
Zeus (Greek) = Jupiter (Roman) = Barnabas • Hermes (Greek) = Mercury (Roman) = Paul • Hermes was the messenger of the gods. • According to the local legend, Zeus and Hermes had visited Lystra in the past. • And no one showed them hospitality but an old couple. • The 2 then killed everyone in the city. • When this incredible miracle manifested, they immediately thought the 2 had returned. • They didn’t want to die, so they began to make sacrifices to them.
14 But when Barnabas and Paul heard what was happening, they tore their clothing in dismay and ran out among the people, shouting . . . • This is a Jewish sign of shock, horror and sorrow. • But, watch how they used this as an opportunity to preach the Good News.
15 "Friends, why are you doing this? We are merely human beings—just like you! We have come to bring you the Good News that you should turn from these worthless things [Zeus & Hermes] and turn to the living God, who made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. • Notice how Paul adapted his message to his audience. • Here were a group of totally pagan people who had no concept of Jehovah God. • But, Paul introduced them to the true God who was more powerful than the chief Greek god, Zeus.
16 In the past He permitted all the nations to go their own ways, 17 but He never left them without evidence of Himself and His goodness. For instance, He sends you rain and good crops and gives you food and joyful hearts." • Even though they were not worshiping God, He did not leave them without evidence of Himself. • Look at the rain and the crops. • If you ever doubt there is a God, just look around. • Look at nature or the birth of a child. • You can see God’s fingerprints everywhere.
Romans 1:20 – For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. What about those who have not heard? • God has left a testimony of His existence in the world around us. • Elijah’s encounter with the prophets of Baal • You saw the healing. • Zeus has never done anything like that for you. • God is more powerful than Zeus.
18 But even with these words, Paul and Barnabas could scarcely restrain the people from sacrificing to them.19 Then some Jews arrived from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowds to their side. They stoned Paul and dragged him out of town, thinking he was dead. • Talk about the fickleness of a crowd! • One moment they want to worship him and the next they stone him! Sir Claude McDonald: Sometimes a majority simply means that the fools are all on one side.
Paul was dead. Why? • People can be raised from the dead. • Most who deny this, don’t believe in the supernatural. • The Jews who stoned him thought he was dead. • That is why they dragged him outside of town. • John Fox of the Quakers 2 Corinthians 11:25 – Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked. Once I spent a whole night and a day adrift at sea.
20 But as the believers gathered around him, he got up and went back into the town. The next day he left with Barnabas for Derbe. • At any rate, he was healed, got up, and went back into the city. • The next day, he walked to the next city, Derbe. • This is perhaps one of the most dramatic scenes in the whole book of Acts. • This raising from the dead certainly solidified that God is more powerful than Zeus.
21a After preaching the Good News in Derbe and making many disciples . . . • Derbeis about 60 miles from Lystra, but there is no evidence that they endured any persecution there. 2 Timothy 3:11 – You know how much persecution and suffering I have endured. You know all about how I was persecuted in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra—but the Lord rescued me from all of it. • He doesn’t mention Derbe. • This must have been God’s grace to them. • Not only that, but many came to the Lord in Derbe as well.
21b Paul and Barnabas returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch of Pisidia . . . They did what? Did they not almost lose their lives in those places? • Antioch – They were run off • Iconium – Threats of stoning • Lystra – Paul was stoned
So, why go back? • Apparently they were on the verge of people movement. • Antioch – Almost the entire city turned out to hear them (13:44). • Iconium – A great number of both Jews and Greeks believed (14:1). • Derbe – and making many disciples (14:21). • The new believers needed more discipleship. • That is why they ran the risk of retracing their steps. • Much was at stake here.
22 where they strengthened the believers. They encouraged them to continue in the faith, reminding them that we must suffer many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God. • The preaching of the Good News in the devil’s domain involves a spiritual battle. • Satan doesn’t want to release his captives easily. • There is a real devil, and he fights the advancement of the Kingdom every step.
Matthew 16:18 – Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means 'rock'), and upon this rock I will build My church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. • Notice Jesus connects the building of the Church with the powers of hell coming against it. • Building the Church will involve spiritual warfare. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven. • The key to advancing the Kingdom would be in whatever you bind . . . • Bind = deo & the same word used to bind the strongman (Matt. 12:29).
In Ephesians 6:17, Paul tells us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. • He then tells us to put on the full armor of God. • He describes the body armor of the Roman soldiers. • The Roman Legions always advanced. • Their posture was offensive. • His message to the new believers was that there will be demonically inspired opposition. • But, don’t huddle back when it happens. • Keep moving forward in the power of the Spirit. • Extending God’s Kingdom upsets the enemy!
23 Paul and Barnabas also appointed elders in every church. With prayer and fasting, they turned the elders over to the care of the Lord, in whom they had put their trust. • This was a key point for the maturation of the local churches. • After prayer and fasting, they listened to the Holy Spirit and appointed leaders in the churches.
24 Then they traveled back through Pisidia to Pamphylia. 25 They preached the word in Perga, then went down to Attalia. • They retraced their steps. 26 Finally, they returned by ship to Antioch of Syria, where their journey had begun. The believers there had entrusted them to the grace of God to do the work they had now completed. 27 Upon arriving in Antioch, they called the church together and reported everything God had done through them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles, too. 28 And they stayed there with the believers for a long time.
They had a much needed rest and relaxation. • They gave the report of what God had done through them. • This concluded Paul’s 1st missionary journey. • The message tonight is to not be surprised when the enemy attacks. • When the Kingdom advances, he fights back. • But, greater is He who is in us, than the devil who is in the world. • Be of good cheer, because Jesus has overcome the enemy!
Power 120 Acts Series