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There’s a hadith that always makes me laugh, and I’m paraphrasing here. Prophet Muhammad was passing by a date palm orchard, and he observed the way that people were going to pollinate the plants and said,
There’s a hadith that always makes me laugh, and I’m paraphrasing here. Prophet Muhammad was passing by a date palm orchard, and he observed the way that people were going to pollinate the plants and said, “Well I don’t think that’s going to work.” The people then stopped what they were doing. When the trees did not yield any harvest later, the prophet said, “Well, what do I know about worldly affairs? I’m a prophet!”’ - Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf
Although Malaysia’s modern and post-modern eras are punctuated by the genial controversies that accompany all human struggle, it firmly stands as a beacon of m0deration despite the cultural afflictions that assault all indigenous peoples. This testament is one of a singular strength that transcends the chaos of contemporary societies with majority or predominate Muslim constituencies.
That the Islamic consciousness has preserved this national integrity is a given for those of us who comprehend the path of Islam. Hence, in view of the need for Muslims to unwaveringly assert themselves in the face of incontrovertible conflicts with antithetical cultural influences, and yet accommodate benefits drawn from the perennial struggle we propose a joint Malay-Egyptian Venture into higher education.
Similar efforts have been launched by the West. Nevertheless, what characterizes this momentum is that it is singularly and privately initiated from within the traditional International Muslim Community -- with a view to: • synthesize the benefits acquired from the modern eras with a balanced approach to the Muslim Worldview and ‘Way of life’; • consolidate the knowledge and experience gained by the passing generation; • handover both pools of knowledge and experience to the next generation.
Why Malaysia? Why Egypt? Because a constellation of events, needs and principals presently exist to make it possible to realize the mutually beneficial contingencies that inevitably follow success, both now and hereafter. The strategic advantages to be gained are self-evident: Egypt stands in the center of the Muslim World … Malaysia stands as a beacon of balance between polarized extremes. The time is now.
U A m. e. We therefore invite you to consider investing in a progressive Islamic approach to higher education; one that avoids political and religious extremism yet preserves the integrity of the Muslim identity along with its traditional dialogue. Omar Zaid, M.D. Physician, Author, Editor
AGENDA 1.1 BACKGROUND 1.2 VISION 1.3 MISION 1.4 OBEJECTIVE 1.5 OUTLINE OF CONCEPT 1.6 Chronology of Events 1.7 Location Plan 1.8 Aerial Views 1.9 The Team 1.10 Scope of Works 1.11 Summary of Project Information 1.12 Summary of GDVs & Profitability 1.13 Expenditure Incurred and Committed
Background Considerations • Egypt is the largest Arabic and Islamic country in the Middle East and is considered the center of the Arabic region. • Egypt is a great international educational center with 22 Public Universities, 7 Private Universities and 4 International Universities sponsored by American, German , French and Belgium authorities.
and importantly: • Egyptians regard Malaysia as the foremost developed country in the Muslim World, a position they hold in high regard and envy.
Vision • To create the first Malaysian International University in Egypt -- the centre of Arabic world -- characterized by knowledge synthesis and the integration of the traditional Islamic Dialogue with the advanced sciences. • Hence, providing balanced moderation and the most advanced approach to Islamizing higher education in the Middle East.
Mission Statement • The MIU Mission is to bring Malaysia’s advances in science, economics & trade along with the country’s tempered approach to balancing Islamic curriculum with cultural values. This national model is highly esteemed by many Muslims in the Middle East. • The MIU Institution in Cairo intends to utilize the exacting rigor of Malaysia’s quality -controlled medical curriculum and advancing educational modules.
OBJECTIVE • To create the first Malay sponsored international university in Egypt as a centre for the entire Arabic speaking world. • To offer these eager students an integrated curriculum-for both pre-university and university disciplines; one that is modeled on Malaysia’s moderate yet progressive system which has fascinated many Middle Eastern and North African families.
CONCEPToutline Medical Science Campus • To begin with three colleges: Medicine --- Dentistry --- Pharmacy Fees will range from RM 20 K for Pharmacy to RM 35 K for Medicine and Dentistry • Initially, our basic studies campus will accommodate 1,200 students -- 400 for each programme -- excluding administrative and management staff. • During the first five years we will use public hospitals and facilities after which we intend to establish our own teaching hospital
Only the first two years of basic science studies will be delivered at this campus; Twining programmes will be signed with the top four Egyptian Public Universities. The three clinical years will be carried out at these public universities and their teaching hospitals. MIU will pay 24K to the Public Universities,
CONCEPT OUTLINE Will begin with three colleges: Engineering – Business & Finance – Management • Fees: RM 10 K for Management & Business; RM 20 K for Engineering • Our basic studies campus will initially accommodate 1,200 students, excluding admin and management staff . • Will sign twining programmes with the top four Egyptian , Public Universities
MIU EGYPTIAN BRANCH PROJECT: Background • Discussions with the Malaysian Ambassador regarding constituting and constructing a MIU Branch Campus in Egypt took place during May -June (2011). • Although the project’s development plan was agreed to, the Egyptian revolution occurred and all parties were obliged to wait and observe the situation. • Our company [MAME] has its strong ties with ruling body of our Egypt. • After the recent successful electionss we decided to proceed . The new State Government, including various local government agencies support the entire concept and new campus planning, as well as the selected branch campus site location.
Crucial Factors To achieve high standard and maintain quality we will adopt, adapt & implement curriculum drawn from top Malaysian Medical Schools. • The Administration ‘s CEO should be a well recognized Malaysian Academic with extraordinary management abilities; • Joint committees with the public universities that participate in this programme; • As the consultant company , MAME will establish and manage the project ‘s essentials by taking responsibility for recruiting qualified staff and obtaining all required certifications and necessary resources ,including building facilities, ancillary staff, payroll, etc . • MIU will be open to international students, favoring those from the Middle East and Asia.
Strategies & Actions for Attaining Objectives • MAME is responsible for and capable of obtaining all relevant government and private credentialing materials and approvals for this project. • MAME is responsible for locating -- within metropolitan Cairo -- all appropriately accessible facilities required by the project. • MAME will also be responsible for recruiting students.
Prioritized Implementation • Schedule, • 1st and 2nd weeks of January start dates : signing the consultancy agreement with MAME , naming the MIU representative and president, including the MIU plans and estimated average number of students and required academic staff. • 15th January till 31st January, MAME ensures all preparations for the registration process in Egypt with the Ministry of Higher Education. • 1st February will summit the application to the Ministry of Higher Education, Egyptian authorities • During February will finish the process of buying , preparing and renovation of the premises.
Schedule Continued • Following application we will have internal Audit the minister office , and a visit from approval committee , hopefully inshallah by end of April will get the interim authorities to operate in Egypt • After obtaining the interim authority MAME conduct its internal selection for appointment for the Egyptian Academic and administrative staff • During this period from first of end of April till end of June - 2 months - MIU & MAME will Ensure the Readiness of the building and equipment …. Etc... • After the interim authority to operate the Advertising will start Advertising , via , media , seminar , will intensify from June till August – student registration time During this period from • It is anticipated to start running the school by October 2011
OBLIGATIONS OF EACH PARTY IN THE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN … • MIU AND MAME hereby agrees as follows: (See) attached agreement
Overall SCOPE OF WORKS • The turnkey contract covers design, construction, completion, furnishing, testing, commissioning and maintenance of the entire scheme.
1.9 GDVs Profitability Also refer to attached documents Summary Costs
please refer to attached documents thank you for your kind attention