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The interface provides internal variables control, sensor display, debug window with custom breakpoints, emergency controls, single-step command execution, and log features for debugging. Developed for moving, orienting, and emergency stopping the robot.
group 05 robort lab 03
Debugging Interface Description: • Internal Variables Control and Display • Sensor Control and Display • Debug Window w/ custom application breakpoints • Emergency Controls : STOP / ABORT • Single Step Command Execution • Log
Debugging Interface Screenshot of Visual Basic Debugging Interface
Use Cases Goal:Move robot to arbitrary location Actors:Driver Scenario:Use mouse to control robot’s rotation Use keyboard to control robot’s motion Sensors unused. Ramming objects considered intentional. Other:Robot loses communication Robot exceeds performance limits Goal:Orient robot to face nearest object Actors:Driver Scenario:Robot uses sensors to scan for nearest object Robot rotates to face nearest object Other:No object detected More than one object at same distance (ie. stuck in a corner)
Use Cases (contd.) Goal:Automatically move away from all objects (ANTI- COCKROACH MODE) Actors:Driver Scenario:Useful when robot stuck in corner, trapped Robot will automatically rotate and move away from all nearest objects Other: Robot blocked on all sides Goal:‘Emergency Stop’ (PANIC) Actors:Driver Scenario:Useful when robot goes insane All motor velocities set to zero Other: Robot out of communication range
Development Requirements Process • Designed interface to work with a Quake3 style of control • Translating mouse-velocity to wheel-velocity, scalable by a plus/minus offset depending on keyboard-arrow input seemed like the obvious choice. We transmit only velocity data. • In mobility mode, we require the camera to always face forward to better determine Robort’s orientation when driving • This requirement led to a separate required “camera mode” where the user can control the camera unhindered by otherwise arbitrary limitations in mobility-mode
robort Communications Protocol Mobility: send only wheel velocities Camera: send only up/down angles along y-axis C# Interface • Application does the following: • Receives mouse and keyboard input for a Quake-like look n’ feel • In mobility mode: • Translates x-direction input into velocity data for Robort’s wheels • Interprets y-axis mouse data into angle data for Robort’s camera • In camera mode: • Translates all mouse input into angle data for camera Sensors: return sensor information
Development Requirements Process Group Meetings This Week: • Meeting #1 • Date:January 28, 2003 • Time: 8:00 PM • Location: Olsson 001 • Attendees: Joe, Kyle, Sharmil, Steven • Agenda: Division of labor for the week • Meeting #2 • Date: February 1, 2003 • Time: 1:00 PM • Location: Olsson 001 • Attendees: Joe, Kyle, Sharmil, Steven • Agenda: Verify completion of individual tasks.
Development Requirements Process (contd.) This Week’s Tasks: Joe : Risk documentation, management report, partner group meeting. Kyle : Prepare presentation. Sharmil : VB mockup, partner group meeting. Steven : Template for system specification document. Ongoing Tasks: Joe : Prepare C# mockup for robot control display Kyle : Socket programming Sharmil : Research GUI, keep up website Steven : Learn to communicate with robot through Linux and C++
Development Requirements Process (contd.) Problems Faced: Developing a C# GUI prototype See Our Website For Full Management Report: http://cs-tl3.cs.virginia.edu/~cs340-5/