1. 1 4. Nutrients for Blood Production/Cell Growth
key roles in synthesis of DNA and new cells
vitamin B-12
iron: to support enlarged blood volume and provide for placental and fetal needs; supplement needed;
5. Nutrients for Bone Development
vitamin D
6. Other Nutrients/Nutrient Supplements
2. 2 Exercise during PregnancyDo: Don’t: Regularly (3x/week)
warm up
reach target heart rate
cool down
drink water
eat enough No vigorous if inactive
not hot, humid weather
not if sick
don’t lie on back
not if pain or discomfort
no jerky or bouncy movements
3. 3
4. 4
5. 5 Nutrition-Related Concerns during Pregnancy Nausea
keep crackers by bedside; arise slowly; eat bland foods; eat whatever sounds good; include protein; eat regularly
Constipation and Hemorrhoids
eat high fiber; exercise; drink fluids; go when need to;
eat slowly; relax; small frequent meals; avoid food offenders; don’t lie down after eating;
6. 6
7. 7 Food Cravings
strong desires to eat particular foods
don’t reflect real physiological needs
due to hormone-induced changes in sensitivity to taste and smell
Food Aversions
strong desires to avoid particular foods
Nonfood Cravings
Pica: cravings for nonfood items such as laundry starch, clay, dirt, ice
cultural phenomenon not a response to nutrient need
8. 8 High-Risk Pregnancies Maternal weight
Maternal nutrition
Socioeconomic status
Lifestyle habits
Previous pregnancies
number; interval; outcomes; birthweight; multiples
Maternal health
high blood pressure; diabetes; chronic disease
9. 9 Malnutrition and Pregnancy Malnutrition and Fertility
women may develop amenorrhea; men: unviable sperm
Malnutrition and Early Pregnancy
may prevent full placenta development
WIC program
Malnutrition and Fatal Development
fetal growth retardation, congenital malformations, spontaneous abortion,
10. 10 Maternal Health Preexisting Diabetes
poor BG levels increase risk infant problems
Preexisting Hypertension
poor BP increase risk of LBW, placenta problems
Transient Hypertension of Pregnancy
mild rise in BP and does not adversely affect
high BP, protein in urine, whole body edema,
convulsive seizures and coma
11. 11 Gestational Diabetes 1 in 25 women
Risk Factors
age 35 or older; BMI> 25; previous high birth weight infant; sx of diab.; family hx diab; ethnicity;
One hour GTT at 24-28 weeks
Three hour GTT if flunk one hour
Diet and Exercise Recommendations
12. 12 Pregnancy in Adolescents 1 per 8 babies born to a teenager
iron-deficiency anemia and prolonged labor
higher rates of stillbirths, preterm births, and LBW
Few financial resources
Regular prenatal care
Pattern of teenage pregnancies
Maternity Support Services (MSS) and Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
13. 13 Pregnancy in Older Women Increasing rate of first births to women over age 35
Cesarean sections twice as common
Maternal death rates are higher
Complications associated with HTN, Diabetes
Babies at higher risk genetic abnormalities such as Down’s Syndrome
Triple screen; amniocentesis
14. 14 Practices Incompatible with PG Alcohol
fetal alcohol syndrome; leading cause of mental retardation; is totally unavoidable
Medicinal Drugs
MUST consult medical provider
Herbal Supplements
MUST consult medical provider
Illicit Drugs
17% PG women use marijuana; drugs cross placenta and impair fetal growth & development
15. 15
16. 16
17. 17
18. 18 Smoking and Chewing Tobacco
smoking restricts blood supply to fetus, limits O2 and nutrients;
cause of LBW; SIDS
fetal growth retardation
prolonged final stage of labor
mislocation of the placenta
premature separation of the placenta
vaginal bleeding
spontaneous abortion
fetal death
middle ear diseases; cardiac and respiratory diseases
19. 19 Environmental Contaminants
lead; mercury;
Vitamin-Mineral Megadoses
don’t do; cases of vitamin A
heavy use (3-6 cups) may increase risk of spontaneous abortion; limit to less than 300 mg/day
Weight-Loss Dieting
ketosis deprives fetal brain of needed glucose and may impair cognitive development
Sugar Substitutes
ask Medical Provider
20. 20 More PG Topics:Food Safety and Sanitation Keep Foods at Safe Temperatures
above 140; below 40; frig<40; thaw appropriately
Avoid Risky Foods and Water
pasteurized milk, juice; no raw sprouts; no raw meat or eggs;
Cook Foods Adequately
Practice Personal Hygiene
Avoid Cross-Contamination
21. 21 Pregnancy Small Group Questions 1. P.R. is planning a pregnancy. Name 3 topics of discussion in preconception counseling.
2. Name an advantage and a disadvantage of slower GI motility during pregnancy.
3. How much weight should a women gain during pregnancy? What are the components of the weight gain?
4. How do calorie and protein needs change during pregnancy? What nutrients are important for blood production?