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Farpointe Data Inc. The #1 Independent Reader & Credential Manufacturer!. Farpointe Who?. We are growing 50% every year and within 4 years we were selling more cards & readers than Indala was after 13 years, when it was sold to Motorola!
Farpointe Data Inc The #1 Independent Reader & Credential Manufacturer!
Farpointe Who? • We are growing 50% every year and within 4 years we were selling more cards & readers than Indala was after 13 years, when it was sold to Motorola! • The Farpointe team includes Ted Geiszler, founder of Indala, Scott Lindley former director of Sales Indala, Kirk Bierach, Director of Engineering Motorola Indala & Scott Pearson, EMEA Sales Manager Motorola Indala. • We are the original Indala, we have been manufacturing high quality readers & cards for over 25 years.
The Importance of Proximity • The life of a security system is typically 12 years or more. • Cards & Readers represent 10% of a networked door value at installation • Approx 10% credentials will need replacing every year • For each system installed, around 70-80% of systems will be expanded during the 10 year life of the system
The Importance of Proximity • After a system is sold and installed, the majority of contact end users will have with you will be periodic contact about new credentials and replacements • At the end of the 12 years, when it comes to a system upgrade, 60% of end users request the re-use of existing cards/readers to minimise the upgrade costs
The Importance of Proximity • 95% of the users of your access control solution think the Readers and Cards ARE the access control system!! • Customers google HID, Indala and Farpointe to ask for access control all the time.
The Importance of Proximity • 125khz proximity is difficult to copy and hard to crack. You need readers, valid cards( multiple cards), an understanding of data formats and encryption, and programming technology. This all costs a lot of money and time. Wouldn’t it be easier to put a brick through the window? Or Tailgate someone into the building • Proximity is not the weakest link in your security system. It is a combination of Security & Ease of use. • If you are worried about stolen or lost cards gaining access, we have a P640 pin pad reader that adds dual authentication and eliminates security risk • A lost/stolen mifare/ Iclass card can still get access to a building until you remove its access rights – the same as a proximity card
Farpointe’s Design Brief • Give the customer control over the supply of cards/ readers through their own channel for at least the 12 years the customer needs supply for. • Make hardware that lasted at least 12 years in the field, in the widest range of conditions • Give the customer a wide choice of proximity technologies, (Mifare, Pyramid, HID, AWID etc) • Maximise read range where ever possible – proximity not “almost contact”
Pyramid Series 125 Khz P-500 P-300 P-700 P-530 P-640
Pyramid Series 125 Khz P-600 P-400 MCR-403 9
HID AWID Pyramid Pyramid Multi-Technology 11
MaxSecure • Readers and Cards are Electronic Locks and Keys • When you give a customer a proxcard or a smartcard, you are giving them their front door key! • The customer expects that theirs is the only “key” that will open their front door. 12
“If you’re not on the list, you’re not getting in……” • MAXsecure. is an “electronic doorman” that is built into your Pyramid Series readers and can be activated at no extra cost! • Maxsecure effectively creates the “list” of authorized credentials • it then checks every credential to make sure that they are “on the list” before allowing them to access your security system! • Smartcard security with proximity read range!
Proximity Readers are like Light Bulbs that have been left on 24/7 • Energy costs are rising at an alarming rate & “Eco-Friendly” is pushing its way high on the agenda of many companies and corporations. • Every Proximity reader outputs a field and burns energy whether it is reading a card or not. Its like leaving the lights on. • If you battery back up a security door, proximity readers can reduce the battery life to a matter of hours!!
Proximity Readers are like Light Bulbs that have been left on 24/7 • With a simple control card, Pyramid readers can be put into “FleaPower” mode and reduce the energy consumption by up-to 90%!!! • (As little as 5mA vs 100mA!!) Be the only vendor who can say to his customer that their Proximity Readers actually pay for themselves out of the energy savings they give!!!!!
3” Pro-X Extended Read Range • Brand Ex 16
6” Pro-X Extended Read Range • P-300 Pyramid reader with Pro-X • same size but up to double the read range 17
Robust Design • Vandal Resistant • Only IP-67 readers • Biggest temp range (- 40 to +65 Deg C) • Bullet proof available • Built to last a lifetime • lifetime warranty! “AAM have 0 failures after 3 Years!” 18
Delta Series 13.56Mhz Smartcard series Delta 5.3 Delta 3 Delta 5 Delta 6.4 20
Farpointe Delta • Delta is Farpointe Data’s new Mifare technology • It includes Farpointe’s CAT 6 technology (Credential Adaptive Technology) that will enable it to read 6 credential types in one unit • 13.56Mhz FIPS 201 cards • 13.56Mhz Mifare Sector • 13.56Mhz Mifare Card Serial Number • 125Khz – Pyramid technology • 125Khz – HID technolgy • 125Khz – AWID technology
Farpointe Delta • Mifare has • 16 * 1K data folders (sectors) • The first sector #0 is used as an reference to keep track of what is stored in the other 15 folders This is called a MAD- Multi Application Directory • To read that data or write the data in each sector, you need a read key & a write key. 22
Farpointe Delta 0 - MAD 8 • You can store different applications in different sectors. • To access a sector, you must know the Read Key for the sector • This means the cards and readers are customized so only you and your customers can read the security data 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 23
Farpointe Delta 0 - MAD 8 For example - AAM Systems uses 36 bit weigand format. They want to use sector 5 with their own keys 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 24
Farpointe Delta 0 - MAD 8 1 9 AAM Systems read key A0A1A2A3A4A5 write key B0B1B2B3B4B5 36 bit weigand details = FC= 1208 ID = 15899 2 10 3 11 4 12 AAM 5 13 6 14 7 15 25
Farpointe Delta 0 - MAD 8 Now the card is customized to AAM. To read it you will need a Delta reader programmed to read sector 5 with AAM’s read key. 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 AAM 13 6 14 7 15 26
Farpointe Delta 0 - MAD 8 1 9 2 Biometrics 10 3 11 4 12 AAM 13 6 14 7 15 27
Farpointe Delta Cashless Vending 0 - MAD 8 1 9 Biometrics 10 3 11 4 12 AAM 13 6 14 7 15 28
Farpointe Delta Cashless Vending 0 - MAD All Mifare cards also have a electronic serial number built in that does not require read keys to be read Farpointe can take this Card Serial Number and convert it into a non- sequential wiegand number that can be enrolled into your access system. 1 9 Biometrics 10 3 11 4 12 AAM 13 6 14 7 15 29
Is Mifare secure? • In March 2008, Mifare Classic security was cracked by a University in Holland. • The crack meant that you could copy the contents of a sector to another card • Many Mifare projects were put on “hold” whilst NXP develops improved security. • However - Farpointe has developed its own solution...... 30
Valid ID - Enhanced Mifare Security • Detects copied (counterfeit) cards • Detects tampered cards • Delta Reader Rejects non-authorised credentials. 31
Delta Advantages • Farpointe makes Mifare Classic exceed the security needs of your customer! • We make smartcards as easy as proximity to order and manage • Our Delta readers is a Mifare + Pyramid + HID or AWID reader in one!! • Delta enables you to reutilise existing credentials at a project that is upgrading to smart cards • Sector keys + Valid ID ensures customers credentials are unique and secure.
Introducing Ranger! • Ranger is an active technology based around 433Mhz technology • Rangers consists of a 2 channel receiver and a 4 button transmitter that can send secure Wiegand data over 149 feet! • Read Range is tuneable down to 2 feet • Data transmitted cannot be “sniffed”, replayed or duplicated due to rolling code transmission and 128 security encryption.
Future Vision Farpointe does not rest on its success - in fact Farpointe has delivered new products every year since 2003!! Coming Soon...... Enhanced vandal resistant readers. Display/ Pinpad reader 35
Future Vision Coming Soon...... New long range reader - P-900 capable of 70+cm New single piece IP-67 P-710 midrange reader capable of 40cm read range 36
Any Questions? www.farpointedata.com