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What are they? What do they do? Why are they useful?

What are they? What do they do? Why are they useful?. Virtual Learning Environments. What is a VLE ?. A tool for delivering and/or supporting distance and flexible learning using Web technology. Made easy. Virtual classroom. Virtual Learning Environment. What is a VLE?.

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What are they? What do they do? Why are they useful?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What are they?What do they do?Why are they useful? Virtual Learning Environments

  2. What is a VLE? A tool for delivering and/or supporting distance and flexible learning using Web technology

  3. Made easy Virtual classroom Virtual Learning Environment What is a VLE? on-line delivery interaction/ response assessment/ monitoring learning programme learning process The Virtual Classroom The Virtual Classroom materials creation/import tutor support advice/ guidance/ interaction teaching & learning support identity/ belonging peer interaction dynamic change sense of living culture

  4. MLEs and VLEs

  5. Examples WebCT Virtual Campus COSE Learnwise TopClass Blackboard And many more....

  6. Functions Shell for content Communications Assessment Student tracking

  7. Content - key issues • How is it created? • How is it uploaded into the VLE? • How easy is it to navigate round system?

  8. Content navigation • Backwards/forwards through hierarchy • Jump to anywhere • Search routines • Internal and external links • Glossary • Resume where left off • Post it notes • etc.

  9. Tools Main Navigation Sub-navigation

  10. Communications: bulletin boards • Asynchronous • Threaded • Multiple boards/forums • Tutor support • Peer group support

  11. Threaded conversations

  12. Communications:email • Internal to WebCT and other VLEs • Useful for Web-based access • Useful for those with no Internet email

  13. Communications: chat • Synchronous • Not threaded • Students like it • Effectiveness as teaching tool?

  14. User name Message area

  15. Free-text submission - e.g. email an essay to tutor. Multiple choice, boolean, fill in blank, list matching, image maps, multiple correct answer, etc. cannot be automatically marked. can be automatically marked; can be set up so student must take at a particular time/date, lasting a certain time; can restrict number of attempts; can automatically tailor courseware on results. Assessment techniques

  16. Assessment Formative versus Summative

  17. Student tracking Typically: • What they’ve read, and when; • Results recording and stats; • What tests completed and outstanding; • Plus, of course, logs of email, bulletin boards, chat.

  18. Advantages forstudents • Accessible anytime • Accessible anywhere • Always up-to-date • Electronic support • Interaction with peer group • Flexible access to learning • Easy to use

  19. Advantages for staff • Better support for students • Ease of management • Some automatic marking • Easy to use

  20. Advantages for technical support • Bespoke packages - integrated; • Little technical support needed after installation; • May need an administrator to create courses and upload content.

  21. What does it cost? • Cost of VLE software; • Purchase/production of content; • Staff training; • On-going costs.

  22. Other key issues • JISC developing standards/specification for VLE (which existing VLEs will be invited to meet) • to link to MIS • interoperability

  23. For more info.... For more information see the Ferl VLE Focus Area at: http://ferl.becta.org.uk/focus/vle/index.html

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