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Winter and its effects on Soil Respiration. Sara Fairchild. Winter Ecology – Spring 2009 Mountain Research Station – University of Colorado, Boulder. What happens during the winter?.
Winter and its effects on Soil Respiration Sara Fairchild Winter Ecology – Spring 2009 Mountain Research Station – University of Colorado, Boulder
What happens during the winter? • Question: Does the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered in a subalpine forest change during the winter months? Increase, decrease, stay the same • Hypothesis: If the winter has shallower snowpack and is shorter, then there will be more carbon sequestered.
Where does carbon go and how is that measured? Sub-Alpine forests are large carbon sinks We can measure the carbon flux Carbon Sequestration
Article One • Spatial and temporal controls of soil respiration rate in a high-elevation, subalpine forest • Russell K. Monson, Laura E. Scott-Denton, Kimberley L. Sparks • University of Colorado Department of Environmental, Population, and Organic Biology
Key Points • Temperature and moisture in relation to respiration • Soil microbial biomass in the sub-alpine forest
Article Two • Long Term Ecological Research: The Landscape Continuum Model: A Biogeochemical Paradigm for High Elevation Ecosystems • Principle investigator: Mark W. Williams • University of Colroado Boulder
Key Points • Unique winter microbial community • Winter snowpack sensitivity (depth and temperature)
What does this mean? • Summer vs. Winter what is the main difference • Carbon sequestered
Sources • Apps, M.J. Forests, the global carbon cycle and climate change. 2003 http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/ARTICLE/WFC/XII/MS14-E.HTM • IPCC, Carbon Sink Graph. 2001. http://aquaculturecarbon.com/greenhouse.gif • National Science Foundation. Research description. 2007. http://spot.colorado.edu/~monsonr/Ameriflux.html • Monson, Russell K. Spatial and temporal controls of soil respiration rate in a high-elevation, sub-alpine forest. 2003. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T747VRSWN1&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=7e61258ee49fa265f32e74ee08405355 • All images courtesy of Google images • Williams, Mark W. Climate Change, Snow, and Carbon dioxide in a sub-alpine forest. 2005-2006 http://culter.colorado.edu/NWT/publications/reports/2006annreport.pdf