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GSG010 Anchor. Anchoring (wind over tide). If you want to stop and rest on the water. Pick a safe place – protection, tides (clearance), holding (anchor type –v- sea bed); room (swing gets larger as sea level drops); hazards; recommendations; designated area
GSG010 Anchor Anchoring (wind over tide) If you want to stop and rest on the water Pick a safe place – protection, tides (clearance), holding (anchor type –v- sea bed); room (swing gets larger as sea level drops); hazards; recommendations; designated area Approach on a close reach and control speed Stop and lower over windward side and measure out as lower Chain 4 x depth, warp 6x depth – let out as move backwards (sail backwards or raise centreboard and drift) Test holding as you go backwards Test final holding and take transits Display signs (black ball on forestay or white light at top of mast) Kabatic winds Types of anchor Kedge/dual anchor Anchor buddies Tripping lines
GSG010 Anchor Anchoring (tide over wind) If you want to stop and rest on the water Pick a safe place – protection, tides (clearance), holding (anchor type –v- sea bed); room (swing gets larger as sea level drops); hazards; recommendations; designated area Approach and lower sails Lower over up-stream side and measure out as lower Chain 4 x depth, warp 6x depth – let out as move backwards (leave centreboard down to aide streaming backwards) Test holding as you go backwards Test final holding and take transits Display signs (black ball on forestay or white light at top of mast) Catenary shape provides holding Kabatic winds Types of anchor Kedge/dual anchor Anchor buddies Tripping lines
GSG010 Anchor Anchoring (raising) If you want to stop and rest on the water Chain: pull in chain – it will become taught as an acute angle, rest and weight of chain will pull boat towards anchor; repeat until anchor breaks sea bed Warp: pull in will become taught but weight unlikely to pull boat forwards, may need two people to pull warp in When breaks surface pull in quickly, try and avoid rubbing on boat especially chain as it will damage the boat Stuck: move to front of boat (depress front) and tighten warp/chain, move to back of boat – sea-saw affect may break anchor free of bed. Alternatively sail/motor forwards taking car not to run over warp to pull anchor free Kedge/dual anchor Tripping lines
GSG010 Anchor Anchoring (Other) If you want to stop and rest on the water • Tripping lines may be deployed to • aid recovery, motor to buoy and • use line to pull anchor vertically • Catenary: Describes the shape that a line (rope) makes when it hangs between two points. If the anchor rope pulls horizontally the holding effect is increased to that when pulled vertically. To increase the holding effect, increase the weight of the anchor or chain (weight or length). A longer chain will help with the Catenary shape and create more horizontal resistance. • Anchor buddy, sentinel, friend: An additional weight that can be attached to the anchor scope/chain to increase the overall anchor weight and improve the holding capability of an anchor. Kedge/dual anchor Tripping lines
GSG010 Anchor Anchoring (Types) If you want to stop and rest on the water