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Asymmetric Reactions Catalyzed by Cinchona Alkaloids. Jinhongwei 2006.6. Dihydroxylation. Organic Letters 2001, 3(22), 3463-3466. Catalysts and Results. Hydroxyalkylation. Angew Chem. Int. Ed 2005, 44, 3086-3089. Catalysts and Results. Catalysts and Results. Aminohydroxylation.
Asymmetric Reactions Catalyzed by Cinchona Alkaloids Jinhongwei 2006.6
Dihydroxylation Organic Letters 2001, 3(22), 3463-3466
Hydroxyalkylation Angew Chem. Int. Ed 2005, 44, 3086-3089
Aminohydroxylation Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2004, 19, 1915-3089
Hydrogenation Journal of Catalysis 2006, 239, 74-82
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Friedel-Crafts Amination Angew Chem. Int. Ed 2006, 45, 1147-1151
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Catalysts and Results Preparation of chiral dimeric PTC catalysts 3
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Catalysts and Results 1=cinchonine 2=cinchonidine
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Michael Addition 1 Chem.Commun. 2005, 4481-4483