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What do we need to get measure 1 GW of RF as quickly as possible?

What do we need to get measure 1 GW of RF as quickly as possible?. Develop a detailed plan Re-establish weekly open-meetings. What structure give us the best chance to get to 1 GW??. 26GHz Stage I DWPE a=3.5mm; b=4.53mm; eps=6.64; L=30cm. 75MeV drive beam 16 bunches x 60nC/per bunch

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What do we need to get measure 1 GW of RF as quickly as possible?

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  1. What do we need to get measure 1 GW of RF as quickly as possible? Develop a detailed plan Re-establish weekly open-meetings.

  2. What structure give us the best chance to get to 1 GW?? 26GHz Stage I DWPE a=3.5mm; b=4.53mm; eps=6.64; L=30cm • 75MeV drive beam • 16 bunches x 60nC/per bunch • z=2mm 65MeV drive beam (10MeV loss) • RF Power Generation • 767MW x15ns • 26GHz rf 26GHz Stage II DLA a=3mm; b=5.03mm; eps=9.7; Vg=11%c; L=30cm witness (10 MeV) Q=1nC, z=1mm, e=1.5 um witness (85 MeV) Ez = 250MV/m Others: Iris-loaded 11.7 GHz, CLIC PETS, ??

  3. TASKS for 11.7 GHz struct (400 MW) • Chiller Test Linac 1&2 with new 5MW load. • Receive and install 5MW load on Klystron 3. • Multisplitter alignment for 16 beams, 32 beams • AWA Cooling System Test (repair?) • High Q Trains at 19 MeV (into gate valve?) {Q bunch = 20nC, 40 nC, 60 nC x 8, 16, 32} • Simultaneous RF into all 6 cavities with GV closed • Unlock gate valve (Administrative) • Diagnostic Beamline vacuum installation • Install cameras • Wire power supplies • etc

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