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TIA MEID Database (db) Overview (updated from December 2011)

TIA MEID Database (db) Overview (updated from December 2011). Gary V. Pellegrino, Chair TIA TR-45 Ad Hoc ESN/UIM/MEID CommFlow Resources, Inc. April 2012. Overview of TIA MEID db. TIA MEID db Capabilities TIA MEID db Phase 1 Development - includes some mission critical capabilities

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TIA MEID Database (db) Overview (updated from December 2011)

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  1. TIA MEID Database (db) Overview(updated from December 2011) Gary V. Pellegrino, Chair TIA TR-45 Ad Hoc ESN/UIM/MEID CommFlow Resources, Inc. April 2012

  2. Overview of TIA MEID db • TIA MEID db Capabilities • TIA MEID db Phase 1 Development - includes some mission critical capabilities • TIA MEID db Testing / Phase 1 Rollout • TIA MEID db Phase 2a Development • TIA MEID db Potential Phase 2b Development

  3. TIA MEID db Capabilities (1) • TIA development started 1Q 2011 and ongoing • Online tool for MS-mobile station (MEID) and card manufacturer (MEID for EUIMID) applications for MEID assignments • Improved MEID Administration efficiency • Timely near real-time data exchange to/from GSMA IMEI database of multimode assignments • Source for MEID online redacted reports - Present MEID report distribution methods will remain in place for a reasonable overlap time after MEID db implementation

  4. TIA MEID db Capabilities (2) • CDMA operators access to MEID and IMEI/MEID multimode assignments - operator agreements with TIA will be arranged • Robust MEID administration checks & balances • Security mechanisms e.g., https; robust encryption

  5. TIA MEID db Capabilities (3) • Proprietary MEID db information maintained with device/card Manufacturers [limited to view own information] and Operators [wider view of subset of information for all manufacturers] access levels • Platform for future MEID CEIR (Centralized Equipment Identity Register) consideration • Other applications may be considered in future; some are operator dependent (Phase 2b)

  6. TIA MEID db Phase 1 Development • Design online equivalent of all SC.R4002-0 MEID paper application and assignment forms, with multi-mode enhancements • Unique user log-in, password and robust encryption measures moved to Phase 1 from Phase 2 to accelerate early facilitation of operator access and manufacturers maintaining complete library of Forms within MEID db • Internal TIA Administrator tools • Redacted online MEID assignment reports • Targeted development of Enhanced Phase I now estimated completeduringQ2’2012

  7. TIA MEID db Testing & Phase I Rollout • Internal, external alpha test trials of preliminary Phase I (manufacturer application – Form A) started 3Q 2011 • ARIB - Japan Regional MEID Administrator visited TIA January 17-20,2012 providing an in-depth review and user experience validation • Beta testing (with user log-in, password) now expected to start late 2Q 2012; complete 3Q 2012 and will include operators as well as device manufacturers • MEID db access criteria via websiteand restrictions are being defined • Initial live rollout now expected during late 3Q 2012 - Service provider TIA membership required • Update SC.R4002-0 with online form screen shotsannex; publish prior toTIA MEID db Phase I rollout (in progress)

  8. TIA MEID db Phase 2a Development • Bi-directional TIA MEID db – GSMA IMEI db Interface testing and implementation • This Interface is expected to allow near real-time Multi-Mode assignment data exchange between TIA MEID db and GSMA IMEI db - Initial design and development in progress [TIA providing first draft Legal Disclaimer Language to GSMA ( presently monthly.xls exchanges with GDA)] • MEID db optimization; enhancements • Targeted development completion mid 4Q 2012 • Targeted implementation late 4Q 2012 (after robust testing complete)

  9. TIA MEID db Potential Phase 2b Development • Potential Development of MEID CEIR - Industry segments (e.g., India & CDG) expressed EIR and CEIR interest and appearstheir EIR implementationmay be accelerated • Design future capabilities with industry input (particularly operator requirements) • MEID db optimization; additional enhancements • Targeted activity from 4Q 2012 to 2013 depending on operator requirements • Targeted completion dependent on desired functionality and operator requirements

  10. Contact Information Further Comments, Inquiries Welcome Gary V. Pellegrino, Chair TR-45 EUMAG (gary@commflowresources.com) John Derr, MEID Administrator - TIA (jderr@tiaonline.org) Cheryl J. Blum, Vice President Technology and Business Development - TIA (cblum@tiaonline.org) Jeff West, MEID db Project Manager - TIA (jwest@tiaonline.org)

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