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Dreams of Adventure and Triumph: The Secret Life of Austin St. Cyr

Follow Austin St. Cyr through his vivid daydreams filled with action, adventure, and unexpected twists that lead to moments of triumph and self-discovery. From surviving military encounters to winning prestigious contests, explore the thrilling world of Austin's imagination in this exhilarating tale.

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Dreams of Adventure and Triumph: The Secret Life of Austin St. Cyr

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  1. “The Secret Life of Austin St.Cyr”

  2. 1st day dream One day I was riding in my dad’s truck I had nothing to do so I looked out the window I seen other cars driving beside us it seemed like they were going to the same place as we were when I looked back at my dad he wasn’t there I was in a military jeep going through a forest I whenever I got done loading my gun looked beside me out the window an enemy popped out behind a tree with a rocket I grabbed the steering wheel to try dodge the rocket.

  3. Day dream one continued The jeep moved out of the line of fire but the rocket hit the ground behind us and the jeep flipped over, the driver and I were the only ones that survived the crash but we were both in bad conditions. The driver’s leg was jammed between the door and his seat, I had metal scraps throughout my left arm and left shoulder blade, and a minor concussion. Most of our friendly's drove past to get to the mission but some of the medics stayed to help get us out. Once they got us out they drove us to the evacuation spot and put us on a helicopter to get us to the wounded solider clinic. Then the car stopped and I hit my head off the window I asked what I was doing and they said I was just staring off into space.

  4. 2nd day dream I was riding my bike down town when a muscle car passes my roaring louder than an airplane “ man I wish I had that car” later that day I seen that same car in a car show in first place I looked back to where I was going and I was driving my dream car a flat black for fast back. I went 90mph and power slid back and back to the contest hit a little bump went in the air and then I slammed on the ground and slide.

  5. 2nd day dream continued When I finally stop the audience was in shock and awe then they came over and gave me the “best car in the world prize” when I went flying and hit a electric pole.

  6. 3rd day dream When I was walking through a forest I seen a really nice tree stand in a huge pine tree, it was so nice I had to go up in it, when I got in it I spotted a really nice buck in the field with doe all around it and its rack just shining under the sun, I pulled out my rifle and shot it right behind the shoulder into the heart didn’t move just fell to the ground dead. I felt something hit my shoulder.

  7. 3rd day dream continued I woke up and seen that a pine cone hit me I jumped out of the tree stand looked into the field and only some scuffed up doe

  8. 4th day dream One day I was mowing grass when I saw a ford f-350 drive by pulling a trailer with lawn boys, weed eater, and edger's on racks in the trailer. “I wish I had a business like that”, while I was cutting the yard that I had to do I got a text it said “hey, could u come over and cut my yard please.” I replied “ yeah when I finish this yard first I charge twenty dollars plus 5 for weed wacking”.

  9. 4th day dream continued While I continued cutting I kept getting a lot of texts, when I read them there was about twenty people wanting me to cut their grass. Then the final text was my mom telling me to hurry up.

  10. 5th day dream It was a Saturday and I was walking around and I saw a wall that a bunch of famous free runners were always getting video taped vaulting over them a couple years ago, I backed up and got a running start and jumped over it faster than anyone has ever done, before. I tturned around and I seen a guy standing there with a camera he started following me taking pictures of everything I jumped over.

  11. 5th day dreamcontinued I kept running and jumping many things, from walls, to climbing up trees , when I got back to that wall I first jumped over I seen a magazine on the floor and I was the highlight of the magazine. When I looked up I was holding a magazine with some famous guy as an article

  12. THE END • “Puppy Biscuit”.- Walter Mitty.

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