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Welcome! The New AA-T & AS-T Degrees: What Do Counselors Need To Know ? November 27 , 2012 A webinar for CCC Counselors Presented by the CCC Chancellor’s Office, C-ID, and the ASCCC, working with Counselors. This webinar will be archived. www.cccconfer.org www.sb1440.org
Welcome! The New AA-T & AS-T Degrees: What Do Counselors Need To Know? November 27, 2012 A webinar for CCC Counselors Presented by the CCC Chancellor’s Office, C-ID, and the ASCCC, working with Counselors
This webinar will be archived www.cccconfer.org www.sb1440.org (Go to: Counseling)
Our presenters today Bernie Day, Articulation Officer/Counselor Naomi Grisham, Transfer Center Director Jane Patton, C-ID Bob Quinn, CCC Chancellor’s Office Karen Simpson-Alisca, CSU Chancellor’s Office
Welcome! • Your role in informing students is vital! • Agenda: • Requirements of AA-T/AS-T • How to work with students • Walk through “tool box” • Q&A
Expected Outcomes • At the end of workshop, you will be able to: • Describe the basic tenets of SB 1440 • Explain what C-ID is and how it relates to associate degrees for transfer • Compare and contrast the differences between completing an associate degree for transfer pathway and a traditional articulated transfer pathway.
More Outcomes • Identify and successfully utilize related resources • Serve as a resource for students
The new law says. . . • Students with this degree are guaranteed admission to CSU system as a junior in a “similar” major • All CCCs offer the Associate Degree for Transfer • “The California State University shall grant a student priority admissionto his or her local California State University campus and to a program or major that is similar to his or her community college major or area of emphasis“ • “similar” major determined by CSU faculty- www.sb1440.org • CSU cannot require students to repeat courses similar to those completed at CCC • AA-T and AS-T students admitted to CSU in a “similar” 120-unit BA/BS program are guaranteed to complete BA/BS in 60 semester units
What’s required? • New degrees are called Associate in Arts or Science in <major> for Transfer: AA-T or AS-T • According to Ed Code §66745-49 degrees must include: • 60 sem./90 qtr. CSU-transferable units • Completion of IGETC or CSU GE-Breadth • Minimum 18 sem./27 qtr. units in major • No additional local requirements allowed Memo outlining California College Board of Governors goal: http://www.c-id.net/docs/2012_5-22_SB1440_Memo_js.pdf
Transfer Model Curricula (TMCs) • Faculty discipline groups identify common lower division major preparation (TMC) • Discipline groups are intersegmental (CSU and CCC) • some UC involvement, too • Draft TMCs are vetted statewide (www.c-id.net) & faculty determined. • CCCs develop TMC- aligned degrees known as AA-T/AS-Ts and submit them to the CCCCO for approval.
Course Identification Numbering System • Administered by the Academic Senate for CCC • Similar to CAN but with more detailed descriptors • Provides the infrastructure for TMCs & course substitution • Faculty discipline groups define content for courses (C-ID course descriptors) • Drafts of Course descriptors (C-ID) vetted statewide • When a college has a C-ID approved course, then they have agreed to accept all others with the same C-ID number. www.c-id.net
22 TMCs Available And MORE Coming Soon!
Which degrees are approved AA-T/AS-T degrees at your college? e.g. • Communication Studies AA-T • Early Childhood Education AS-T • English AA-T • History AA-T • Kinesiology • Mathematics AS-T • Political Science AA-T • Psychology AA-T • Sociology AA-T • Studio Arts AA-T
Currently in the curriculum approval process at your college? • Business AS-T • Music AA-T • Physics AS-T
What about Reciprocity & Substitution? • New ASCCC statement on Reciprocity, Course Substitution and Credit by Exam—in light of AA-T and AS-T degrees (doc available at sb1440.org) • Counselors can use C-ID for comparability. • External Sources of Credit (AP, CLEP, IB)
Who are the AA-T/AS-T students? • Anyone applying to a CSU in identified similar majors • Provides priority admission consideration • Want to earn associates degree and prepare to transfer • Applying to a CSU which has no articulation with your CCC • Applying to impacted CSU (campus or major) • UC applicants have guaranteed comprehensive review • May also be strong preparation for independent colleges
CSU Major Preparation optionsPathway 1 – Major Prep articulation via ASSIST ASSIST • Helps you find community college courses that are transferable to a UC or CSU • Lists all transfer majors offered at UC and CSU • Lists courses that are articulated to specific majors • Lists courses that satisfy GE requirements ASSIST.ORG
CSU Major Preparation optionsPathway 2 - Associate Degrees for Transfer • A transfer pathway used for admission to one of the 23 California State Universities • An option that allows students to complete an Associate’s degree while satisfying lower division general education and major requirements fortransfer at the same time. • Prescribed pattern of courses for specific majors (AA-T and AS-T)
60 + 60 = YOUR BACHELOR’S DEGREE 60 units 60 units
The CSU Admission Process California State University Office of the Chancellor
CSU Minimum Admission Requirements • Obtainment of a minimum grade point average of 2.0 • 60 semester units or 90 quarter units that are eligible for transfer to the California State University. • General Education requirements are met by either the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC-CSU) or the CSU GE-Breadth Requirements and includes: • 30 units of General Education completed with a grade of “C” or better • Golden Four (A3‐‐critical thinking, A1‐‐communication, A2‐‐English composition, and B4‐‐quantitative reasoning w/a minimum grade of “C”) • 18 semester units or 27 quarter units in a major or area of emphasis • No need for GE certification when the degree conferral is posted on the “official” transcript.
What’s the Guarantee? Part 1: • A student who completes an AA-T or AS-T at a California Community College is guaranteed admission to the California State University NOTE: Students are not guaranteed admission to a particular campus or program Part 2: • AA-T/AS-T graduates admitted to a CSU program that has been deemed similar to the Associate’s Degree for Transfer will be able to complete the Baccalaureate Degree in that similar option in the discipline within 60 semester or 90 quarter units
What’s the Guarantee – Part 1? To qualify for Part 1 of the guarantee students must: • Be conferred an AA-T or AS-T degree • Apply for admission to California State University campuses for an open term by the published deadline • Submit all requested transcripts and documents by published deadlines, • Meet CSU admission eligibility requirements for the program to which they have applied, • And comply with any other prescribed admission requirements.
What’s the Guarantee – Part 2? To qualify for Part 2 of the guarantee students must: • successfully complete each required course without repeating them. • Maintains continuous enrollment in the same academic major (approved leave of absence OK) Additional notes: • Students who chose change their major or complete a minor are not guaranteed completion within 60 units. • After enrollment at a CSU campus begins, the guarantee is not transferable to another CSU campus.
“Similar” • Each CSU determines if the TMC is similar • “Similar” means athat if a transfer student arrives with the TMC coursework and lower-division GE, the CSU campus is able to deliver the baccalaureate degree in 60 units. (60 + 60) • Some options/ concentrations within majors may not be considered similar. • Upper-division GE must be part of the 60 units. Any missing lower-division major preparation or American Institutions requirements may be included in the CSU 60 units
Application Verification Process • Student self-reports intent on CSU Mentor • CSUCO filters the applicant list on Mentor & Applicant data disaggregated by CCC and CSU • Email is sent to student with instructions on the verification process • A list of the students sent to CCCCO & CCC CSSO’s • Students are responsible to obtain the degree verification form and petition for graduation evaluation • Provide a copy of their evaluation/report to each CSU campus to which they had applied • Students are responsible to provide final official transcript with AA-T/AS-T degree conferral to CSU by date specified by CSU campus.
Admissions Evaluation • All applicants still must follow campus instructions regarding documents and other requirements • Admissions may be rescinded AAT/AST not earned or if student has not met the CSU minimum admission requirements • Campus admission process varies by impaction or non-impaction status • Redirection of application • Conditional admit pending impaction criteria
Toolbox …websites • http://www.sb1440.org • http://ccctransfer.org/ • http://www.calstate.edu/transfer/degrees/ • www.ADegreeWithAGuarantee.com • http://www.c-id.net • http://www.Asccc.org discussion board • This webinar will be archived on sb1440.org
Toolbox: informationGo to: www.SB1440.org • What Counselors need to know PPT (for you to show at department meeting, etc. ) • Info for Orientation PPT (for Orientations) • Transfer PPT (for student workshops) • Glossary of terms---C-ID & 1440 • ASCCC Statement: Reciprocity, Substitution, Credit by exam • Bookmark to duplicate • Questions (from counselors) & answers
Posters, Tabletops, Bookmarks Sent To: Transfer Centers at 112 Colleges and to 70 Centers 23 California State Universities All California high schools Public Website: www.ADegreeWithAGuarantee.com Radio and On-Line Ads Running Toolbox: Marketing Materials
Toolbox: Who can I consult? • AA-T/AS-T Curriculum: Articulation Officer • C-ID questions: Articulation Officer or info@c-id.net • Verification list: See your CSSO • Verification sent to CSU: contact the appropriate CSU admission office • Applicants with degrees not listed on CSU mentor: students must notify each CSU admission office • Advising questions: sb1440questions@cccco.edu
Next steps… • Train your faculty & staff (e.g. department meetings) using the materials on sb1440.org • Offer workshops for students (we provided the ppt for you) • Update catalog, transfer brochure and GE guide, transfer web page, major sheets, etc. • Provide input as local AA-T/AS-Ts are developed • Check resources often: • http://www.sb1440.org • http://ccctransfer.org/ • http://www.calstate.edu/transfer/degrees/ • www.ADegreeWithAGuarantee.com.
Questions? Please type your questions in the “Chat” box on your screen and we will answer them orally for all to hear
Thank you for participating and sharing this info on your campus!