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Intercultural Awareness in the German Classroom. Karen Luond Fowdy WAFLT 2012. AATG “ Alle Lernen Deutsch ” Committee. From ALD Mission Statement:
Intercultural Awareness in the German Classroom Karen LuondFowdy WAFLT 2012
AATG “AlleLernenDeutsch” Committee From ALD Mission Statement: “We recognize our obligation to ensure that present and prospective teachers of German have access to up-to-date information on German-speaking people and their cultures. We affirm the principle that the multicultural composition of the contemporary German-speaking world be accurately reflected in the instruction of German.”
NeuerBlick, NeueStimmen Seminar Berlin 2009, 2010, 2011 “This two-week seminar… seeks to further an understanding and appreciation of the breadth of diversity found in the German population.”
Ein Fünftel der Bevölkerung hat ausländische Wurzeln • Zuwandererfamilien stellen in Deutschland fast 20 Prozent der Bevölkerung. • Statistisch gesehen verjüngen sie die Republik. • Etwa jeder fünfte Einwohner in Deutschland hat ausländische Wurzeln. • Nach Angaben des Statistischen Bundesamtes lebten im vergangenen Jahr etwa 15,7 Millionen Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in der Bundesrepublik. Die Mehrheit von ihnen (8,6 Millionen) hat einen deutschen Pass. Die Zeit, 26.09.2011
AlleLernen Deutsch Summer Workshop, August 2012St. Paul, Minnesota TWO Publications: Attracting and Retaining Students* Recruitment and retention, the Culturally Responsive (Inclusive) Classroom, Deliberative Dialogue, Social Justice in the Classroom, Web resources, Bibliographies, Glossaries of terms, and more… A Culturally Responsive Curriculum: Units for Instruction* Standards-based Sample Curriculum Units *Titles may change
Thematic Curriculum Unit Overarching Theme: In der Stadt / MeineNachbarschaft Kreuzberg SO36 • Targeted Proficiency Level: Novice high-Intermediate low • Enduring Understandings: • Negative perceptions are hard to overcome. • Prejudices inhibit deeper understanding. • Essential Questions: • How does a neighborhood reflect its residents? • How does a neighborhood shape the people who live there? • How does perception reflect and affect reality? • How can misconceptions about a neighborhood be changed?
Interpersonal Communication In small groups, students discuss what they have learned about the neighborhood of Kreuzberg and the people who live there through the materials in the unit and their research (for the presentational PT). Interpretive Communication Students will read or hear description/commentary about the neighborhood and answer questions to show comprehension. Presentational Communication Students will prepare a presentation about one aspect of the culture of Kreuzberg (e.g. music, graffiti, food, youth culture, school, people).
Machen wir jetzt eine virtuelle Reise durch Kreuzberg! X-Berg Projekt: Eine Reise in das multikulturelle Berlin: Video http://http://www.xberg-tag.de/film.html Fotos http://www.xberg-tag.de/design/bilder/bild_10.php Artikel http://www.xberg-tag.de/artikel/artikel.php Was ist „Die Idee“ von dem x-berg Projekt? (in deinen eigenen Wörtern, bitte)
Formative Assessment Interpretive Communication Mein Kiez –Meret Becker Meret Becker ist Schauspielerin und Künstlerin. L Was ist ein Kiez? Kann man deineNachbarschaftals “Kiez”beschreiben? Meret Becker fühlt sich wohl in ihrem Kiez—Kreuzberg 36. Hier ist eine kleine Entdeckungsreise durch Berin Kreuzberg. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BNKQgCjizk
Stationenarbeit: 6 BildermitAufgaben Wie findest du das Gebäude? Gib mindestens 5 Adjektive! 2. Was für ein Bau ist es? • das Hochhaus, ¨er • das Reihenhaus • das Bungalow, -s • der Wolkenkratzer, - • die Wohnsiedlung, -en • das Schloss, ¨er • die Hütte, -n • der Altbau, -ten • der Neubau, -ten • das Einfamilienhaus, ¨er, …. 3. Möchtest du in diesem Gebäude wohnen? Warum (nicht)? 4. Wer wohnt wohl in diesem Gebäude? Warum? 5. Umgebung: Wo befindet sich dieser Bau? Ist das praktisch? 6. Könntest du dir diesen Bau auch in deiner Heimat vorstellen? Warum? Warum nicht? (geschr. von Ingrid Zeller)
Role of Culture Culture
Brainstorm . . . • Choose a THEME you will be teaching this year. • Think of how you might incorporate resources that would more accurately reflect the diversity of the German culture. SAMPLE THEMES: *Biographical facts *Interests / hobbies *Family *School / studies *Friends / peers *Geography (climate, political) *Stores / shopping *Food / restaurants *City / community *Travel / transportation *History / current events *Ecology / the environment *Work / career *Intellectual / aesthetic pursuits Karen Luond Fowdy Lisa Hendrickson
INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE • Curiosity – asking questions, looking for answers, interest in other people and their way of life • Openness – receptive to interacting with people of different cultures; receptive to ideas that are different from one’s own; withholds judgment • Ability to refine generalizations about the target culture using supporting evidence, and distinguish them from stereotypes • Ability tomake comparisons between documents and events in target culture and one’s own culture; ability to identify possible points of misunderstanding • Ability to locate and learn new knowledge (products) from the target culture, and apply that learning to real-life/real-time situations • Ability to learn new practices and apply that learning to real-life/real-time practices • Ability to critically evaluate products, practices, and perspectives in the target culture and in one’s own culture • Ability to notice cultural connotations of words and phrases in the target language • Recognition that culture varies with time and place and people Donna Clementi – “Connecting to Culture,” WAFLT Summer Institute Aug. 8, 2012
WHYshould GLOBAL COMPETENCE be a vital part of World Language instruction? “…the world will not be saved by high test scores. Throughout the 20th century and into the 21st we have seen all too well the incredible world-defying blunders committed by the so-called best and brightest. The disastrous Vietnam war, the unforeseen consequences of the invasion of Iraq, the financial meltdowns of 2001 and 2008 … What is needed more than ever is a laser-like focus on the kinds of human beings that we are raising and the kinds of societies—indeed, in a global era, the kind of world society—that we are fashioning.” Howard Gardner, Preface to Educating for Global Competence: Preparing Our Youth to Engage the World (Asia Society)