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The Living World. Science Unit - Life Skills WEEK 1. Explicit Outcomes: Science K-10 SCLS1VA recognises the role of science in personal, social and global issues relating to everyday life SCLS3VA demonstrates a willingness to engage with science-related issues relevant to their lives
The Living World • Science Unit - Life Skills • WEEK 1
Explicit Outcomes: • Science K-10 • SCLS1VA recognises the role of science in personal, social and global issues relating to everyday life • SCLS3VA demonstrates a willingness to engage with science-related issues relevant to their lives • SCLS4WS asks questions that can be tested and makes predictions • SCLS5WS participates in planning to investigate questions or problems • SCLS6WS participates in an investigation by following a sequence • SCLS7WS collects, records and interprets data and information • SCLS17LW recognises features of living and non-living things • SCLS18LW identifies structures of living things and their functions • English K-10 • ENLS1A listens and responds in familiar contexts • ENLS2A communicates for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts • ENLS3A selects and uses language to communicate according to purpose, audience and context • ENLS4A views and responds to a range of visual texts, media and multimedia • ENLS5A recognises and uses visual texts, media and multimedia for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts • ENLS6A reads and responds to a range of written texts in familiar contexts • ENLS7A uses strategies to obtain meaning from and interpret a range of texts • Mathematics K-10 • MALS2WM applies mathematical strategies to solve problems • MALS4NA recognises language used to represent number • MALS5NA counts in familiar contexts • MALS6NA reads and represents numbers • MALS7NA compares and orders numbers • MALS20MG recognises time in familiar contexts • MALS21MG recognises and relates time in a range of contexts • MALS35SP recognises data displayed in a variety of formats • MALS36SP gathers, organises and displays data • MALS37SP interprets information and draws conclusions from data displays Lesson objective: Students will learn that things can be classified as living and non living, and that within this category there are subclassifications (plants, animals, etc). Students will also recognise and identify the features and functions of living and non living things and examine the ways in which they interact in the surrounding environment. General Capabilities: Literacy Numeracy Critical and creative thinking ICT capability Personal and social capability Resources required: * magazines * art paper * glue * scissors * Internet * real objects of non living things *
Science K-10 ›SCLS1VA recognises the role of science in relating to everyday life ›SCLS3VA demonstrates a willingness to engage with science-related issues relevant to their lives ›SCLS4WS asks questions that can be tested and makes predictions ›SCLS7WS collects, records and interprets data and information ›SCLS17LW recognises features of living and non-living things ›SCLS18LW identifies structures of living things and their functions English K-10 ›ENLS1A listens and responds in familiar contexts ›ENLS2A communicates for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts ›ENLS3A selects and uses language to communicate according to purpose, audience and context ›ENLS4A views and responds to a range of visual texts, media and multimedia ›ENLS6A reads and responds to a range of written texts in familiar contexts ›ENLS7A uses strategies to obtain meaning from and interpret a range of texts Mathematics K-10 ›MALS2WM applies mathematical strategies to solve problems ›MALS5NA counts in familiar contexts ›MALS35SP recognises data displayed in a variety of formats ›MALS36SP gathers, organises and displays data Information and Software Technology LS.5. uses a variety of techniques to present information and software technology solutions. Lesson Objective/ purpose: Students are to classify living things into mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians. They should communicate their knowledge, understanding throughout the lesson using verbal or PCS. This should be a foundation for an understanding of the living environment and a step towards understanding issues relating to sustainability. General capabilities: * Numeracy * Literacy * Personal and social capability * Critical and Creative thinking * Environmental Education * ICT capability * Laminated pictures of different categories, laminated word strips of each category * IWB resource created for classifying things *http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/quizzes/kidscorner/ * items such as birds, soft toys, plastic toys etc that can be put into boxes/ piles that students can physically hold * worksheet: categorising animals into correct categories. * publisher document pre-prepared for students to add in pictures into the correct categories. Folder on desktop with prepared pictures. Resources required:
Teaching Content and Sequence Adjustmentsand Scaffolding 1. Classification of living things: Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, - have a word strip in large print for each of these categories. - have laminated pictures for each category - have written word strips with pictures that represent the features of each category eg. mammal (legs, babies, grow): bird ( feathers, fly, wings): reptile (cold, scales) Students to look at each picture. They are to comment ( verbal or communication sheet) as to the features of each category - students to take each picture and put under each category with guidance so accurate IWB activity: prepared IWB resource where students put animals into categories. - link to website that students can play game to put into categories. http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/quizzes/kidscorner/animal_games_forest_large.html * Preparation of large visuals of each category . * Preparation of communication page/ PCS for students to make communication choices. IWB: Emily: 1-1 supervision, positive reinforcement of behaviour to stay at the task, clear instructions as to what is expected. Gabrylle: provision for extension activities, extra books to read, higher skills expected. Madison: clear instructions as to what is expected. Carrie: simple concepts, guided learning. Alfred: verbal prompt to focus. May need to get out of chair and move around. Least to most assistance. Lynette: she copies what others are doing so need appropriate role model. Verbal prompt for “lynette do”. Least assistance (Lynette will try to get someone to do her work for her) Christine: watch for behaviour indicators for stress. Provide alternative activities when notice that Christine is escalating. Option is doing IWB activity on personal computer so she can work at own pace.
Evaluation Assessment Students found this unit a lot easier than living and non-living things. they could easily identify fish/ birds / insects. They were good with mammals, but were learning the concepts. Gabrylle was extremely good at the interactive game that classified animals in a time limit. Students enjoyed using the IWB to categorise, rather than the pictures as it was a challenge. Having a pre-prepared publisher page was good to see what students understood from the categories, but also used their computer skills. Observations during lesson Verbal questioning of concepts using communication pages. Creation of publisher book, Anecdotal evidence Photographic evidence Discussions, responses.
Science K-10 ›SCLS1VA recognises the role of science in relating to everyday life ›SCLS3VA demonstrates a willingness to engage with science-related issues relevant to their lives ›SCLS4WS asks questions that can be tested and makes predictions ›SCLS17LW recognises features of living and non-living things ›SCLS18LW identifies structures of living things and their functions Geography: G LS.1 Experiences a range of environments GLS.3 Recognises the features of a range of environments GLS.7 Explores the diversity of Australian communities English K-10 ›ENLS1A listens and responds in familiar contexts ›ENLS2A communicates for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts ›ENLS3A selects and uses language to communicate according to purpose, audience and context ›ENLS4A views and responds to a range of visual texts, media and multimedia ›ENLS6A reads and responds to a range of written texts in familiar contexts ›ENLS7A uses strategies to obtain meaning from and interpret a range of texts Mathematics K-10 ›MALS5NA counts in familiar contexts ›MALS35SP recognises data displayed in a variety of formats Information and Software Technology Ls1.1 uses information and software technology to participate and manage their environment LS1.2 Uses a range or hardware LS1.3 Uses a range of software LS5.3 Uses a variety of techniques to present information and software technology solutions. Lesson Objective/ purpose: Students are to identify features of a habitat and recognise their diversity and range. They should communicate their knowledge, understanding throughout the lesson using verbal or PCS. This should be a foundation for an understanding of the living environment and a step towards understanding issues relating to sustainability. General capabilities: * Numeracy * Literacy * Personal and social capability * Critical and Creative thinking * Environmental Education * ICT capability * IWB resources prepared on Habitats. These are prepared using resources from website TES . * posters from www.sparklebox.com on different habitats * Number of items representing animals- polar, snakes, penguins, fish, bears etc. Library has a number of these * Excursion to Aquarium/ Wildlife world * worksheet: putting animals into environments. Resources required:
Teaching Content and Sequence Adjustmentsand Scaffolding 1. Habitats: - verbal discussion with students on habitat is a “home”. - communication board where select PCS for home/ habitat according to their understanding - IWB of pictures of habitats: Discussion of what they see in each one. Q’s: is it cold, is it hot, are there trees, is there sand, is there snow etc? * IWB activities - sorting animals into different environments - selecting the “odd one out” or an environment - link to computer games. - looking at literacy sentences of each environment * Game: sorting items into habitats Using posters, and items such as plastic animals, pictures, soft toys etc. Put posters on the floor at the front of the classroom. Give students an item and have them walk to correct poster and place in a pile. Keep giving items until all gone. Once in piles, have student sit down and discuss each pile to make sure that it is correct. Ask students if there are any that need changing. * Preparation of large visuals of habitats, . * Preparation of communication page/ PCS for students to make communication choices. * Preparation of items that can be sorted, physically handled and students can take them. IWB: Emily: 1-1 supervision, positive reinforcement of behaviour to stay at the task, clear instructions as to what is expected. Gabrylle: provision for extension activities, extra books to read, higher skills expected. Madison: clear instructions as to what is expected. Carrie: simple concepts, guided learning. Alfred: verbal prompt to focus. May need to get out of chair and move around. Least to most assistance. Lynette: she copies what others are doing so need appropriate role model. Verbal prompt for “lynette do”. Least assistance (Lynette will try to get someone to do her work for her) Christine: watch for behaviour indicators for stress. Provide alternative activities when notice that Christine is escalating. Option is doing IWB activity on personal computer so she can work at own pace. Game: Madison: will need assistance with bending to the floor to place item but encourage her for the physical exercise. Alfred: encourage to place animal into correct category rather than cuddle animal. Verbal prompt to put into correct category. Gabrylle: verbal prompt to stay focused Emily: 1-1 supervision to remain on task. Assistance to place item in real category. Carrie: verbal prompt
Evaluation Assessment Students really enjoyed the “game” and it reinforced the concepts of animals/ habitats with participation/ involvement. Students understood concept of oceans easier than others. Forest was the most difficult environment for students to categorise. With worksheet, students needed assistance with polar. Alfred, Emily and Lynette need full assistance. Carrie is understanding concepts very well. Madison is having trouble focusing. Observations during lesson Verbal questioning of concepts using communication pages. Use of IWB activity to check understanding of habitats Anecdotal evidence Discussions, responses.
Science K-10 ›SCLS1VA recognises the role of science in relating to everyday life ›SCLS3VA demonstrates a willingness to engage with science-related issues relevant to their lives ›SCLS4WS asks questions that can be tested and makes predictions ›SCLS17LW recognises features of living and non-living things ›SCLS18LW identifies structures of living things and their functions Geography: G LS.1 Experiences a range of environments GLS.3 Recognises the features of a range of environments English K-10 ›ENLS1A listens and responds in familiar contexts ›ENLS2A communicates for a variety of purposes, audiences and contexts ›ENLS3A selects and uses language to communicate according to purpose, audience and context ›ENLS4A views and responds to a range of visual texts, media and multimedia ›ENLS6A reads and responds to a range of written texts in familiar contexts ›ENLS7A uses strategies to obtain meaning from and interpret a range of texts Mathematics K-10 ›MALS5NA counts in familiar contexts ›MALS35SP recognises data displayed in a variety of formats Information and Software Technology Ls1.1 uses information and software technology to participate and manage their environment LS1.2 Uses a range or hardware LS1.3 Uses a range of software LS5.3 Uses a variety of techniques to present information and software technology solutions. Lesson Objective/ purpose: Students are to gain an understanding of how things change such as the seasons and life cycles. They should communicate their knowledge, understanding throughout the lesson using verbal or PCS. This should be a foundation for an understanding of the living environment and a step towards understanding issues relating to sustainability. General capabilities: * Numeracy * Literacy * Personal and social capability * Critical and Creative thinking * Environmental Education * ICT capability * IWB resources prepared on food chains * posters from www.sparklebox.com * Worksheets:life cycles, change in habitats over time, * Book: living things in their environment by Dr Brian Knapp * http://www.sparklebox.co.uk/topic/living/life-cycles.html#.UpMt3r64YdX *http://www.tesaustralia.com/teaching-resource/Life-Cycle-of-a-Frog-Booklets-3005651/ * Art supplies: black cardboard, different green paper, yellow/ red papers, paints, * Bean seeds, clear plastic cups, cotton wool * Various items for use in season game if doing. Resources required:
Teaching Content and Sequence Adjustmentsand Scaffolding 1. Change through our life: Review previous terms work on how they have changed over time ie babies- child-adult-elderly. Use photos of students of how they have changed over time ( this unit was completed in term 1 and so students can be quizzed using some of previous resources) 2. Change in seasons: Explain that each habitat changes over the seasons. use example of tree going from leaves, no leaves, blossoms etc. ART: divide page into 4 squares. cut out 4 black tree stumps the same. Square 1: WINTER, blue background, bare black tree Square 2: SPRING: light green background, black tree, pink blossoms Square 3: SUMMER: darker green background, sun, black tree, lots of green bushy leaves Square 4: AUTUMN: red/orange background. Black tree, red/ orange/ green leaves. ARROWS to depict the season CYCLE GAME: have a number of props such as umbrella, sun hat, winter coat, sunglasses, t-shirt, - Posters/ signs of each season is put in a circle around the room. Students to move from each one and put on what is needed for each season. They are to select the appropriate attire. OTHER ACTIVITIES: HALINDA WIKI to see what is in the garden during the year HALINDA WIKI to see what can be plated in each season. Spend time each week in the garden taking measurements of plants to see how they grow. * Preparation of large visuals of habitats, . * Preparation of communication page/ PCS for students to make communication choices. * Preparation of items that can be sorted, physically handled and students can take them. ART: pre-cut all materials such as black trees, green bushes, orange/ red leaves, blossoms. Demonstrate what is required first/ model activity and talk about WHAT is on the tree, WHAT season it is etc as you make each square. Students encouraged to create their own work within the parameters of the “season”. Students given time to complete activity with least assistance given to allow independence and creativity. If students begin to put something in the “square” that is not correct for the season, they are asked “what would WINTER look like? and given verbal prompts for accurate learning. Emily: 1-1 assistance. Emily enjoys doing her own art and will work independently. Limit the amount of resources given at one time due to Emily using all resources at once. Madison, Alfred, Carrie: clear, concise instructions, Model activity. Lynette; allow her to observe others and insist on “lynette do”. She will copy whatever the teacher does. Gabrylle: assistance with fine motor activities. REad book at end of activity for extension. Christine: allow her to be creative with her own season designs, giving her paper to cut with BLUNT scissors. Observe behaviour and follow behaviour plan. Preparation of items so enough for all students. Prepare room for sufficient space to move around, remove anything students can trip on. Emily: 1-1 physical assistance to stay with the group, participate and select the appropriate items for the season. Madison: 1-1 physical assistance to bend, put on coats, move around. Carrie: clear, verbal instructions, Verbal prompt for errorless learning Alfred: motivate to move around room. Verbal prompt to select appropriate item for the season. Gabrylle: physical assistance to “dress” as needed. Behaviour modification to stay on task. Christine: observe behaviour signs, especially for silliness.
Teaching Content and Sequence Adjustmentsand Scaffolding IWB activities to support life cycle, seasons, habitats. Select appropriate game/ activity for class. - http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks2science.html#lcycles5b http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/9_10/life_cycles_fs.shtml http://switchzoo.com/games/habitatgame.htm http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/scienceforkids/life_cycle/frog_lifecycle.htm http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/scienceforkids/life_cycle/index.htm http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/scienceforkids/life_cycle/index.htm http://www.turtlediary.com/kindergarten-games/science-games/butterfly-life-cycle.html http://www.turtlediary.com/kids-games/science-topics/life-cycle-games.html 3. Life Cycles: Discuss that living things have life cycles. Observe changes that occur in a plant and/or animal over time, eg by comparing a living adult with its offspring. Observe the stages in the life cycle of a common animal and/or plant. Represent stages in the life cycle of a common animal and/or plant in a variety of ways a) Worksheets that put life cycles into order eg. sunflower plant from seed to flower b) Grow a bean in a cup: Plant a bean seed into a clear plastic cup with cotton wool. Students to water and observe daily. Take daily photos and create a timeline of the bean c) grass heads: make grass heads and observe the grass growing. Maths: measure the length of the grass, record the results, create a graph of the results. d) Read books on life cycles of sunflowers, butterflies, frogs etc as found in the library. Use visual sequencing activities to reinforce what is being learnt. IWB: Emily: 1-1 supervision, positive reinforcement of behaviour to stay at the task, clear instructions as to what is expected. Gabrylle: provision for extension activities, extra books to read, higher skills expected. Madison: clear instructions as to what is expected. Carrie: simple concepts, guided learning. Alfred: verbal prompt to focus. May need to get out of chair and move around. Least to most assistance. Lynette: she copies what others are doing so need appropriate role model. Verbal prompt for “lynette do”. Least assistance (Lynette will try to get someone to do her work for her) Christine: watch for behaviour indicators for stress. Provide alternative activities when notice that Christine is escalating. Option is doing IWB activity on personal computer so she can work at own pace. Worksheets: Scaffolded worksheets provided Madison: written work, fill in the blanks, encourage to read and write independently Gabrylle: use a book to read, encourage verbal response and assess on verbal response Alfred, Lynette, Carrie: PCS/ real pictures used to fill in worksheets, Emily: 1-1 assistance. Visuals uses on worksheets, Christine: written work, fill in the blanks, encourage to read and write independently. Recognises that she will increase inappropriate misbehaviours if she has difficulty reading and writing. Observe behaviour. Give assistance promptly, Ask her to express verbally her need for help. Growing activities: Encourage independence, observation,
Evaluation Assessment This is term 4 and I am finding it challenging for students to develop an understanding of key concepts. They are however, keen to do the artwork, planting and being creative. I would do more creative/ hands-on craft activities for this unit. They also enjoy the activities on the IWB Students were easily able to identify the basic concepts of things “change” and things “grow”. They related it back to term 1 with how they change over time. Visuals are a great support and these need to be laminated for reuse. Students struggling with concepts of graphs- need to be done earlier in the year. I would do this topic in term 3, rather than term 4. Observations during lesson Verbal questioning of concepts using communication pages. Use of IWB activity to check understanding of life cycles Anecdotal evidence Discussions, responses. Mathematical tables.