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Self Promotion. Research: I already knew what the concept was, as its the same concept from my blog and website via Weebly. In terms of influences, I was pretty selective. Self Promotion. Both business cards focuses on the image, yet informative on the back of the card. Self Promotion.
Self Promotion Research: • I already knew what the concept was, as its the same concept from my blog and website via Weebly. • In terms of influences, I was pretty selective.
Self Promotion • Both business cards focuses on the image, yet informative on the back of the card.
Self Promotion • Same principles with the business card, the image is the focus.
Self Promotion • Following the theme of my website, the typography would be “Coustard.” Sadly Illustrator did not have the font, so I went for a similar style.
Self Promotion • Personal identities for writers can either be freelance or working for an organisation. • A journalist working for an organisation, their personal identity would be; Oliver Steeds - The Independent. • Whereas a freelance journalist would have the freedom with their personal identities.
Self Promotion Freelance journalists' websites.
Self Promotion Design: • As my website and blog is called “TheGreenFerret.” Green being me and Ferret refers to; “digs, rummage and uncover” links with the journalism aspect. • Thus the image being a green ferret. Using live trace and a 3 colour scheme (following the scheme of the website), I created various images.
Self Promotion Design: • The card material would be recycled, purely cos I prefer it, and if I want to blab about sustainable aid in developing countries I should follow example. In order to display that, is to use the recycle symbol. Advantage points as the symbol follows the colour scheme.
References • Julian Rollins, 2012. Julian Rollins. [online] Available at: <http://www.julianrollins.co.uk/> [Accessed at:22/11/2012] • Slow News Day, 2012. Slow News Day. [online] Available at: <http://aslownewsday.tumblr.com/>[Accessed at: 22/11/2012] • INKBOT, Design. 2012. Business Card Designs. [image online] Available at:<http://inkbotdesign.com/services/print-design/business-card-design/>[Accessed at: 22/11/12] • SEO-CREATIVE, 2012. UK Discount Holidays. [image online] Available at:<>http://www.seo-creative.co.uk/portfolio/branding-identity/uk-discount-holidays/> • Zazzle, 2012. Homepage. [image online] Available at:<http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=letterheads+of+companies&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&biw=1280&bih=838&tbm=isch&tbnid=s8m7gIOpDFyGvM:&imgrefurl=http://www.zazzle.com/black_suit_modern_elegant_stylish_letterhead_2-199103522781310356&docid=kMDF6BtLLvJhkM&imgurl=http://rlv.zcache.com/black_suit_modern_elegant_stylish_letterhead_2-p199103522781310356bfmv2_400.jpg&w=400&h=400&ei=JX6jUP3dBsOr0QWiiIG4Ag&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=427&vpy=203&dur=1171&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=129&ty=77&sig=117058086144718562189&page=2&tbnh=149&tbnw=138&start=27&ndsp=33&ved=1t:429,r:22,s:27,i:225> [Accessed at: 22/11/12] • Flickr, 2012. Finance Company Letterhead. [image online] Available at:<http://www.flickr.com/photos/inkdphotos/3467134631/> [Accessed at: 22/11/12]