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Global Energetic Ion Flows in Jupiter's Magnetosphere: Galileo EPD Measurements

Explore energetic particle flow patterns in Jupiter's magnetosphere based on Galileo EPD measurements from 1996 to 2003. Learn about key findings, including global flow patterns, anisotropy, and disruptions in the magnetotail. Discover how these insights contribute to a better understanding of Jupiter's complex magnetic environment.

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Global Energetic Ion Flows in Jupiter's Magnetosphere: Galileo EPD Measurements

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  1. N. Krupp, A. Lagg, E.C. Roelof, J. Woch, K.K. KhuranaGlobal flows of energetic ions in the Jovian magnetosphere: Galileo EPD measurements 1996-2003 EGU2008-A-07240EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna April 14-18, 2008Norbert KruppMax-Planck-Institut für SonnensystemforschungKatlenburg-Lindau, Germany

  2. Outline Flow pattern from energetic particle measurements Previous results from Galileo Update on the global flow results Conclusions Summary

  3. Missions to JupiterMagnetosphere Coverage • seven flyby missions: • P10, P11, V1, V2, ULS, Cassini, New Horizons • one orbiter: • Galileo • allowed us to derive global flow pattern, which is of fundamental importance for understanding the Jovian system • Information limited to equatorial plane and 150 RJ NH

  4. Energetic particle measurements along Galileo trajectory 1996-2003 equatorial plane north-south plane

  5. Fast Rotator theme • Huge magnetized system in fast rotation: • Tspin=9.9 h • Magnetic moment ~ 600 Earth’s one (not very different from a pulsar !) • Bsurf ~ 430 µT • Distance of subsolar point ~ 30 Rj (~50 times Earth’s case) A magnetosphere completely dominated by rotation Distance of stagnation point (Wp B0Rp3/Econv)1/2 with Econv ~0.1 VSW EIMF larger than distance of subsolar point.

  6. Flow pattern from energetic particle measurements Intensity Anisotropy

  7. Global Flow Pattern Vasyliunas, 1983 • plasma flow rotational driven • formation of a magnetic x-line due to internal processes

  8. Global particle flow pattern in Jupiter’s magnetosphereFirst order approximationGalileo/EPD measurements in equatorial plane • (sub)-corotational flow out to 150 RJ • dawn-dusk asymmetry with smaller velocities at dusk • radial (tailward) disruptions of flow pattern in predawn and midnight sector Krupp et al, JGR 2001

  9. Previous results from Galileo Woch et al., ASR 2004

  10. Previous results from Galileo Frank and Paterson, JGR 2002

  11. Global particle flow pattern in Jupiter’s magnetosphereGalileo/EPD measurements in equatorial plane

  12. Local time dependence of the flow pattern at Jupiter

  13. Local time dependence of the flow pattern at Jupiter

  14. Local time dependence of the flow pattern at Jupiter

  15. Local time dependence of the flow pattern at Jupiter

  16. Local time dependence of the flow pattern at Jupiter

  17. Local time dependence of the flow pattern at Jupiter

  18. Local time dependence of the flow pattern at Jupiter

  19. Local time dependence of the flow pattern at Jupiter

  20. Local time dependence of the flow pattern at Jupiter

  21. Local time dependence of the flow pattern at Jupiter

  22. Local time dependence of the flow pattern at Jupiter

  23. Impact on models Cowley and Bunce PSS, 2003

  24. realistic flow profiles at different local times

  25. Global particle flow pattern in Jupiter’s magnetosphereGalileo/EPD measurements in equatorial plane tailward disruptions of corotational flow pattern

  26. Particle flow bursts • Ion bursts in the distant tail • field-aligned / radial outward (inward) • periodicity of ~ 3 days Krupp et al., 1998

  27. Jovian Magnetotail Dynamics - Particle Flow Bursts / Auroral Emissions • Galileo PWS measurements show: particle flow bursts are associated with radio wave emissions, which are modulated with the same periodicity • increased power at higher frequencies (> 500 kHz, AKR), related to auroral activity • onset of b-KOM (~ 100 kHz) emissions, also of auroral origin • drop in the lower cut-off frequency of the continuum (close to local plasma frequency) • modifications in the plasma sheet configuration (lobe encounters) ion intensity out radial anisotropy in auroral emissions Louarn et al. Woch et al. Krupp et al.

  28. MHD simulation of Jupiter’s magnetosphere Fukazawa, 2004

  29. Plasmoids in the deep magnetotail of JupiterNew Horizons results McComas et al.,2007

  30. 3 days More outward bursts X-line Jupiter Sun More inward bursts ? ? Dynamics of the Jovian magnetotailenergetic particle flow bursts and magnetospheric response 16 days directional ion anisotropy north-south magnetic field radial azimuthal Location: 90-113 Rj Kronberg, 2007 Kronberg, 2005 Woch, 1998 Louarn, 2001 Krupp, 1998 Krupp et al, 2004 energy spectra variations Transient periodical disturbances with repetition period of several days are observed in the Jovian magnetotail! Magnetopause

  31. Summary and open questions • Jupiter’s magnetosphere sub-corotates on average out to 150 RJ in the magnetotail • dawn-dusk asymmetry inside 40-50 RJ with smaller velocities at dusk (correlated to thickness of plasma sheet and diffuse vs. discrete aurora) • radial (tailward) periodic disruptions of flow pattern in predawn and midnight sector. Released plasmoids observed down the magnetotail out to > 2500 RJ • Stagnated flow signatures in afternoon magnetosphere • Galileo measurements restricted to equatorial plane. How does the high-latitude magnetosphere look like?  JUNO

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