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Unit III, Sensation & Perception: The Other Senses

Unit III, Sensation & Perception: The Other Senses. Smell & Taste. Smell & taste are chemical senses We sense molecules of substances as opposed to waves Smell Odors of substances are detected by receptor neurons high in each nostril

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Unit III, Sensation & Perception: The Other Senses

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  1. Unit III, Sensation & Perception: The Other Senses

  2. Smell & Taste • Smell & taste are chemical senses • We sense molecules of substances as opposed to waves • Smell • Odors of substances are detected by receptor neurons high in each nostril • The receptors send information about the odors to the brain via the olfactory nerve • Adapts quickly to the smells around you

  3. Smell & Taste

  4. Smell & Taste

  5. Smell & Taste • Taste • Dogs vs. Cats • Four basic qualities: • Sweetness • Sourness • Saltiness • Bitterness • Taste is sensed through receptor neurons located on taste buds on the tongue • Sensitivities to different tastes can be inherited • “Taste Blind”

  6. Smell & Taste

  7. Smell & Taste

  8. Smell & Taste

  9. Smell & Taste

  10. The Skin Senses • Touch is a combination of pressure, temperature, & pain. • Pressure • Receptors located around root of hair cells and beneath the skin • Some body parts are more sensitive than to pressure than others • Temperature • Neurons located just beneath the skin • Hot & Cold Sensory Neurons

  11. The Skin Senses • Pain • Not all areas of the body are equally sensitive to pain. • Depends on the number of pain receptors in a particular area • Women are more sensitive to pain than men • Gate Theory – Brain can only process a certain amount of info at a time

  12. The Skin Senses

  13. The Skin Senses

  14. Body Senses • Vestibular Sense (Balance) – Tells you whether you are physically upright without having to use your eyes. • Sensory organs in middle ear monitor motion, position, & gravity (Semicircular Canal) • Kinesthesis sense(Movement) • Informs people about the position and motion of their bodies. • Info. fed to brain via sensory organs in joints, tendons, and muscles.

  15. Body Senses

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