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Language Structures. Reading II. Dialogue I. Guided Writing. Dialogue II. Interaction Activity. Reading I. Listening Practice. UNIT 12. Language Structure. See the following sentences and pay attention to the grammar rules they use:.

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  1. Language Structures Reading II Dialogue I Guided Writing Dialogue II Interaction Activity Reading I Listening Practice UNIT 12

  2. Language Structure See the following sentences and pay attention to the grammar rules they use: • Don was made to train the team members in new strategy and tactics. • 2. Ted almost got drowned in the lake. • 3. Joe should have been invited to the party. • 4. Ron is known to be an all-round sportsman, but he doesn’t want to be interviewed by newspaper reporters.

  3. Language Structure Practice 1 : Giving information and expressing obligation A: What's happened to Don? B: (He's been chosen captain of the university football team.) A: Has he been working hard? B: (Oh, yes, he has to work hard // Oh, yes, he's expected to / obliged to / supposed to work hard. //) He was made to train the team members in new strategy and tactics.

  4. Language Structure Practice 2 : Expressing surprise and seeking clarification A: (Did everything go well with Ted?) B: No, he almost got drowned in the lake. A: (Did he? // Really? / I can't believe it. / What! //) Hadn't he been warned beforehand not to go beyond the 100-metre limit from the shore? B: (Yes, he had, but he just didn't listen.)

  5. Language Structure Practice 3 : Expressing regret A: Did everyone have a good time at the party? B: (Yes, but we all missed Joe.) A: He should have been invited, shouldn't he? B: (Yes, and then the party would have been even more lively. // Yes, and I'm sure / I think/ I can say the party would have been more lively. // )

  6. Language Structure Practice 4 : Expressing unwillingness A: Is Tony good at anything? B: (No, he's thought to be a ne'er-do-well.) A: Do people sometimes advise him to do well? B: (Yes, but he wants to be left alone.)

  7. Dialogue I Music Think it • What kind of music do you like most? • In your opinion, what can music bring to you?

  8. Dialogue I Music Questions 1. How do you define a good stereo system? 2. What are the major categories of music? 3. How much do you know about the history of music and the development of music reproduction technology? 4. In what direction will music reproduction technology develop in the future? 5. What type of music is your favourite music?

  9. Dialogue I Music Read Please read the dialogue loudly with feeling and expression.

  10. Dialogue I Language Points 1 I feel like I’m sitting in a grand concert hall. 1.big and very impressive [opposite] humble e,.g. The party was a grand affair. 2. aiming or intended to achieve something impressive e.g. Henry Luce had a grand design for America's future. The company's grand ambition was to become the first and biggest global airline. 3. important and rich e.g. He looked very grand in his ceremonial uniform. the grand end of West Avenue

  11. Dialogue I Language Points 2 I like music so much that the moment I get home I’ll turn on my stereo. 立刻;马上 as soon as matter of great moment 重大事件 seize the moment 抓住机会 Wait for a moment. 等一会儿。 I'll be back in a moment. 我立刻回来。 There is not a moment to be lost. 刻不容缓。 It is of little moment. 这不太要紧。

  12. Dialogue I Language Points 3 high fidelity (hi-fi) • when you are loyal to your husband, girlfriend etc • ᅳsynonym loyaltyᅳopposite infidelity • e.g. the importance of marital fidelity (=in marriage) • 2. when you are loyal to a person, an organization, or something that you believe in • fidelity toe.g.his fidelity to the company over 25 years • 3. formal how much a film, a piece of written work etc remains unchanged from an earlier piece of work, or the facts that are known • e.g. the movie's fidelity to the original book

  13. Dialogue I Language Points 4 In its initial age ① adj. happening at the beginning -synonym first e.g. an initial investment of £5000 initial stage/phase/period e.g. the initial stages of the disease ② n. the first letter of someone's first name e.g. 'Can I have your initial, Mr Davies?' 'It's G, Mr. G Davies.' His initials are DPH: they stand for David Perry Hall. ③ v.to write your initials on a document to make it official or to show that you agree with something -synonym sign e.g. The two countries have initialled a new defence co-operation agreement.

  14. Dialogue I Music Role-Play Fine Music versus Popular Music

  15. Socializing, Part 3 – Reacting to News Dialogue II Key-point Pull one’s leg Incredible Take…into account Give sb. a pass

  16. Reading I The “Green Revolution” Questions 1. What does the “Green Revolution" refer to? 2. Why did various writers predict that there would be widespread famine? 3. Name some countries with serious food shortage. 4. What is “miracle rice"? 5. What are some of the factors that caused the famines? 6. What did the word Food Conference held in l974 do for the world? 7. Can technology alone help to feed the world's people in the future? 8. What did Dr. Borlaug think about technological development in grain production?

  17. Reading I The “Green Revolution” Background 袁隆平长期从事杂交水稻育种理论研究和制种技术实践。1964年首先提出培育“不育系、保持系、恢复系”三系法利用水稻杂种优势的设想并进行科学实验。1970年,与其助手李必湖和冯克珊在海南发现一株花粉败育的雄性不育野生稻,成为突破“三系”配套的关键。 1972年育成中国第一个大面积应用的水稻雄性不育系“二九南一号A”和相应的保持系“二九南一号B”,次年育成了第一个大面积推广的强优组合“南优二号”,并研究出整套制种技术。1986年提出杂交水稻育种分为“三系法品种间杂种优势利用、两系法亚种间杂种优势利用到一系法远缘杂种优势利用”的战略设想。被同行们誉为“杂交水稻之父”。超级杂交稻在小面积试种获得成功,亩产达到800公斤。

  18. Reading I The “Green Revolution” Background 美国农学家。绿色革命的主要倡导者。1914年3月25日生于艾奥瓦州。1937年毕业于明尼苏达大学林学院,1941年获植物病理学博士学位。1964年起为国际玉米小麦改良中心小麦育种计划负责人,1981年任该中心代理主任,1982年任顾问。早期主要研究农产品和各种化学药剂。40年代初期起从事小麦育种,利用一年两季、异地选育和矮化小麦基因的方法,培育出大量矮杆、抗病、高产、适应性强的春小麦品种,在墨西哥等国家推广后起到了明显增产作用。

  19. The Western Frontier in the United States Dialogue I T VOA • What is his main contribution to the world? • Could you give a brief introduction of Borlaug’s life experience? • Do you think there’s any same point between Mr. Borlaug and Mr. Yuan? Now listen to several passages of a VOA report about Norman Borlaug, try to figure out following questions.

  20. Reading I The “Green Revolution” Questions 1. What does the “Green Revolution" refer to? 2. Why did various writers predict that there would be widespread famine? 3. Name some countries with serious food shortage. 4. What is “miracle rice"? 5. What are some of the factors that caused the famines? 6. What did the word Food Conference held in l974 do for the world? 7. Can technology alone help to feed the world's people in the future? 8. What did Dr. Borlaug think about technological development in grain production?

  21. Reading I Language Points 1 High yielding cereal grains 1. to produce crops, profits etc e.g. Each of these oilfields could yield billions of barrels of oil. The tourist industry yielded an estimated $2.25 billion for the state last year. These investments should yield a reasonable return. high-yielding/low-yielding high-yielding crops 2. to give in to what one can no longer oppose or resist. yield to an enemy;对敌投降;wouldn't yield to reason; 不屈服于理由;yielded to desire.屈服于欲望。 3. to move, bend, or break because of physical force or pressure ᅳsynonym give Ideally, the surface should yield slightly under pressure.

  22. Reading I Language Points 2 Sponsored by the U.N. 1. to give money to a sports event, theatre, institution etc, especially in exchange for the right to advertise e.g. The competition was sponsored by British Airways. government-sponsored projects 2. to support someone by paying for their training, education, living costs etc e.g. The bank had offered to sponsor him at university. 3. UN-sponsored/US-sponsored/government-sponsored etc supported and encouraged by the UN, the US etc e.g. US-sponsored peace talks

  23. Reading I Language Points 3 Especially in regard to good nutrition with/in regard to something formal relating to a particular subject e.g. US foreign policy with regard to Cuba

  24. Reading I Language Points 4 provided the total population of the world stays.. used to say that something will only be possible if something else happens or is done ᅳsynonym providing e.g. He can come with us, provided he pays for his own meals. You can borrow the car, providing I can have it back by six o'clock.

  25. Reading II The Irish Famine Skimming Questions 1. What is the meaning of the first sentence in the passage “No event has had such a decisive effect in shaping the attitude of the Irish people towards the British"? Explain this statement by citing facts. 2. Do you think such an event as “the Irish famine" would take place anywhere in the world today?

  26. Guided Writing Note accompanying a gift

  27. Interaction Activities What part can I play in China’s Modernization Programme?

  28. Spelling Dictation A Dictation B Listening Comprehension Listening Practice

  29. Spelling

  30. Dictation A In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the Irish suffered from economic exploitation from the English government. Lots of Irish people lived in great poverty as tenants on large estates, many of which were owned by landlords residing in England. For food the peasants depended almost entirely on potatoes because all other crops were sold to pay rent on the land. In the l840s, the potato crop failed for several successive years, resulting in a great famine during which about one million people died of starvation and disease. From l847 to l854 more than 1,500,000 people were forced to leave the country when their land was sold for non-payment of rent. Many of the emigrants went to the United States, where some of them organized the secret Fenian Movement in order to oppose British rule in Ireland by force of arms.

  31. Dictation B Why Are So Many Hungry? Why are so many hungry? Susan George in her recent publication How the other Half Dies affirms with conviction, and with solid evidence, that it is not because there are too many passengers on “spaceship Earth", not because of bad weather or changing climates, but because food is controlled by the rich. Only the poor go hungry. Only those fortunate people who can become consumers will eat in the Brave New World being shaped by the well-fed. The standard liberal solutions to feeding the world --- population control or the Green Revolution --- are just what the hungry poor don't need. All they need is social change, otherwise known as justice. With that, they could, and would, resolve most of their problems themselves.

  32. BDADC Listening Comprehension Looking into the Future-- A talk given by Dr. Pyke in the 1980s There is no doubt that many scientific and technological developments will have taken place by the time the writers of the 2030s sit down to look forward another fifty years to speculate on life in the 2080s. By that time, perhaps cars will be running on hydrogen taken from the ocean. Perhaps we will all be living in automatically controlled homes, and carrying portable telephones with us wherever we go. Perhaps the world's energy crisis will have become history, with the successful application of nuclear fusion. Most probably we will be entertained by three-dimensional television, and we will all be living for one hundred and twenty years. Other, yet unimagined, changes may lie beyond the horizon awaiting to take us all surprise. Whatever form these changes take, the face of life in the future will certainly be significantly different.

  33. BDADC Listening Comprehension Yes, speaking as one who has the advantage of being able to look back more than fifty years, I look forward to the future with confidence, because, in spite of all the changes, I predict that human beings will still be able to exercise choice in deciding how to run their lives. Looking back fifty years, we can see enormous changes. In the 1930s there were many people in the world who had never seen a car or listened to a radio. A television set was still a technological dream. The moon was untroubled by man and his missiles, and its back was still an unseen mystery. Nuclear reactions existed only in theoretical physics, and to fly the Atlantic from one continent to another was an adventure experienced by few.

  34. BDADC Listening Comprehension However, if we were suddenly transported back in time fifty years, I doubt if we would have any great problems settling into the pattern of the everyday life of the 1930s. Similarly, it seems to me that fifty years from now people will change to keep the principles and values that they have always believed in. New inventions in the future may change the pattern of life, but the human mind that guides it will not alter.

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