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Ich kann in 3 Sekunden die Welt erobern I can in three seconds conquer the world

Alles nur in meinem Kopf “ All only in my head ” Andreas Bourani. Ich kann in 3 Sekunden die Welt erobern I can in three seconds conquer the world Den Himmel stürmen und in mir wohnen . Can storm the heavens and live within me. In 2 Sekunden Frieden stiften ,

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Ich kann in 3 Sekunden die Welt erobern I can in three seconds conquer the world

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  1. Allesnur in meinem Kopf “All only in my head” Andreas Bourani Ichkann in 3 Sekunden die Welt erobern I can in three seconds conquer the world Den Himmelstürmenund in mirwohnen. Can storm the heavens and live within me. In 2 SekundenFriedenstiften, In 2 seconds establish peace, Liebemachen, und Feindvergiften. Make love, and poison the enemy.

  2. In einerSekundeSchlösserbauen In one second build castles 2 Tageeinziehenund alleskaputthauen. Move in in 2 days and break everything. AllesGeld der Welt verbrennen Burn through all the money in the world und heutedie Zukunftkennen. And know the future today.

  3. Und das istallesnur in meinem Kopf. And that is all in my head. Und das istallesnur in meinem Kopf. And that is all in my head. Ichwäregernlängerdortgeblieben, I would have liked to have stayed there longer dochdie Gedankenkommen und fliegen. The thoughts come and fly. Allesnur in meinemKopf All only in my head Und das istallesnur in meinem Kopf. And that is all only in my head.

  4. Wirsindfür 2 SekundenEwigkeitunsichtbar We are for 2 seconds eternally invisible Ichstopp die Zeit I stop time Kannin SekundenFliegenlernen Can in seconds learn to fly Und weisswie'sseinkann, niezusterben. And know how it can be, never to die. Die Welt durchdeineAugensehen. See the world through your eyes. Augenzu und durchWändegehen. Close my eyes and go through walls.

  5. Und das istallesnur in meinem Kopf. And that is all in my head. Und das istallesnur in meinem Kopf. And that is all in my head. Ichwäregernlängerdortgeblieben, I would have liked to have stayed there longer dochdie Gedankenkommen und fliegen. The thoughts come and fly. Allesnur in meinemKopf All only in my head Und das istallesnur in meinem Kopf. And that is all only in my head.

  6. Du bistwieich, ich bin wiedu You are like me, and I am like you WirallesindausFantasie We are all made of fantasy. Oh ohohWirsindausStaub und Fantasie Oh ohoh We are made of dust and fantasy Oh oh ohWirsindausStaub und Fantasie Oh ohoh We are made of dust and fantasy.

  7. Und das istallesnur in meinem Kopf. And that is all in my head. Und das istallesnur in meinem Kopf. And that is all in my head. Ichwäregernlängerdortgeblieben, I would have liked to have stayed there longer dochdie Gedankenkommen und fliegen. The thoughts come and fly. Allesnur in meinemKopf All only in my head Und das istallesnur in meinem Kopf. And that is all only in my head.

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