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The IFAD Initiative for Mainstreaming Innovation IMI

The IFAD Initiative for Mainstreaming Innovation IMI. What IFAD Means by Innovation. A process: which adds value or solves a problem in new ways Occurs in reference to a context Will have either a direct or indirect positive impact on poverty. The Global Pressure for Innovation.

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The IFAD Initiative for Mainstreaming Innovation IMI

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  1. The IFAD Initiative for Mainstreaming Innovation IMI

  2. What IFAD Means by Innovation • A process: which adds value or solves a problem in new ways • Occurs in reference to a context • Will have either a direct or indirect positive impact on poverty.

  3. The Global Pressure for Innovation • Challenge of MDGs puts focus on poverty • General recognition that many well established approaches to poverty reduction are not succeeding • Pressure for finding new and better ways to address poverty.

  4. How IFAD Engages in Innovation • With its partners, people-centered • Decentralized, field-oriented • M&E to mitigate risks • Responsive to needs

  5. The Goal of the Initiative for Mainstreaming Innovation To enhance IFAD capacity to promote new ideas and approaches that will have a positive impact on rural poverty.

  6. Preparatory Phase of the IFAD IMI Two synergistic lines of activity: • Development of a framework for the main phase of the IMI • Analysis & learning from 8 current innovations as illustrations

  7. Mainstreaming Innovation Strengthening of Innovation in IFAD Operations Development of Organizational Innovation Culture and Practice Learning and Sharing Lessons on Innovation Partnerships

  8. Small Innovation Projects Implemented during the IMI Preparatory Phase • Innovative Approaches to Targeting in Demand-Driven Projects • Scaling up Innovative Small Stock Management Practices • Microfinance Information Exchange Pilot Initiative • Linking Land and Water Governance

  9. Small Innovation Projects (continued) • The Rural Poverty Portal • Partnering for Market Access and Market Development • Private Sector Development and Partnerships • Institutional Analysis Guidelines and Training Modules

  10. Main Outputs of the IMI Preparatory Phase Small Projects

  11. Impact of the IMI PP Projects on IFAD Culture and Practice Collaborating Thematic, Resource & Working Groups Impact on IFAD Innovation Culture Impact on IFAD Innovation Capacity IMI PP Coordin-ators Impact on IFAD Innovation Capability

  12. Main Phase IMI Strengthening of Innovation in IFAD Operations Development of Organizational Innovation Culture and Practice Learning and Sharing Lessons on Innovation Partnerships

  13. IMIMain Phase: Innovations in IFAD Operations • Building innovative partnerships • Strengthening the capacity of ‘extended IFAD’ (+ impact of field presence) • Developing innovative project cycle management tools

  14. IMI Main Phase: Innovations in IFAD Operations • Strengthening the policy dialogue & engagement • Supporting the Policy Forum

  15. IMI Main Phase:Innovations in IFAD Operations • Strengthening Implementation of Innovations: • Bridging design and implementation of loans • Back-up support for implementation of innovations, especially in early phases • Development of a PDIP ‘Innovation Partnership.’ • PMU twinning arrangements.

  16. IMI Main Phase: Learning and SharingKnowledge on Innovation • Capturing of learning from rural development programmes • Communicating and promoting the most successful IFAD supported innovations for further scaling up • Identifying and developing key strategic areas of innovation where IFAD could focus expertise

  17. IMI Main Phase: Changing Organizational Culture & Practices • Culture change activities – field internships, formal & informal discussions, training, dialogue – for staff, consultants, management, partners • Testing new work arrangements • Providing incentives for staff innovation performance

  18. How IMI will Promote Change in IFAD Culture Change Initiatives Creation of an Enabling IFAD Environment for Innovation in Operations Testing New Work Arrangements Incentives for Staff

  19. Proposed Structure of the IMI Budget • Earmarked funds for essential corporate activities not appropriate for competitive funding - 20-25% • IMI funds for centralized competitive allocation – 50-70% • IMI funds for decentralized, competitive, rapidly disbursing facility – 15-20%

  20. Relationship between IMI Funds and Mainstreaming of Innovation • IMI resources would be invested on a declining basis over a period of 3 years. • With progressive mainstreaming, responsibility for funding of activities will be increasingly assumed by IFAD grant and loan funds. • At the end of PY3 of IMI, IFAD will have assumed full financial responsibility for all mainstreamed innovation processes.

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