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Vanessa Research Plan. Vanessa’s Research Plan. Why should this case produce so much rainfall? Moisture distribution of the typhoon Moisture distribution of the environment
Vanessa’s Research Plan • Why should this case produce so much rainfall? • Moisture distribution of the typhoon • Moisture distribution of the environment • One can compare the Taiwan moisture distribution for other typhoon case to see if the moisture in Taiwan is usually high or not. • What is the moisture distribution before, during and after the land fall of Morakot? • Can we detect interesting moisture variations across Taiwan (east-west, north-south) as Morakot is moving through Taiwan (due to typhoon mountain interaction)?
Is the moisture in the Morakot environment “unusually high” compared with climatology?
Ground-based GPS • Look at ground-based GPS PW from 00 UTC 1 August through 00 UTC 10 August over Taiwan. • Compare the typhoon with climatology of PW observation from ground-based GPS network • Look at the mean PW for August 2007, 2008, 2009 (excluding typhoon periods) • Look at the relative PW (or surface pressure) across Taiwan: • Pick a pair stations (east and west of the mountain, or north and south of the mountain) • Look at the time series of their differences • Look at the variation of PW upstream of the Chiayi county, together with the surface wind. Basically trying to understand how the “upslope” of flow is impacting the PW distribution and rainfall. • Use the ground-based GPS PW data to verify the 4-km WRF ensemble PW prediction (assess the potential for heavy flooding)
Select GPS stations of different elevation, and assess its usefulness in detecting the vertical moisture distribution. • Select stations in close proximity, but with different elevation. • Look at the difference between stations
How about COSMIC data? • Look at the COSMIC data distribution from 1 August through 10 August? Over the 12-km domain area • Look at the distribution of COSMIC data at 6-h interval together with the position of the storm. • Use COSMIC data to validate model prediction (12-h forecast) from ECMWF and NCEP (NCEP is quite doable) • Use COSMIC data to validate the analyses from ECMWF and NCEP (readily doable)
Look at individual GPS RO soundings in the vicinity of Morakot and see if there are interesting structures in the Skew-T plots.