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The Franco Prussian War 1870 - 1871

The Franco Prussian War 1870 - 1871. French soldiers 1870. Prussian soldiers advancing past a dead French soldier. Prussian Soldiers. Qu 30. Alliances indicate Bismarck’s next move. ( ie . make France the ‘bad guy’).

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The Franco Prussian War 1870 - 1871

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  1. The Franco Prussian War 1870 - 1871

  2. French soldiers 1870

  3. Prussian soldiers advancing past a dead French soldier

  4. Prussian Soldiers

  5. Qu 30. Alliances indicate Bismarck’s next move. (ie. make France the ‘bad guy’) • He needed to get the 4 South German states on his side. They were not keen to ally with Prussia as the mainly Catholic south distrusted the mainly Protestant North. • His idea was to make France appear to be a bigger enemy to the states than Prussia could be. • He leaked the news of Napoleon III’s demand that he should be rewarded for staying neutral in the Austro/Prussian war. Any reward would come from the 4 southern states. • This made the states very anti French and so had to look to Prussia to help them oppose any possible threats from France.

  6. Planning for war Opportunist/Realpolitik • Mitchell: ‘almost as soon as Bismarck had dealt with Austria, there began the conflict with Napoleon III which would lead to the F-P war.’ • For more see page 59. McK • Gorman: ‘war was not his sole aim, but it was one of a variety of possibilities open to him.’ • Williamson agrees: ‘Bismarck knowingly risked war, even though he probably hoped to avoid it.’ • For more see page 60. McK 31. Historiography- Was Bismarck planning for war or using events to achieve his aims?

  7. 32. The Spanish Candidature • September 1869 Spanish throne became available. • Bismarck saw a chance to antagonise France by putting a Prussian prince (Leopold of Hohenzollern) forward as a candidate for the throne. • He knew France would not accept this as it would feel encircled by Prussian power. • France found out about the Bismarck’s scheme and were enraged.

  8. 19 July 1870. France declared war on Prussia. • 33 + 34. France fights alone because: Bismarck released French plans to take over parts of the south German states and Belgium as compensation. • This alarms the states. Their military alliances come into effect and they unite with Prussia ‘in a national war of defence against France.’ • No international support

  9. Causes of Prussian victory over France. January 1871 • Better Prussian artillery • Better mobilisation of army. 6 German railway lines to French border. France had 2. • Better commander: General von Moltke • Weak defensive tactics adopted by the French.

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