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Scientific Research-Based Interventions:

Scientific Research-Based Interventions:. EDUC 556 Improving Education for ALL Students Connecticut’s Framework for RtI http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/lib/sde/pdf/Pressroom/SRBI_full.pdf. Essential Questions:. Why SRBI? What is SRBI?

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Scientific Research-Based Interventions:

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  1. Scientific Research-Based Interventions: EDUC 556 Improving Education for ALL Students Connecticut’s Framework for RtI http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/lib/sde/pdf/Pressroom/SRBI_full.pdf

  2. Essential Questions: • Why SRBI? • What is SRBI? • How does SRBI affect my role as a regular ed or special education teacher?

  3. Why SRBI? Federal laws mandate that Public School Systems educate all students. • No Child Left Behind,2001 (NCLB) • IDEA, 2004 in effect since 1975 – encourages RtI as part of identification process for LD • CALI – CT Accountability for Learning • Initiative http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/cwp/view.asp?a=2618&Q=321754&dsftns=45646

  4. What to expect….. • Spring of 2008, SRBI must be used as part of the identification process for learning disabilities. • July 1, 2009, IQ achievement discrepancy formula replaced with evidenced-based analysis of identified discrepancies between student performance and • expected outcomes.

  5. How did we get here? • Accountability and proficiency • Concerns about special education • Research into human learning SRBI – Regular Education Initiative to improve education for all students

  6. Keys to Success • Reading Above All Else – Start Young • Beyond the Classroom * After school programs and social services • Continuous Assessment/Small-Group Instruction *Formal and informal assessments to provide an appropriate level of challenge • Effective Staff *Strong leadership and cohesive staff with intensive planning Structured, Disciplined Environment

  7. Critical Components of SRBI • Universal Screening • Measurable Definition of Problem Area • Baseline Data Prior to Intervention • Written Plan Detailing • Accountability as

  8. Benchmark Assessments • Multiple Tiers • Differentiated Interventions • Research-based Interventions • Comparison of Pre-Intervention Data to Post-Intervention Data to show Value • Progress Monitoring

  9. Special Services Intervention Triangle BEHAVIORAL ACADEMIC Tier 3 – Individuals (groups of 1-3 students) 5% of students need these interventions and Tier 1 & 2 Tier 2 – Targeted Group (small group, 8-10 students) 15% at-risk students need these interventions & Tier 1 Tier 1 – All Students These interventions work for approx 85% of students

  10. Tier 1 FOCUS: All Students INSTRUCTION: Formats meet students needs Assessment: Benchmark at beginning, middle and end of year Interventionist: General ed teacher Setting: General ed classroom

  11. Tier 1 Features(85%) • Primary support • Preventative and proactive • Universal screening/formative & summative • Instructional decisions are based on data • Standards-Driven Curriculum • Core curriculum differentiated • Most students find success

  12. Tier II: Supplemental Instruction • Focus: For students identified with marked difficulties who have not responded to Tier I • Grouping: Homogeneous small group – 6-8 students Time: Min. of 30 minutes per day 2X3 per week in small group plus core instruction Interventionist: Personnel determined by school Setting: Designated by the school

  13. Tier II Features(15%) • Supplemental to core instruction • Additional academic assessments • Small groups • Tightly structured interventions • Frequent monitoring of student progress • Regular and special education students

  14. Tier III Intensive Intervention(5%) • Focus: For students who are not responding to Tier 1 or 2 instruction • Grouping: Homogeneous small group (1-3) • Time: Minimum of two 30 min. blocks per day in small group • Assessment: Progress monitoring twice a week or at a minimum weekly on target skills. • Interventionist: Determined by school.

  15. Tier III Features • Intensive Interventions • Designed to increase rate of progress • Individualized diagnostic assessment • Might include Special Ed Services • Longer duration of interventions

  16. Tier III Interventions • Could be Teacher Planned – paraprofessional may deliver intensive instruction • Groups of 1-3 students • Students remain in regular class/or may be removed from Core Class • Individual Action Plan

  17. On-Line Supports • www.swis.org Organize Data/ Positive Behavioral Supports • www.rtinetwork.org Building Implementation • www.nasdse.org Blueprint to guide implementation • http://www.fcrr.org/fcrrreports/lreports.aspx Curriculum & Instruction • http://www.fcrr.org/assessment.htm • Assessment of Programs • www.nwea.org Assessment Reporting

  18. What am I looking for to insure that SRBI works? • Comprehensive system of social-emotional learning and behavioral supports. • Teachers are modeling respectful and ethical behaviors, fostering student engagement/connectedness so that students experience physical, emotional, and intellectual safety. • Differentiation of instruction for all learners, including students performing above and below grade level expectations and English language learners (ELLs). • Common assessments of all students that enable teachers to monitor academic and social progress, and identify those who are experiencing difficulty early.

  19. Early intervention for students experiencing academic or behavioral difficulties to prevent the development of more serious educational issues.Educational decision-making driven by data involving students’ growth and performances relevant to their peers. • Data are carefully and collaboratively analyzed by teams of educations such as data teams or early intervention teams. This information not only improves instruction for individual students, but also elevates and improves the core educational practices for all students. • A continuum of support that is part of the general education system, with increasing intensity and/or individualization across multiple tiers. • A systematic approach to core educational practices in which teachers within the same grade use the same set of common assessments which address similar competencies and behavioral expectations.

  20. SRBI in a Nutshell • Screen • Teach • Intervene • Probe (progress monitoring) • Chart • Adjust

  21. SRBI On-Line Resources • Introduction to SRBI: http://www.jimwrightonline.com/php/rti/rti_wire.php http://www.whatworks.ed.gov/ http://www.interventioncentral.org/ http://www.center-school.org/may22/documents/ResponseIntervention.pdf • Executive Summary: • http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/lib/sde/pdf/Pressroom/RTI_Executive_Summary.pdf • http://www.pbis.org • http://www.onlineacademy.org/modules

  22. Bibliography • SERC Presentations from: • Two Rivers Magnet School • Dr. George Batsche – University of Southern Florida • Dr. Jack Fletcher – University of Huston • Dr. Matthew Burns – University of Minnesota • Dr. Craig Albers – University of Wisconsin

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