1. Fort Hood TRICAREBehavioral Health Referral Process
2. Referral Sources
3. Referral Sources
4. Referral Sources Military One Source (MOS)
Not the same as TRICARE
Claims sent to TRICARE will be denied
Not all MOS providers are credentialed with TRICARE (Value Options)
For non-medical counseling
Patients, including Active Duty soldiers, may self-refer for up to 6 visits
If seeing an MOS provider not associated with Value Options, patient may be directed to further care with VO
5. Referral Sources TRICARE (Value Options)
Not the same as Military One Source (MOS)
For medical/non-medical counseling
TRICARE behavioral health subcontractor to Humana Military Healthcare Services (HMHS)
6. Behavioral HealthcareNon-Active Duty Non-AD Patients may self-refer for up to 8 visits
Non-AD also include retirees and their dependents
After 8th visit, another authorization from PCM / MTF required
Call CRDAMC Referral Management Branch for authorization status
254-553-1836, 1837, or 1835
7. Behavioral HealthcareActive Duty Active Duty MAY NOT self-refer under TRICARE
Require PCM referral and MTF authorization
Claims for AD soldiers without a referral will be denied.
Need a separate authorization for each provider (psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, etc.) even if you share the same office
Up to 8 visits per authorization
After 8th visit, CRDAMC will need documentation of past care and anticipated treatment care plan
Send plan to CRDAMC RMB (fax 254-553-1819)
Another 8 visits may be authorized
After 16th visit, soldier must see PCM for another referral for continued care
General rule = 16 visits in 6 months per provider
8. Behavioral HealthcareActive Duty For continuity of care issues or if the soldier has requested a particular provider
RMB will attempt to place patient IAW patient desires
If provider named in authorization has a long waiting list
You can change authorization to another provider in the same office with earlier appointments
Call one of the nurses at the Referral Management Branch (RMB) to assist with the provider changed (553-1879 / 1878)
9. Behavioral HealthcareActive Duty If you believe a soldier would benefit from a medication evaluation, make arrangements with a network psychiatrist based on urgency or appointment availability
Fax a report to CRDAMC RMB (254-553-1819)
Soldier’s name and SSN
Name of Psychiatrist
Date of appointment
RMB will enter the referral for this action and process the authorization.
AD soldiers can always be seen in an EMERGENCY without a prior authorization.
10. Behavioral HealthcareFormer Soldiers Former soldiers = retired & separated
Retired (including medically retired) addressed in earlier slide
Newly separated = no longer on Active Duty
May be on Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP) (up to 180 days post separation date)
They do not need a PCM referral (even if they were seeing you previously)
Usually will be enrolled to a civilian PCM
If not enrolled in Prime, then TRICARE Standard deductibles and cost shares apply
May have no further medical benefits or entitlements after discharge
Don’t use any authorization numbers for your claims processing that were issued while patient was Active Duty – they will be rejected
You can call Referral Management Brach (RMB) to check patient’s current enrollment status or eligibility
11. Behavioral HealthcareLPCs, MHCs, PCs LPCs, MHCs, and PCs must have physician oversight
TRICARE requirement that cannot be waived
CRDAMC PCMs will not sign the Letter of Referral
CRDAMC PCMs will not provide oversight responsibilities
Must use a civilian provider for this
Value Options will assist you in finding a physician for this purpose
12. Behavioral Healthcare CRDAMC requested that the clinic phone number of the ordering provider be placed on the authorization
For providers wanting a telephone conference with the patient’s PCM
It’s still a work in progress
CRDAMC RMB tries to fax the initial referral to the authorized provider
Narrative on the provider’s authorization does not contain all of the clinical information
Call RMB if you do not receive a copy of the initial referral
Fort Hood Resilience and Restoration Center (R&R Center)
Located behind CRDAMC in building 36003
Soldiers can call for an appointment or to reach someone in the center
254-553-2284 or 254-553-2285.
15. Fort Hood TRICAREBehavioral Health Referral Process