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Allomyces Life Cycle

Allomyces Life Cycle. Zygomycota. Rhizopus Life Cycle. Zygotic. n/a. Spore N. Asexual Reproduction. meiosis. Zygosporangium 2N. Sporangium N. Hyphae/mycelium N. Gametangia N. fertilization. Peziza Life Cycle. Ascomycota. Zygotic. n/a. mitosis. meiosis. Ascus 2N. Ascospore N.

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Allomyces Life Cycle

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Allomyces Life Cycle

  2. Zygomycota Rhizopus Life Cycle Zygotic n/a Spore N Asexual Reproduction meiosis Zygosporangium 2N Sporangium N Hyphae/mycelium N Gametangia N fertilization

  3. Peziza Life Cycle Ascomycota Zygotic n/a mitosis meiosis Ascus 2N Ascospore N Ascus 2N Hyphae/ mycelium N

  4. Sordaria Life Cycle

  5. Coprinus Life Cycle Basidiomycota zygotic n/a Basidiospore N meiosis zygote 2N karyogamy/ fertilization basidium N+N hyphae/ mycelium N

  6. Lichen Structure apothecium soredia Upper cortex medulla Lower cortex algal cells

  7. Zoospores “n” Zygotic Isogamous 7 Germination 8 Mitosis 1 Zoospores ‘n” Life cycle ofChlamydomonas 9 2 Gametes “n” Spores “n” 3 Fertilization 6 Germination 4 Zygospore “2n” 5 Meiosis

  8. I will tell you that I can’t make heads or tails out of this figure.  I think the labels are correctdon’t bet the farm. Volvox Life Cyclezygotic meiosis; oogamous Gonidia ?? daughter colony Mitosis ??? Fertilization ??? Sperm packet Individual cell Meiosis & Germination ??? Thick walled zygote zygote

  9. zygotic isogamous 1 Gametophyte “n” 5 Life cycle ofSpirogyra Meiosis then Germination 2 Gamete “n” Zygospore “2n” 4 3 Fertilization

  10. Life Cycle of OedogoniumZygotic Meiosis; oogamous Egg N fertilization Sperm N Zoospore N Zoospores N Zygospore 2N meiosis germination

  11. Sporic Meiosis Iso or aniso-gamous 9 8 Gametophyte “n” Mitosis 1 Gametes “n” Life cycle of Ulva 2 7 Fertilization Mitosis Zygospore “2n” 3 6 Zoospore “n” Mitosis 4 5 Sporophyte “2n” Meiosis Spore Mother Cell

  12. 9-Egg “n” 8-Fertilization 5-Sperm “n” 13-Operculum “n” 10-Capsule “2n” 11-Seta “2n” 4-Antheridia “n” 12-Sporophyte “2n” 7- Archegonia “n” 14 -Gametophyte “n” 6-Gametophyte “n” 15-Spore Mother Cell “2n” 3-Young Gametophyte Or Bud “n” 16-Meiosis 1-Spore “n” 17- Sporangia “2n” 2-Protonema “n”

  13. Fern Life Cycle Spore “n” Gametophyte “n” Meiosis Anthredium ‘n’ Egg “n” Sporophyte ‘2n” Fertilization Sperm “n” Embryo

  14. Selaginella Life cycle Sporic Oogamous Meiosis Microspore “n” Microgametophyte “n” Microsporangia “2n” Sperm “n” Microsporophyll “2n” Megagametophyte “n” Megaspore “n” Fertilization Embyro “2n” S- Megasporangia “2n” Strobilus Sporophyte “2n”

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